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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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:woo I have all of the sc squares done!!!!! I don't plan on doing more, either. They are SO ssslowww! Now onto other squares. I should have plenty of time with all of this snow we're getting.:flake


I agree, those sc squares seem to take forever. Surprisingly (to me at least) they look quite nice.

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still haven't made another square other then the sc. :lol tried a thread heart last night but got carried away listening to my hubby playing music on the computer and goofed two of them up ahahahhaaSo hopefully tonight there will be a movie on tv and I can crochet to that :lol

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Julie and Judy, hope you are staying warm with all that snow. Julie, hope you have a fun day with Cam. My grandsons are coming to visit today too.


Hooray -- all 8 single crochet squares are done, and 4 of the hdc squares are finished too. This is turning out to be a very fun afghan. My only problem will be when it comes time to put the squares together. I don't care for putting squares together, but I'll do my best.


I don't like putting squares together either. That why I did one of each square and then sewed them together. I have two strips finished and am almost ready to sew together a third. Its probably more efficient to make all of each pattern at once, but this way the sewing together doesn't seem as tedious.

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I'm pretty sure its just a bruise. Just in case it is sprained, I've been icing it off and on since it happened, and it doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

The swelling is a bit better, and I think the pain is less too. I did manage to crochet 2 1/2 squares tonight, and one of them was a SC one.


:hug's to you and your DH. Hand injury and colds, yuck!

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Julie, I have three grandsons: ages 5, 3 and almost two. My dd is currently pregnant with number 4. She is going to be a busy mom. (I am hoping for a granddaughter this time, I'm getting little tired of guns, shooting, climbing trees, trucks, trains and so forth. I want to play dolls and have tea parties once in a while.)

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Good morning ,all my mateys !


I'll tell you what,there is snow up to my barnacles here today and it's not done yet .

Winter can quit anytime now .


Anyhow, I see it got busy in here last night after I last checked in ! I was chugging out squares trying to complete this before our big FG games of next week start .


Jenni-your afghan is very pretty ! Love the colors .


And congrats to all who have gotten more progress made .


LeAnna, of course you can join ! We'd love to include you. Do you have colors in mind yet ?


I ended up using different odds & ends, so it's kinda hodge-podge, but it is turning out ok .


Anyhow, you all have a good day. i'll stop in as I can. My grandson will be here this weekend, so I won't have quite as much time to jump in, but I will as often as possible .


Stay warm and dry today !


Good Morning, ladies:hug


Jules...enjoy having Cam over...you're a lucky grandma.:manyheart



That's good news! I hope DH is better today, too:hug


LeAnne...it's great to see you again! Welcome to our motley crew:hug




They are slow....my fav pattern is the dc, sc...I use that one for dishcloths, too.

We hav :flake:snow:flake:snowand more snow. And it's blowing sideways:P


Hi, LeAnna!


Jenni, congrats on finishing. :clap


:hi LeAnna.


Hi everyone! I don't have any colors in mind yet...might try to use up some stash...at the moment I'm working on the Tree of Life afghan that will go up in my "Tree House" aka new sewing, crochet, knitting and all around craft room. Wanna see pics of the room? About 3 weeks ago Harry and I were shopping, painting and doing as much as we could on the room before he took off back to Virginia (where he's been for a year this month...) Why is it called the "Tree House?" Because it's more than a craft room...it's almost like a girls' only club house...a little retreat for me and a buddy or two to hang out (once I get all the unpacking done...)


Harry comes home permanently in 10 weeks...can't wait.


Good to see you all here.

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Julie, I have three grandsons: ages 5, 3 and almost two. My dd is currently pregnant with number 4. She is going to be a busy mom. (I am hoping for a granddaughter this time, I'm getting little tired of guns, shooting, climbing trees, trucks, trains and so forth. I want to play dolls and have tea parties once in a while.)


A girl doesn't guarantee dolls and tea parties, I climbed trees, shot toy guns, staged war scenes with my dad's WWI collection, and did all the things the boys did. Of course I was also the first girl to be born into the family in over 100 years...


In other news the sc square hasn't had any mysteriously vanishing stitches yet.

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Julie, I have three grandsons: ages 5, 3 and almost two. My dd is currently pregnant with number 4. She is going to be a busy mom. (I am hoping for a granddaughter this time, I'm getting little tired of guns, shooting, climbing trees, trucks, trains and so forth. I want to play dolls and have tea parties once in a while.)


I feel your pain! My parents had two girls (I was supposed to be a boy according to the Ultrasound) and I grew up to be a tom boy, I hated doing girly things until I got out of high school and then I realized its great being a girl :lol. So when I got pregnant with my oldest son I was excited cause I really wanted a boy, for myself but also cause my parents never got their boy. Then when I had my youngest I wanted a girl so bad but I was happy he was a boy cause then the two of them would be the best of friends (18 months apart). Now my Fiancee has a boy also and he is a sweet heart but he loves his video games and the boy stuff....now I am pregnant and I NEED a girl just to keep me sane :lol I will be happy with whatever I get but I feel very outnumbered :yes

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Hi NiYa!


Don;t get me wrong, I wouldn't trade my grandsons for anything, but it would be nice to have a little less rough and tumble sometimes! Of course, I realize that having a grand daughter wouldn't guarantee girly stuff, but I can hope!


I have done all the cleaning and laundry I had planned for today. I also have dinner mostly made, just need to make a salad and cook the spaghetti.

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Wow, it sounds like your house comes to life when all your grandsons get there. They are at a fun age . So when is the new baby due, and will she find out ahead,or just wait for a surprise ?


LeAnna- of course,we want to see photos of your Tree House !


Niya-- long time, no see ! Great to catch up with you again. Keep in touch,and drop in anytime !What are you working on now ?

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Debbie-putting the squares together isn't too bad. They are fairly big, so go kinda quickly.


Thanks for the encouragement, Julie. You are correct that since they're bigger squares, perhaps it will go quicker. You're awesome to encourage me that way!!! Thanks, Captain.

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Thanks Debbie

I used to hate putting squares together too, but they really aren't that bad once you do them a lot, and the bigger they are ,the easier they seem to me,anyhow .


TAB ---


Hurry and pull yourself together . We miss you a lot !!!

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Wow, it sounds like your house comes to life when all your grandsons get there. They are at a fun age . So when is the new baby due, and will she find out ahead,or just wait for a surprise ?


LeAnna- of course,we want to see photos of your Tree House !


Niya-- long time, no see ! Great to catch up with you again. Keep in touch,and drop in anytime !What are you working on now ?





The first pic is of a pirate ship for Serenghetti (if you look carefully, the skull and cross bones have kitty ears) and the rest are off the Tree House...hope you like. The pics were taken a couple of weeks ago and more have been done since (as far as putting away stuff...) but I still need to get wall shelving for the long wall that has nothing on it...and put together my new sewing table...



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Thanks Sherri. :manyheart


And Julie, i'm trying......everyday is a bit better. :cheer I had a bad medicine reaction that knocked me for a loop, it's slowly working it's way out. SLOWLY. :tired



How are all of you doing with the storm? Anyone snowed in? I hope all of you are staying warm and safe. :manyheart

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