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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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:lol here I am in az its only in the 40.s lol no shorts here dog even growled at for trying to get him off the blanket :lol
That's really cold where you are! When it's in the 20s in Michigan, people are wearing shorts...but not me. And poor, poor pooch :yes
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What a week so far.........We’ve had winds as high as 45-55 miles an hour… freezing rain.. snow… temps of -8 or less…….. so we’ve been literally stranded at home!

Hubby is still in the hospital and we haven’t been able to see him for going on 3 days now.

The sun is trying real hard to peek out this morning though... so here's to hoping for a warmer day.

Well... off to dig in the freezer for something to put in the crock for dinner! and get a refill on my coffee!!!


How are you??




Sorry, I know I'm hardly ever here and when I am I'm not very sociable. So sorry your hubby is back in the hospital and that is awful that you can't get out to go visit him. Hope you get that sunshine :sun

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This is more pictures of Abby the pup and Missy my cat.

Somday they might be friends, Missy tries to push Abby off the steps.

Aww, too cute! I love the 2nd one where Missy is looking at Abby saying "what are you looking at?" That's kinda funny and kinda not funny that Missy tries to push her off the steps..poor Abby. But yeah, looks like they'll become friends.
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Thank you, Sue/TurtleLvr, for the friendship square. Love those colors! :ty

oooooooooooooooooh... thats an awesome square!!!







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Sorry, I know I'm hardly ever here and when I am I'm not very sociable. So sorry your hubby is back in the hospital and that is awful that you can't get out to go visit him. Hope you get that sunshine :sun

Oh.... you're totally fine!!!! :hugs... seems like we all have our times of being MIA

:sun is trying hard to shine today.... but there is so much ice... its still not melting. The temp is still only like 5* right now too.






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Tam, I'm so sorry you haven't been able to see your DH - hopefully that changes ASAP for you!


How are y'all doing up north? I talked to my family last night to check on them - I couldn't believe my dad had to drive all the way home from Cleveland (to western MI) in the middle of the storm. Ugh. And the pictures I'm seeing from friends and family look crazy! Makes me thankful that we didn't get it too terribly here. Although I know mother nature will come back and bite us in July or August :lol

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Been out shoveling all day. Its hard to tell how much we got because of the drifting. We are in an area that they say got 12 to 24 inches. Some drifts are up to the windows. Besides being sore I think I have pinched a nerve as a couple of fingers in my left hand are acting really wierd now. The wind blew all the snow off the roof of the house but it wound up in front and the cars were buried. Some of the drifts were waist high. We shoveled out down to the road and moved what the road grader piled up in our drive. We are in a rural area and back off the road a bit so its not like shoveling a drive in the city. Those were the good old days. Tomorrow we need to shovel some more so we can get the SUV out of the unattached garage. No mail delivery for two days now. The snow piles along the road are so deep I am not sure they can get to the boxes.

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Hello everyone, its been quite a day! Kids out of school, husband got mandated at work, so I got to stay home.


@Tam I hope everything works old well for hubby. Its so sad that he doesn't get your company for 3 days, its ruff in the hospital.


@Loopy What a beautiful square from Sue...


@Melissa I am in Cleveland, Ohio and we had the same icy conditions until about 6 am this morning when the temperature rose to about 33 degrees and the ice starting to melt into huge amounts of slush. But I only watched it from the window lol I hope your ok after your fall.


Have a great evening ladies


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Oh my gosh it's cold out there. Just tried chipping my VW bug out from the ice bubble it was in!! I am hoping the roads get cleared today but doubt they will. I have squares made, just need to send out. That and my dad has to get to Springfield for a test at the drs. He's to have surgery Tuesday.


Hope you are all warm and doing well.

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Hello everyone, its been quite a day! Kids out of school, husband got mandated at work, so I got to stay home.


@Tam I hope everything works old well for hubby. Its so sad that he doesn't get your company for 3 days, its ruff in the hospital.


@Loopy What a beautiful square from Sue...


@Melissa I am in Cleveland, Ohio and we had the same icy conditions until about 6 am this morning when the temperature rose to about 33 degrees and the ice starting to melt into huge amounts of slush. But I only watched it from the window lol I hope your ok after your fall.


Have a great evening ladies



ew I hate slush about as much. lol I dunno why it grosses me out for some reason. But I'm fine my butt just hurt the other day for a lil while :rofl

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Stephanie, I have a bone to pick with you about the square you sent.




I'm totally kidding. It's beautiful!!!! I have no idea why you'd be worried about it not working...and for being new to squares, I have to say you did a fantastic job! I will try and get a pic of it tomorrow for all of you. :hug


Melissa B., it's all your fault that I tried the Sundrop! Just thought you should know that. :lol How long has that stuff been around? I've lived in all corners of the country and I've never seen it before.


Man, it felt so good to get out of the house today. I'd been housebound with the bad temps and snow (well, moreso the temps - I hate taking an 18-month-old out in that if I can avoid it). Is it bad that I *had* to stop by a LYS while I was out?

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blah back to rain here, surprise we are expecting almost 2 inches in the next day or so...HELP I'm molding!!! It gives me a good excuse to work on some new squares for people who like 'bright' colors!!! :)

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Darah, so glad you like it.


We are supposed to get another couple inches today. I have about 7 squares to go out if I can get to the post office.


Stay warm everyone.

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Thank you soooo much Sue I got your awesome package yesterday :hug. I am sorry I couldn't write a thank you yesterday but I had a lot of things going on. But it really brought a big smile to my face.

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Thank you soooo much Sue I got your awesome package yesterday :hug. I am sorry I couldn't write a thank you yesterday but I had a lot of things going on. But it really brought a big smile to my face.


Just what it was meant to do, make you smile! :hug



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Trying to figure out how I can get my VW bug through an inch of ice and 9" of snow to get to town. ugh. We have 2 more inches coming tomorrow and more Tues/Wed. have to go restock groceries, supplies and feed.


Supposed to get above freezing today so hoping that helps. I had squares to mail but won't make it to the po before they close. :(


I have done several squares and then worked on an elf hat for me. I have a rasta but it has bigger holes (loose dc) and is cold. I was wanting a warmer hat to feed animals in. I've frogged 2 or 3 times though. I found a cool elf hat that was sc, but not liking how it comes out either. I have hair that comes to my waist so I generally pull it up in a ponytail/bun on top of my head. I was trying to come up with something that I could leave my hair up, hat would cover it, still fit my head snug and be warm. oh well.


think i'll go back to doing squares. lol hope you guys are all staying warm. those of you not snowed in... go do something fun for the rest of us snowed under. lol

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What is everyone upto today?


Algebra homework, then a quiz. :(


DH is laid up with a bum foot and on crutches, so trying to get that done and keep him off his foot. Men never listen though... :lol



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