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Our House [Archive 2]


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:( What a day, and my munchkin isn't even home from school yet. My mothers boss lost her 17 year battle with breast cancer on Saturday evening, and her funeral was this morning. She was a lovely lady, and you could definitely tell by the people at her service how much she will be missed. I have never seen so many people at a funeral before. Lannie was the director of transportation in our school system for 21 years, and everyone loved her. All the coaches and drivers and principals for the whole county were there. She is home now, and, like she told all of us, "Don't you dare wish me back." It was a beautiful service, and I am whooped. I know this forum is about crochet, and there are other threads for off topic stuff, but I feel at home in this one:) I hope it's okay. Please say a prayer for her family.
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Bean, it sounds like she will be missed...but she's free of pain and sorrow now. It's those who are left behind who have the hard part to deal with now. :hug:hug

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I have a full skein sitting here doing nothing...want it? I have your addy from the card CAL.

Judy that is so sweet of you. That would be great and I would appreciate it. :manyheart


:( What a day, and my munchkin isn't even home from school yet. My mothers boss lost her 17 year battle with breast cancer on Saturday evening, and her funeral was this morning. She was a lovely lady, and you could definitely tell by the people at her service how much she will be missed. I have never seen so many people at a funeral before. Lannie was the director of transportation in our school system for 21 years, and everyone loved her. All the coaches and drivers and principals for the whole county were there. She is home now, and, like she told all of us, "Don't you dare wish me back." It was a beautiful service, and I am whooped. I know this forum is about crochet, and there are other threads for off topic stuff, but I feel at home in this one:) I hope it's okay. Please say a prayer for her family.


Bean I'm so sorry about your mom's boss. I know what you mean about feeling at home. These gals are the only ones I told about my grandma. We are all here for each other for support in both crochet and regular life. It sounds like she was a wonderful person and will be really missed. I'll keep her family and friends in my thoughts and prayers :hug

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so sorry for the loss of such a good person in your and your mom's life . I lost a cousin to the same thing about 10 years ago. She was the same-- the best person I have ever met . REALLY a good person. Kind to everyone and laughing all the time .

Only the good die young, I believe .

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Bean, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. It is so hard to lose peoples who are special like that. We don't wish their pain to continue, but with miss all the things about them that make them so special. :hug And we are here for each other in more ways than just crochect, although that is what brought us together initially. :yes

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Afternoon gals :hug


BD's surgery was a success. He's up and about and chasing me around already :rolleyes The surgeon was amazed at how awake he was. Of course, this is the man that is harder than anything to knock out. It's rough when he gets insomnia. They gave him horse tranquilizers once and at least he got 3 hours sleep off those...I kid you not.


Bean - I'm so sorry about Lannie :hug And don't worry. If we had to stay on topic around here (like some boards do) we'd be sunk :lol You can come to us with anything :manyheart


Okay I now remember why I gave up driving. It's very tiring and I can't take my meds. I'm beat and I forgot apple juice. I will run to the little market in a bit :P

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Cara, give BD a gentle hug from all of us:hug...and here's one for you:hug. It's always harder watching the other half go through stuff...at least that's how I am.

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Glad BD came through the surgery okay, Cara. Take it easy, both of you for the next few days.:hug :hug

RR #10 is DONE!!!! The outside rows are what really make this one work! It's too dark now to take a picture, but will get one up tomorrow. This one is 14 inches wider than the usual, but then my SIL is a lot taller than the usual. :lol :lol :lol I'm glad that this one is done. Just have to hide the tails, which won't take long.:devil

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Linda - Grats on #10!! :jumpyay:dance Can't wait to see it!


Hmm, this is turning into the LYS eh? That's pretty cool :D One of us should've just grabbed Tab a skein on that Vanna she's waiting on...we're quicker :lol

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You're welcome, Donna:manyheart....It's so light I'll priority it tomorrow and you should get it in no less than 2 days - so Friday, I would think. You're not that far from me as the crow flies.

