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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Happy Birthday Nicole ! :hug


Today is my moms Bday as well :)


I have an Importiant Weather Update for the St. Louis Area : Its colder than a Polar Bear's Behind outside with no obvious signs of warming up any time soon. Future Outlook : Snowy with a chance of frozen toes :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

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I have an Importiant Weather Update for the St. Louis Area : Its colder than a Polar Bear's Behind outside with no obvious signs of warming up any time soon. Future Outlook : Snowy with a chance of frozen toes :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol



It's about the same on the other side of the state in the KC area. It's been a tough adjustment since Fri was warm enough to wear shorts outside. Reminds me I should get out to the zoo to see if our new polar bear likes swimming laps in the cold as well as he does in the summer.



:bday Nicole B.

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well minnesota has 20 inches of snow and it's supposed to -15 tomorrow...glad i'm in texas


I always tell myself no matter how bad the weather seems here it is always worse somewhere else, like MN or Buffalo NY. Hope your mom is adjusting to it okay. TX sounds like a good place to be today.

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Happy birthday Nicole!!!!!


It's been COOOOLD here too. I keep trying to remind myself that it's not as bad as winters back home in MI, but it's not working. :lol


winter kinda sucks right now in MI, it is about 8 degrees and:2snow we got 7 inches of snow yesterday. its a snow day today for my boys, but I want one also its to cold out. :wbrr

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Heather....don't let a little rain get you down, we have close to 160 days of rain up here add another 100 days for no sunshine. LOL! Ya wonder why the crazies tend to hang out in the Northwest....


:lol Actually, rain is my favorite weather...I love to watch it come down, love to listen to the sound of it - I find it comforting.

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winter kinda sucks right now in MI, it is about 8 degrees and:2snow we got 7 inches of snow yesterday. its a snow day today for my boys, but I want one also its to cold out. :wbrr


Thank you Trish and Brenda for the squares for kbear! Thanks Brenda for the "extra" thing too! ;)




You're welcome. I am glad I could help.

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I got my swap package sent out today. Crossing fingers that Rene likes it! :)


:c9 Darah, I received my package today. I :manyheart everything. I will post a picture tomorrow, no more computer time tonight. Thank you so much for all the goodies you sent me :hug:yay


Sue, You can :kick me for being a bad swapper by keeping you waiting :ohdear


Can I get a current list (pdf version) please

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Sue, You can :kick me for being a bad swapper by keeping you waiting :ohdear


Can I get a current list (pdf version) please


Mean Square Mom hasn't come out yet, so you're safe...for now! :rofl


Going to send in a few!


will I have until later this week to make it? I am just swamped for the next few days.:(


Yes! Plenty of time. I probably won't get it finished until after the new year. She's here in FL now with her Mom anyhow and probably won't be home until then anyhow.



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Swap update:


I've gotten 6 of 9 DCs. 3 of which have been delivered. 2 of the other 3 have let me know their package will be late. Just waiting to hear from the last swapper.



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Sue, I'm working on Kbear's square and will get that out to you probably this week.


May I have an updated list. I see we have some additional people. Thank you.


Oh heck, you might as well send me a new list too while you're at it!

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so I have yet again misplaced my camera cord. so I will list my stuff untl I can find it.

I got the cutest penguin on a snow hill tp holder. he is already placed. A crocheted basket with beautiful barn red wool. 3 spools of crochet thread, 1 red 2 white. a snowman towel. candles, a variety bag of chocolate. peppermint bark, pecan, and eggnog flavored.

tea in a ginger spice flavor, and 2 skeins of red heart 1 red 1 green.

Sabrina I cant thank you enough for everything. :manyheart

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