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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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LeAnna, I cleaned this weekend, in the hopes that I could have a day to goof off today. However, i ended up running errands all morning. we are supposed to get a lot of snow tomorrow and Wednesday, so I thought it would be best to do them today. Plus I have to work Tues, Thurs and Fri.


I got a lot done so far and managed a little over an hour crocheting on the Tree of Life 'ghan. I posted pics of what I've done so far over on that CAL thread if you want to take a look.


Pat yourself on the back for all the errands you ran today...I'll be running errands tomorrow.

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Hi Athba, and Tabby.


LeAnna, I took a look at your afghan and it is beautiful. You've got a lot of work in that.



Thank you!!!!

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Hi Athba !

Long time no see . How are you ? And how is married life for you ? And you are finally almost done with school. I bet you will be glad to complete it . Plus a new baby on the way . You have a lot of exciting things in your life right now,so that is good .

We would love to include you in our group. It is good to see you back .

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thanks alot

yeah life is exciting and difficult trying to get the stress away by going back to crochet :yes

i finished my first square useing sage and the hdc stich

i really like the size

gonna try doing another before i go to bed :clap

it 2,30 am and im still up loooooooooool

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Wow, Athba

You'd better get some sleep if it's that late at night. I'd never be able to wake up in time for the morning, if you have school or things you need to do early .


I always go to bed early like an old lady. Maybe that's because I AM an old lady .

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nope its the spring holiday gonna go back to college maybe next week or the other not sure

thats why i joined this cal to pass time and something for the baby

i wanna go back to crochet :)

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Athba, you don't have to use a J hook...using the Caron brites and a smaller hook just means your blanket will be smaller if you stick to the same amount of squares.

I'm making mine bigger....

Lots bigger:devil

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Got another dc square done just after class, half way through a sc now but I likely wont finish it tonight, got an 8 am math class tomorrow so I'll need to head to bed before too long.


Okay so I lied, done with the sc square, ran out of yarn in the one skein just before I finished, so I grabbed another. No Dye Lot yarn doesn't work so well when one skein is older and decidedly dingier than the other. Suppose washing will take care of that but until then it's driving me nuts.

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Hi, Jules!

I have 26 made:hook


We're off for another early run to the food store. We

re expecting another 12-18 inches of snow overnight:P

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Weel I decide to make mine more of a baby size so its going to be 4x5 squares..so i will only need 5 of each color so i am only lacking 2 squares. I hope to finish the squares and sew them together today


I figured that shouldn't be that hard since classes are cancelled yet again..yawn.


Then I have to type up some papers and get caught up


Have a wonderful day ladies.

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I now have 8 of the 30 squares finished - I had no time this weekend to even touch a hook! :( I think I'm going to scale mine down to a toddler size. That way it'll count toward my 50 afghans I want to donate to the church this year.

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Hey gang

It sounds like a lot of us are close to finishing , or scaling down the size to get this done. I may do the same if my patience runs out and I get tired of making squares ...


Anyhow, keep up the good work . I hope to wrap mine up in the nxt day or 2 ... will post a photo then .


Judy- yep, I hear there's more snow on the way for us too. I am ready for spring ...

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Good morning ladies! I am up late but thats because I went to bed late...Midnight release of Bioshock 2 for the PS3 and fiancee bought it for me :lol Of course he will play it before I will cause I have other things to do. I get so frustrated though cause he has all these games for the PS3 and every game I get I get irritated at and stop playing or I don't even like it but I know I will love this one, now if only I can find the first Bioshock for PS3 I wil be thrilled but it is Sooooooo hard to come by.


I did go and get my yarn yesterday for the FG so now all I have to do is grab the other colors from my stash and I am ready to go...until friday I will keep working on the op art blanket, its easy and one of those things I can knit while watching tv and not even think about it until I hit a stitch marker. I have about 50 rows of 222 rows done on that blankie :lol

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Morning folks

How's it going in here ? I now have 20 squares done and joined. 10 to go,so I'm gonna have to pour it on to get done in time for Friday .

Just checking in to say howdy and see how you all are coming ?


:eek WOW I am feeling like a :snail only have two squares done but I have made a thread heart and 8" of other squares:lol

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Ahoy mates.................

Well...... I still be sittin' on 8 squars done. :sigh.

Just havent had the time to be doin' them while tryin' to get me Valentine Flannel'ghan done.

Captain.......... I be wantin' to know if we be plannin' to bring this ship in for some shore leave during the Games?

I will be takin' me-self to the Flannel'ghan Ranch for my time on shore ... then I be back here for sailing the seas to finish my squares!







aka: shipmate lookout

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Good morning, maties.


I had planned to make more squares last evening, but was so dead tired when I got home from work. Will try again tonight. So far my square total stands at 17. Had hoped to get this afghan done before the Crochet Games began, but it's not looking very promising right now. But I am determined to finish it - and not let it become a WIP.


Well, back to work. UGH.

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I would love to join you ladies on the FG! however I am having a hard time chewing what I have bitten of so far! ugh I'm not giving up!


Oh yeah not to mention the 225blocks of 5shades of green dreadful blanket is almost completed until i notice I was short one skien of a color.....and well living in the middle of no where doesnt help.. the nearest joanns, micheals, or hobby lobby is and hour and a half away! My hubby is probably taking me to Little Rock on Thursday tho for a day out .... my valentines day gift just a little early cause he works.


Anyways even with school out so much I have managed to get a little behind on the work since one class is an independent study course...in other words i will be scarce for the week if by pure luck someone might need me just pm me i get instant notification on my phone.. (my iphone.. the present my husband gave me for "having a boy" lol)


Till then ladies have fun :happy :hook

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