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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Awesome! my hubby got home with the mail and I had an awesome pack of 2 squares. I LOVE the lilac color. Thank you so much for the friendship squares. I am also posting photos of the squares I got a few weeks ago from KatyAllen. Thanks a bunch guys they are all gorgeous!~ :hug



Ok, so the lilac squares are from baseballmom & the pastel multi color & pink & white is from KatyAllen.:cheer:manyheart This afghan is going to be AWESOME!


:cheerGlad they made it! I've been on a roll sending squares lately and am glad to know that they are making it to their new homes!:hug

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Good morning everyone! The weather here is just beautiful, only

81 degrees. After the heat wave we suffered, this is wonderful.

I just walked to the post office, (2 blocks), and sent 5 squares on

their way to somewhere....


I do hope the weather is as nice for everyone else, have a great day!

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Found my camera!!! :cheer:clap:cheer So here is the picture of the squares I got.

I was also getting all my packages together to be sent out and my little help made sure that he knew what city each one was going to. My poor bag just can't seem to hold them all either lol

OH don't get too excited...that fat package on top is the mystery CAL beach bag that I am sending my mom :D






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I too am doing a craft show fundraiser in November, I am so clueless as to what will sell. Let me know what you come up with



Have a great day!!!

Are you sure that coffee is not giving you the headaches


:sun .:: Good Morning Kids ::.


so sorry for being so absent again. Hope all is well with everyone! I have a busy day of crocheting ahead of me! I have a few envelopes I need to mail out too! Right now I'm working on a baby blanket to use for the fundraiser for hubby! I'm testing Carlinda's corner to corner entrelac. In the midst of doing this ... I have gotten several ideas for more blankets! Love the pattern!


I've been super busy trying to get stuff made for the craft fair and fundraiser for hubby. I'm nervous and excited about both.... I know by no means am I going to make tons of money... but I sure hope its enough to bring a smile to hubby's face!


okay... I need more coffee.

love you guys! Thank you for everything you have done for me and my family!





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Found my camera!!! :cheer:clap:cheer So here is the picture of the squares I got.

I was also getting all my packages together to be sent out and my little help made sure that he knew what city each one was going to. My poor bag just can't seem to hold them all either lol

OH don't get too excited...that fat package on top is the mystery CAL beach bag that I am sending my mom :D





abby, you are one going out tomorrow! be checking that box! Also supermom, tcandlmom, Evelyn, and thepunkrockinchic will be going out in tomorrows mail!

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Found my camera!!! :cheer:clap:cheer So here is the picture of the squares I got.

I was also getting all my packages together to be sent out and my little help made sure that he knew what city each one was going to. My poor bag just can't seem to hold them all either lol

OH don't get too excited...that fat package on top is the mystery CAL beach bag that I am sending my mom :D








I have to exact same bag.

I'm so sorry I still haven't gotten your square in the mail. Life has been busy. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe I can even get another square done. But don't count on it. I hope variegated is ok. It's bright colors purple,blue,pinkish red,and yellow variegated.

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Yay! Aw, your son is so cute..


Found my camera!!! :cheer:clap:cheer So here is the picture of the squares I got.

I was also getting all my packages together to be sent out and my little help made sure that he knew what city each one was going to. My poor bag just can't seem to hold them all either lol

OH don't get too excited...that fat package on top is the mystery CAL beach bag that I am sending my mom :D






I forgot, I have a square going out today. <3

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I have to exact same bag.

I'm so sorry I still haven't gotten your square in the mail. Life has been busy. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe I can even get another square done. But don't count on it. I hope variegated is ok. It's bright colors purple,blue,pinkish red,and yellow variegated.


No need to rush. I will love it no matter when it comes! :manyheart

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Hi Everyone! I've been busy working on squares! My internet has been down the past couple of days. We have it for a few minutes, then it goes out again! :( Wouldn't be so bad, but our phone is also thru them! :irk They are supposed to come out tomorrow (was supposed to be today!) Anyway, I'm getting some more squares done since I'm not playing POGO games! :lol Now, just to get them to the PO! :blush


yes...yes it does.

You know what I just realized today? I have never made an actual granny square in my LIFE! I will have to go remedy that right away :hook

:eek Get to work then! :hook:lol


Good news today, I will have company for a couple days, bad news, I probably won't be getting to the p office till Wednesday at the soonest! Unless I have some spare minutes or two to run over there today! Busy cleaning a few things that usually are neglected in some way, you know like fridges and cupboards, lol so have a great day everyone, and I will post again, when I find the extra time to mail! My daughter is 26 today!

