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Happy New Year and your resolutions are

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I didn't see a thread on this, so I am startin it. First I wish you all a Happy new year my friends :hug. My new year resulations are:


1. Learn to gage better and all the time


2. Learn broomstick stitch, tusan stitch, and how to make a cable stitch.


3. Crochet 200 hats for local children hospital and angel tree for next year.


4. Crochet 20 premiee blankets for a local group at hospital.


5. Go to the first year C'ville retreat.


6. Get a famous Jimbo hook.


What is your new year resulations?

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Mine are:


1. To finish what I have already started! I have a round ripple blanket that I started 2 years ago that really needs to get finished! :lol


2. Use up my stash and under no circumstances buy more yarn! :devil


3. Finish my knitted scarf so I can put that away and never use 2 needles again! (what was I thinking?) :lol


4. To find more time for crochet, I hardly did any this year. :grumpy


5. To sell off some of my patterns. I have way to many and they are overtaking my bookshelf and organize the ones that I want to keep.


6. To declutter my life in general...I have way to much "stuff" that I don't need.


7. And of course the always popular...lose weight! :P

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My 2010 resolutions as far as crocheting:

Do a felting project- I have 10 skeins of Paton's wool just screaming to be felted.

Do a round ripple (again, this time with the right amt of points.LOL)

Try really hard to resist yarn sales and use up my stash

Finish my WIP's- Dh's flannelghan and a FBB for myself

Start crocheting for Christmas NOW

50 hats for the hat/mitten tree at work in December


Happy 2010!

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My main resolution is to crochet as many things as I can, be they shawls, afghans, baby things, toys, whatever, for the Christmas Market Days fair that our town has every year on the third Saturday in December.


We do a regular Market Days on the town square every month on the third Saturday of the month, but the December one is really special, with a LOT of vendors and people out buying Christmas gifts. I figure if I can get a bunch of stuff made even by September, I can start doing the regular Market Days with the September one and keep replenishing what I sell so that I still have a large amount of stuff for the Novemberm and December ones where people are REALLY out Christmas shopping.


I also want to learn how to do both front post AND back post crochet. I know how to do ONE of them now, but I am not sure which one it is, I just know how it turns out when I do it. So I have promised myself that I will learn how to do BOTH, and will learn the difference between the two! :lol


I want to make something and felt it. I swore a couple of years ago that I would never felt anything, at least not intentionally (this after I accidentally felted eight balls of wool trying to wash them to clean them after Miss Elizabeth, one of my kitties, found them, dragged them into the litterbox, and buried them. I ended up with eight pink tennis balls, for all intents and purposes. This time I would like to felt something ON PURPOSE. Probably a tote. But NOT an entire skein of wool that hasn't been turned into anything yet. Are you listening, Elizabeth? :lol


And lastly, at least until I decide that I need to resolve to do something else, I need to spend less time online during my free time and more time with a hook in my hand. I tend to "just one more thread and I'm going to crochet" myself out of too much crochet time. No more. I'm going to make every effort to crochet a lot more, and play Pogo a lot less.


Oh yea, there IS one more thing - I WILL finish DH's sweater this year! I WILL. Finish it. Yup. I will. I hope.

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Happy New Year to all Crochetville family.


I WILL finish what I started last year.

Need to make 2 baby layettes for boys. One baby is already here.

Crochet more gifts for next Christmas.

Get more organized at work.

Finish unpacking boxes so I can organize my house. Moved end of August. lol

Crochet for hats, scarves and mittens for charity.

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my resolutions are

get back to walking everyday

finish what I start before starting something new I have so many unfinished projects its sad

learn to do cables in knit and crochet (still can't get it)

be more patient with everything

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My crochet resolutions are:


1. Open my Etsy store in January - I'm already researching & just need to get it finished up & ready to open.


2. Crochet afghans for my 4 nephews who didn't get them this year for Christmas.


3. Crochet gifts for Christmas to keep expenses down. I did it in 2009 & it worked really well & everyone loved their gifts!


4. Organize my crochet items, including separating by type of yarn, color, etc. I'm really disorganized, so I'm surprised I get anything finished. This goes hand-in-hand with #1.


That's enough to keep me busy for now :)

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:yay:yay Happy New Year :yay:yay


My plan for this year is to actually finish up the things I started for me and hubby last year! (or the year before :blush)


to only buy yarn & thread for a specific purpose if I don't already have something suitable in my stash.

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Happy New Year!!!!



My resolutions

1. Finish the socks I started april on last year when I took a class to learn how to knit socks!

2. Start spending more time crocheting

3. Learn how to knit in the round with circular needles! I can use double pointed needles, and I know it is the same concept, but for some reason I am afraid of the circulars.

4. Lose some weight, I am over weight and I need to do something about, I don't want to have a heart attack, or stroke.

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Try to create 25 original patterns by the end of the year, including finishing those I started last year and never completed.

Drink 32 oz of water daily (it's how much my water bottles hold, so basically, drink a bottle of water every day)

Put as much money into savings as possible.


Happy 2010, all!

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1. :crocheting as much as possible.

2. Use my stash only and post on the Stash Busting CAL more often.

3. Create at least 3 new designs for contests.

4. Get all my notes for my designs typed up and printed into a booklet.

5. Get my printer working or get a new "used" one.

6. Lose weight.

7. Save money.

Ellie 13

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