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End-of-the-year-Clean-out-your-stash-Scrap Granny Square Afghan-CAL...Phew!


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Hi Everyone!

It's getting close to the end of the year and I have a lot of unused scraps in my stash, and I was just thinking: "How about I take some of my scraps and make them into a Granny Afghan?" and then I got to thinking: "How about I start a CAL?" So here I am asking you if you would like to join me in...

:yayThe-End-Of-The-Year-Clean-Out-Your-Stash-Scrap Granny Square Afghan-CAL!:yay

So do you have a lot of scraps?

Would you like to make something useful out of them?

Would you like to do a CAL?

I hope you do!


Here's the pattern I'm using:

(I am doing 10 rows instead of 5)

You don't have to use the same one...just make sure that it's a granny.

You can make it as little or as big as you want!

(I know a lot of you have "Holiday" projects...(I know I do!)...so let me know if that's a problem.)



So would you like to join?

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Hi, Baylee-


I loved the name of this CAL so much, that I had to drop in!;):devil


I do have a lot of holiday projects that I need to be getting to, but with ample projects, comes ample scraps!:lol


this sounds like a lot of fun. After this weekend, I hope to have some scraps to start with, and then count me in! After all, what's better than a good ole granny?!:c9

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It's tempting but I don't know if I have the stamina to work through all those scraps. I do love the traditional Crazy quilt style Granny ghan.


Let me see how things work out and I'll see if I can do this. Most of my bits of yarn get turned into doll clothes :sigh but I have been wanting a granny for a bit as well. Sheesh darski - make a decision already :rofl

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This is tempting because I've been wanting to make a granny square blanket that ends up being like a sudoku puzzle, but using 9 different colors instead of numbers - got the idea from a project I saw on Ravelry.


The problem is I have so many projects going right now I shouldn't be starting a new one, but who am I kidding - I'm GOING to start something new sooner or later so I could just work on squares for this now and then when I don't feel like working on one of my other ongoing 'ghans.


It would certainly be a good way to use up scraps because I would need lots of different colors anyway.

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lol... sounds fun, but i have 2 scrappies in the works now. one a 2sub for me and 1 a thermal for my mom.


good luck tho.




oops... i forgot the granny daughter 1, and the intentionally scrappy 1's where i bought skeins to use to make 3 or 4 ghans, and the 1 i need to put tog. of granny sqs for the nursing home...i think thats all the scrappies i forgot before...i think?:(

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Great idea! Although I already have a scrapghan going to use up my extras. O wait make that two. One three sub for DS and a grannies daughter for me or DD. Although I was thinking of doing something like this with my scraps of baby yarn.

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Just thought I'd drop in and say that I will be lurking here- what a great idea! I just recently compiled my scraps to make a Kaliedoscope ghan so this CAL won't work for me, but I will be cheering you all on! This will be my seventh scrappie, and they always wind up having such a character of their own- I can't wait to see what you all come up with. :)

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I will be checking my WIP's, WIM's and scraps over the weekend, so I'll be around. No time like the present, I say! :wink ...:scrachin I think I even have a bag of long lost grannys to give me a head start!


:ty for starting this CAL... I hadn't thought of grannys for a long time. It'll be good to "get back to my roots", so to speak!

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ohh.. i think I might give this a go. Although it won't be out of scraps, coz I think you need to have done a few projects to actually HAVE scraps!! LOL! I'm a new knitter and crocheter, and have only just finished my first knitted project, don't really have a scrap pile yet. I do have a lot of wool sitting here begging to be used tho.. lol! And I've tried granny squares before.. so this would be a nice easy project for my first serious crochet project. Woot.. this is gonna be fun!!

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Just off hand, the continuous join is a great method of getting your squares together if you are making one colour as your last row. With the traditional granny ghan, black was the final round.


I hope this link will work



if it doesn't work... go to you tube and search continuous join.


I made a playlist but it seems to be a challenge to share it with others. :(

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:yayThe-End-Of-The-Year-Clean-Out-Your-Stash-Scrap Granny Square Afghan-CAL!





I "Love" the Title!!!! :laughroll May I join with the granny's daughters I'm working on? My goal is to make an afghan that's large enough to lay across my bed.

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Just off hand, the continuous join is a great method of getting your squares together if you are making one colour as your last row. With the traditional granny ghan, black was the final round.


I hope this link will work



if it doesn't work... go to you tube and search continuous join.


I made a playlist but it seems to be a challenge to share it with others. :(


Thanks so much for posting this! This will work perfectly for my project and I've never seen it before. It will be so worth frogging the 5th round of the 4 squares I've made so far to do it this way instead (anything so save me some sewing later!) Thanks again!!!

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Just off hand, the continuous join is a great method of getting your squares together if you are making one colour as your last row. With the traditional granny ghan, black was the final round.


I hope this link will work



if it doesn't work... go to you tube and search continuous join.


I made a playlist but it seems to be a challenge to share it with others. :(


Hi ladies. I've been lurking here and wanted to thank Darski for posting this link. (or maybe not:lol. It led me to all sort of other crochet videos, and I've been watching one after another for at least 30 minutes) Anyhow, all the sewing is what has kept me from making an afghan out of granny squares before this. I'm not sure that I will be making a granny square afghan at this time, but I will definitely be checking in to admire everyone's progress.

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