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Our House [Archive 2]


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Julie - Yep, my step dad was like that. He kept wanting to climb up on their composition roof to lay new sealer himself but Momma told him to stay off the roof. Did I mention he was 70 at the time? Anyway, one day she headed off to work and halfway there realized she forgot something and had to go back home. She caught Daddy almost at the top of the ladder and made him come down. Of course, the minute she left he went right back up there and sealed the roof :lol


Just got back from an afternoon out with my DH :manyheart He had a dental appt so he took the whole afternoon off. He took me to Michaels and bought me tons of yarn :manyheart Oh happy day :c9

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Cara- your stepdad sounded like my dad-- many times I have gone down there in the past and caught him up on a ladder trimming their trees, or even up IN the tree. Good grief, and he's 76 .

My mom would be on the ground chewing him out for it ,then she'd make me yell at him for it, but he has selective hearing. Totally blocks us out when we tell him NOT to do something .

Of course I'm the same way, stubborn as an old mule.

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Hi ladies. The day is almost gone and no crocheting yet, but I'm about to change that!


Leslie, so sorry about your mom. I hope she feels better very soon. :hug


Cara ~ :yay More yarn! We want to hear all about what you got and new projects. :yes

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Good morning, everybody! I've been so busy I haven't had any time to work on this at all! Since I've decided I'm keeping it for me, that means it gets pushed to the side while I'm working on things for the holidays. Soooo not fair, if you ask me. I still check in, though, and plan to get started on it again really soon.


Julie, I think ALL men have selective hearing, and I think it gets worse as they get older! ;) My Dad is the same way... ugh... but you gotta love'em!

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Good morning, everyone. It's decidedly chilly today and very, very windy. Fall is well and truly here. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. Wow! Hope everyone has a good day! :manyheart

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It finally feels like Fall here, too! 39 this a.m., but sunny. I planned to be good and get lots done today, but DD just called and invited me to lunch. :manyheart I'm going to be a block from Michaels...and I know I don't need more yarn. :lol


Hi Angel ~ Hope you're doing well. :yes


Donna, it will be so much fun to see your Ladybug ghan grow! I feel lost already after no squares for 2 days. ;)

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Thanks for all the good thoughts and hugs. :hug Right back to you all. Mom is much better, she went to the dentist yesterday. She is going to have to have the roots removed. He is going to wait until the Tuesday after Thanksgiving to do it.


I am going to go down that week and stay home next week for Thanks giving. I've got so much to do to catch up with things.


Julie, Quakertown is 240 miles from Altoona, so it's about a 4-1/2 hour drive one way. The traffic is horrible heading down there. I know what you mean about getting them to slow down. Mom still moves very fast, she always has. Sis and I are trying to get her to slow down a little.


She wants to leap up and start moving right away. :no Everytime she does that she wobbles and loses her balance. If she'd just stand up and wait for a few seconds she'd be fine. :thair She lives on her own and refuses to move in with either Lynne or myself. If she'd just slow down we wouldn't worry so much. Oh well, I hope I'm that independent when I'm that age.


The only upside to all this is that while I'm down there I'm getting a lot of crocheting done. :yes Other than help Lynne with the cooking and housework there is nothing else to do there so I can get things finished.

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OK, I am in... My Mom is a school bus driver, and she would go gaga over that cuddle!!! I just bought the background blue color yesterday, so now I have to figure my gauge (which hook) and get started!!! I'm excited!

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Good morning ladies :flower


Bean - Welcome to the group :hug Good luck on your cuddle!


Mary - Yep, nice and chilly here as well. Of course, Oliver the Porch Cat is not one bit happy about that. :lol But he has a little house. He'll be fine.


Leslie - Glad to hear the dentist has mom on the path to recovery. Take it easy with all that traveling :hug


Angel - Well howdy hon :hug Yes, it can get overwhelming doing for everyone else sometimes can't it?


Linda - Morning hon :hug Yep almost time for the Pizza Hut delivery here. Big Daddy doesn't care for the traditional dinner. I love it and sometimes (probably this year, too) I make it just for me and eat it all week :lol He gets leftover pizza. We're not doing our family Thanksgiving this year because my niece is too close to her delivery date to travel. But we should have us a baby by Christmas :yay


Today is my day out :yay Almost don't have anything to look forward to. Just bills since I went yarn shopping yesterday :D Oh well, it's a chance out of the house and free lunch :D


Have a happy day y'all :manyheart

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This may be a record for quiet days at the Happy House. :think I hope everyone is okay. :)


I had a wonderful lunch with DD today, went to the store, and then spent 2 hours at my desk. Time to spend some time crocheting.:hook

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I've been out all day again. Didn't really find anything special today :no Oh well just saves the money for when I do :yes But sister did treat me to a yummy steak lunch :drool And I got to see her new house all done. It's lovely. It's an addition they built onto her MILs house because MIL is getting to where she needs someone around all the time. They wanted new digs so this worked out. It's kinda neat. It's like an apartment with house stuck on the other side of it :lol


Off to do the supper thing. Catch y'all after :hug

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Hi, again.

Kim & I had a quiet day today. Just hanging out and watching movies for the most part. I fixed her eggplant for supper and she ate every bit.

Looks like we are all staying home this weekend. That will be nice.

Welcome to the group, Bean! :welcome

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Cara ~ It sounds like you had a fun day out. It helps when it's not 85 degrees, doesn't it? :)


Linda, we love eggplant - I used to grow it when I had my garden. Do you have a favorite recipe?


DD's birthday is the 25th and I've been trying to figure out what to give her. I think it will be some of their china they still need and 2 or 3 scarves in different patterns/colors. Our 35th anniversary is the 18th...November is always busy for us.:yes

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Mary, it's funny. I grew eggplant one year (many years ago) and neither my husband nor my kids liked it no matter how I fixed it. Tonight I dipped it in beaten egg and then in instant potato flakes and fried it in a little olive oil until golden brown and tender. Then I topped it with tomato sauce and grated cheese. It was yummy. :lol :lol :lol

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