Happy Birthday Dear Jennie, Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!:yay:hug:cheer:clap:manyheart:jumpyay:woo:cake::



Oh sorry, got carried away, lol, but she has been known to read this forum from time to time, he he he!

Happy birthday to Dear Jennie! :birthday


I just made 2 squares and they ended up measuring 6 1/2" instead of 6!!!! grrrrrr aarrgghh!!

That's when I rip the last rnd out and do either a sc or hdc to get 6" or just keep going and make it an 8"! :lol


Awesome! my hubby got home with the mail and I had an awesome pack of 2 squares. I LOVE the lilac color. Thank you so much for the friendship squares. I am also posting photos of the squares I got a few weeks ago from KatyAllen. Thanks a bunch guys they are all gorgeous!~ :hug



Ok, so the lilac squares are from baseballmom & the pastel multi color & pink & white is from KatyAllen.:cheer:manyheart This afghan is going to be AWESOME!


Found my camera!!! :cheer:clap:cheer So here is the picture of the squares I got.

I was also getting all my packages together to be sent out and my little help made sure that he knew what city each one was going to. My poor bag just can't seem to hold them all either lol

OH don't get too excited...that fat package on top is the mystery CAL beach bag that I am sending my mom :D






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:waving Hey everyone! Soo sorry haven't been on in so long. What with my mother passing away and helping my step-dad with his chemo treatments and a whole lot of junk that dumped in my lap at the same time---let's just say been feeling a little overwhelmed!!:sigh I know it will get better though.


I tried to catch up on all the posts and :welcome to all the new ones. My it was a lot of you!!! and I sure loved seeing all the eye candy!!! Such pretty squares!


Please,please forgive me!!! I got a lot of pretty squares. A few for my comfortghan and some for my step-dad's comfortghan. Still needing a lot of squares for Arthur's ghan. I want to make it 5 feet wide x 9 feet long as I would like for him to be able to wrap up. Not sure how many squares that might be, because I haven't figured it out yet so will appreciate any I can get. But I'm going to try and post the pics of the ones I recieved. I sure did like and am so thankful for every square I recieve!!! It means so much to me because it always lets you know people care and are thinking about you.So here goes:!!!!


Thanks to grannyannie for Kalie's pink square and my yellow square. and thanks for the 2 squares for the comfort-ghan!! :)

The 2nd one on top and left one on 2nd row are from Karishema!!!:)

The white basketweave and the pic on very bottom are from teakaycie!!! :)

The variagated blue one for the comfortghan is from sopo!!! :)

And the 2 blue ones beside the variagated are from bgs!!!! :)

Special thanks to All!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug


I will try to be better about my posting, because this place is so special!! :manyheart








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Sorry I've missed being around. Still got the nasty bronchitis clinging on. :( Some beautiful squares.


Hershey, :hug and hope things settle down for you.


Hi to everyone. Hope you are all well. I've not even felt like crocheting much but hopefully I'm on the end of this.


katyallen, for some reason, I had you pictured much younger than having a 26 yr old dd. :lol Hope she had a great bday.


Sorry for all the news I've missed. Hope to be back in full swing soon.

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Just wanted to pop on to let y'all know I'm all right. We decided to put our house on the market to ease our financial burdens so now I am working my butt off to get it ready. I won't have time to crochet much for a while. I also want to say thank you for the few squares I have received the last couple of weeks. Sorry I dont' have pics; things are crazy here right now. They are much appreciated! It always makes my day to receive a square. I take a moment to hug it and look at all the pretty colors and stitches. Then it is back to work. I'll still try to stop in from time to time. TTYL!

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I start back to school on Tuesday. i will be staying with nana as she lives closer to the school. Don't have a laptop ans she doesn't have a computer so won't be able to get on much. So sorry I would love to continue. I hope everyone does well and stays well otherwise also.

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Sorry I've missed being around. Still got the nasty bronchitis clinging on. :( Some beautiful squares.


Hi to everyone. Hope you are all well. I've not even felt like crocheting much but hopefully I'm on the end of this.


Sorry for all the news I've missed. Hope to be back in full swing soon.

I hope you're feeling better soon! Sending healing thoughts your way! :hug


Just wanted to pop on to let y'all know I'm all right. We decided to put our house on the market to ease our financial burdens so now I am working my butt off to get it ready. I won't have time to crochet much for a while. I also want to say thank you for the few squares I have received the last couple of weeks. Sorry I dont' have pics; things are crazy here right now. They are much appreciated! It always makes my day to receive a square. I take a moment to hug it and look at all the pretty colors and stitches. Then it is back to work. I'll still try to stop in from time to time. TTYL!

