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The Ten Commandments of Fun Fur

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8. Thou shalt count to 20 before throwing the Fun Fur across the room because the cat is anticipating this.


BTDT... Too true...

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Don't you like your Sister??????


Good idea. I like the look of the stuff. I know...maybe I'll make my sister put it on something for me. She crochets.


Only problem is, I think she has the same problem I do! Or was it that she hasn't even tried it yet? (Do we blame her?) :)

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Donna, I feel your pain! I made a scarf for my niece for Christmas out of FF (I love the FFF, BTW!), and even though I still have 2 complete skeins in the same colors left, I refuse to make something out of them and the leftovers. I figure I'll do an RAOK someday and send them away to some poor unsuspecting soul (although that might be grounds for getting dismissed from RAOK?? :P ). Looks great, but what a mess! Wish I'd thought of the alcohol part, a little Kahlua and cream would've gone down nicely....



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  • 5 months later...

Okay, now that I'm done :rofl:rofl:rofl, I thought I'd pass along a tip I recently read on a :eek knitting board (shhh!). This tip was for mohair specifically, though - who knows? - it might even work for the fun fur. Wouldn't hurt to try it anyway. The tip was to put it in the freezer for awhile before attempting to frog it. It supposedly relaxes the little hairy fibers so they let go more easily.


I haven't tried this myself yet, but then again, I haven't had any problems with frogging either item so far (knock wood). Of course, it could have something to do with the fact that I started out knowing to use a larger hook, and I tend to crochet loose to begin with. Or maybe I'm charmed? Won't tempt fate!


Hope this tip is helpful to somebody's sanity! But let me add my agreement on the necessity of gentle coaxing when frogging any type of hairy fiber, you'll get much farther more quickly going that route rather than trying to RIP it through! My technique was perfected on the moonlight mohair scarf I made for my mom's Christmas present - I had to undo ROWS of it, SEVERAL times! :eek:blush:whew

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I tired crocheting a Fun Fur scarf ONCE and only ONCE... ended up as one of those armrest things... LOL I DID manage to do a Fun Fur edging... that worked out good. The best way I have found to work fun fur is to use the Knifty Knitter! That actually makes fun fur FUN!



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It supposedly relaxes the little hairy fibers so they let go more easily.


hahahahah!!! Kahlua and coffee relaxes me so I don't care what the little hairy fibers are doing!!! :lol:lol:lol


and Beth? I know EXACTLY what FFF is!! PMSL :rofl

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So I take it you can't frog it?:devil


Oh, yes you can! Just not always very easily sometimes (and, from some of the stories here, not for everybody). The most important thing you need to have in large supply when attempting it is patience.


That, and lots of "lubricant" (of the alcoholic variety)! Or so they say... :devil:rofl

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hahahahah!!! Kahlua and coffee relaxes me so I don't care what the little hairy fibers are doing!!! :lol:lol:lol


Well, there ya go then - just take that drink on in to the freezer with you and those hairy fibers - alcohol stays nice and liquidy even at temps well below zero ya know! :D You'll ALL be nice and relaxed!


and Beth? I know EXACTLY what FFF is!! PMSL :rofl


Okay! I know FFF, but what is PMSL? Is this a new one to add to the list on that other thread? :think

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the only way i can work with fun fur is to pair it with a caron simply soft so that i can see where the stitches are. and that help a little bit with frogging, too. but it does end up bulkier than just the fun fur alone.

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