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Good evening, all. I've missed a lot, but have read through the posts...it's that "Life gets in the way" stuff lately. Thank goodness DH and I can deal with things together. :)


Cara, I'm glad BD is okay. I've been through (and have more to come) dental surgery so I have lots of sympathy. :yes


Bean, I'm so sorry for your loss. Lannie sounds like she was a very special lady. :hug


Linda, :yay Can't wait for pictures!


I am now officially in withdrawal...almost 3 days without my hook and yarn. :eek

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Oh, my... an intervention is needed again! Someone bring the hooks, someone bring the yarn - I"ll lug my patterns... we're all heading to Mary's!!!


We're gonna plop ourselfs right in the middle of your living room and drag you down onto the couch and you're gonna :hook with us or we'll keep away all your sugar and caffeine!


If anyone gets in the way, we are experienced in the art of Knit Magaa.. and ancient form of self-offense in which we poke tiny little holes into the offender until they succumb to our will (which is basically to have them back out of the room carefully and only reenter with sustenance and warm liquids at intervals). Those not fully instructed in the art will have a chance to practice on a dummy - that would be anyone entering the room that does not have a fiber addiction.


So, who's in?

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Glad BD is shaping right up again. He looks like he s made of good stuf and very strong and tough, so he'll be ok . Take good care of yourself and dont get yourself worn out .


And Krystal- I'm in, just so I dont have to be the TEST DUMMY you are requesting .

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Hi everyone


Tabby great photos. Love the lamp with the holder for your hooks. Your DH is so nice to find great containers to stash your yarn. Way to go with the bus ghan, your nearly there.


Cara your in the driving seat now and with a credit card I vote for yarn shopping. Go for it girl.


Angel sounds like you need some hugs.


Julie the great afghan book has a pattern for squares for a farm with a tractor and a barn.


Bean sorry to hear about your mum's boss.


Cara Im glad BD's surgery went ok.

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Krystal...let's start that caravan to Mary's! Poor girl must be so depressed - to not hook for 3 days!:eek:think:(



Tracy, that was a wonderful article. Thanks for sharing - I forwarded it to a couple of people, too.:)

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Morning Ladies,


Bean, I'm praying for you and your mom.

Cara, I am rested and I'm glad DH is doing well. Don't give up the driving...that's independence.

Lady, I'm taking my time with everything. I go through a box, crochet a square, take a nap, eat a bite and the cycle starts all over again. I do plan to be done by the time vacation is over. However, I refuse to rush.

Linda, hope your shoulder feels better and I can't wait to see your new RR.


Going back to be bed for a quick nap. Talk to you ladies later.

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Tracy- thanks for the article-- thats nice to see things like that about people who have messed up and ended up in places like that, but they find some way to give something positive back to the community .


I saw a show on awhile back about guys on Death Row. They tried a new training program out for some of them. They weeded out which ones they thought could do it, so not all were allowed to try , but they trained the guys on how to train dogs for handicapped people .They were each given a puppy to work with and train each day .


It was really something, to see these big rough-looking guys who had killed people, being so kind to their dogs. the same hands that killed someone were so gentle with these dogs.


At the end of the training, when the dog was due to be placed with their person, these full-grown men cried ,seeing their dogs leaving , but it showed me that EVERYONE has some good in them somewhere, even if you have to dig a little harder to find it in some people.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Julie - Rats! Your avatar reminds me that I ended up missing the Charlie Brown Christmas last night :grump I still love that cartoon :blush


Tracy - Wow! Great article! Thanks for sharing that :hug I might have to include a link to that in my newsletter...if I ever get the thing written :P


Mary - Oh no!! 3 days?!?!? I can drive again and have a big truck so I'll drive! Let's go girls :drive


Linda - Hope your shoulder's feeling better today :hug


Wendy - I have that book too. I forgot about it having the farm ghan in it. And I just looked through it day before yesterday. It's still even sitting here by my chair. But did I remember? No :lol


Tabby & Judy - Morning my friends :hug

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