It's good to hear from you! Hope things work out for you soon! :hug


I start back to school on Tuesday. i will be staying with nana as she lives closer to the school. Don't have a laptop ans she doesn't have a computer so won't be able to get on much. So sorry I would love to continue. I hope everyone does well and stays well otherwise also.

Good luck with school!!!


:waving Hey everyone! Soo sorry haven't been on in so long. What with my mother passing away and helping my step-dad with his chemo treatments and a whole lot of junk that dumped in my lap at the same time---let's just say been feeling a little overwhelmed!!:sigh I know it will get better though.


I tried to catch up on all the posts and :welcome to all the new ones. My it was a lot of you!!! and I sure loved seeing all the eye candy!!! Such pretty squares!


Please,please forgive me!!! I got a lot of pretty squares. A few for my comfortghan and some for my step-dad's comfortghan. Still needing a lot of squares for Arthur's ghan. I want to make it 5 feet wide x 9 feet long as I would like for him to be able to wrap up. Not sure how many squares that might be, because I haven't figured it out yet so will appreciate any I can get. But I'm going to try and post the pics of the ones I recieved. I sure did like and am so thankful for every square I recieve!!! It means so much to me because it always lets you know people care and are thinking about you.So here goes:!!!!


Thanks to grannyannie for Kalie's pink square and my yellow square. and thanks for the 2 squares for the comfort-ghan!! :)

The 2nd one on top and left one on 2nd row are from Karishema!!!:)

The white basketweave and the pic on very bottom are from teakaycie!!! :)

The variagated blue one for the comfortghan is from sopo!!! :)

And the 2 blue ones beside the variagated are from bgs!!!! :)

Special thanks to All!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug


I will try to be better about my posting, because this place is so special!! :manyheart

Glad the squares made it safe and sound! I hope things settle down for you soon! :hug

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:waving Hey everyone! Soo sorry haven't been on in so long. What with my mother passing away and helping my step-dad with his chemo treatments and a whole lot of junk that dumped in my lap at the same time---let's just say been feeling a little overwhelmed!!:sigh I know it will get better though.


I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I know when someone passes away it can be very stressful in every way. My great-grandma (granny) passed away in March. It was so chaotic around here for the longest. But it does get better I promise. Hope your step-dad does good with his chemo. :hug Loved all your squares. So pretty. Such talented people in here.

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Sorry I've missed being around. Still got the nasty bronchitis clinging on. :( Some beautiful squares.


Hershey, :hug and hope things settle down for you.


Hi to everyone. Hope you are all well. I've not even felt like crocheting much but hopefully I'm on the end of this.


katyallen, for some reason, I had you pictured much younger than having a 26 yr old dd. :lol Hope she had a great bday.


Sorry for all the news I've missed. Hope to be back in full swing soon.




So sorry about the bronchitis. Hope you feel better soon. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.

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Just wanted to pop on to let y'all know I'm all right. We decided to put our house on the market to ease our financial burdens so now I am working my butt off to get it ready. I won't have time to crochet much for a while. I also want to say thank you for the few squares I have received the last couple of weeks. Sorry I dont' have pics; things are crazy here right now. They are much appreciated! It always makes my day to receive a square. I take a moment to hug it and look at all the pretty colors and stitches. Then it is back to work. I'll still try to stop in from time to time. TTYL!


Hope everything works out good for you. Sorry you don't have much time for :crocheting I know how life can get in the way. Hope is will be well for you and yours.

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I hope you're feeling better soon! Sending healing thoughts your way! :hug



It's good to hear from you! Hope things work out for you soon! :hug



Good luck with school!!!



Glad the squares made it safe and sound! I hope things settle down for you soon! :hug



Thanks I hope it goes good as well. It will be my second semester. I'm going for Early Childhood Education. This semester will be the first of those classes. Summer was math and English. They were actually fun classes. Especially English great teacher and it turned out to be all women. I think there was less than 20 of us. Such a fun class hated to leave. Hope my other classes are as fun.

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning ¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

hope all is well with you ladies!!! I have another busy day ahead of me! First day of school tomorrow...... :( I sure am gonna miss my boys! And I need to take them out and finish the last of the shopping! I'll do that later this afternoon/evening.

Yesterday I took Patrick to get his Drivers Permit. Oh.... I cant believe how grown up he is. I let him drive home.



I only have one square ready for the the mail so far this week. I have been so busy getting stuff ready for the fundraiser for hubby that I havent been working on other things that I really need to!

I sure hope I get it all done!!!!!


need more coffee........ you all have a great day! bbl



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