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Completely wasted crochet day

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I will start by saying I love to crochet and try to squeeze in work on at least one project every day. But today has been the "fumble fingers express" for me. First off I only had one row to finish on a round doily which required picots in every space. My thread ball got away from me and rolled across my fuzzy coverup leaving bits of "furball" residue all over it. I had to Clean the Thread as I tried to crochet the four-chain picots which proceeded to gobbled up into ugly lopsided fuzzy knots...yuck!!!!


I set aside that project and picked up the filet crochet edging I am crocheting to put on pillow cases for Christmas Gifts. I had graphed out the pattern, which I had found in an old booklet, making it easier for me to see. Then my ability to "count" squares totally deserted me and I frogged more than one repeat of the pattern over and over ultimately pitching the whole thing back in my basket. My brain simply dissolved into oatmeal and with it any aptitude for simple math. Usually crocheting is relaxing but today it has proven to be a major frustration.


Finally I decided to work on a yarn project that only requires crocheting in the back loops of single crochets back and forth for a multitude of rows. Surely that would be impossible to muck up, right? GODFREY.......I worked on the project and finished at least 8 or 9 rows before I noticed I had turned the piece around and was crocheting it backwards.......


I pitched that project on top of the others in a pile in my basket and have hidden the basket behind my chair......that will show them who's boss!!!!!!


SIGH.......... maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

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yup I have one of those days myself that's why the cardi is till not done and for that matter neither is the beret just got to be too much I'll get back to it eventually :lol

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Ah yes, I 've had days like that too.:thair:yell I thought it was just me, but I guess we do all have days like that where nothing seems to go right.:( Days where I think, "How can I be so frustrated with something I love doing?":think Then I'll toss it aside, until later, when the determination kicks in. Then it's like " Oh no, I know I can do this and I'm going to get it done!

Hang in there. Tomorrow will be a better day. Here is a hug for you. Hope that helps a little. :hug

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I had the same kind of day:shrug Restarted a simple little ear flap hat at least 4 times. It's a simple increase of one stitch each round, but my marker fell out (I was in the car) and it's impossible for me to tell where a round starts without a marker. So frogged it and started over. And over. And over. And to think I have done this hat several times already. Then last night, tried making the swirl hat posted by another villager in the last day or so. Made the base, but I'm not getting the stitching together correct. Luckily, didn't frog the whole thing. While watch the video and try again tonight. Hopefully the front has moved out. :D

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Oh, how I can relate, Papersmiles! I've had similar days when perseverance doesn't even pay. While I too tend to blame it on the skein, the miscounts, and what'knots', it's more likely just a sl st of the brain when it would serve us well to just lay that hook down for a spell. Here's to your next session with crochet -May your hook fly with ease, your yarn not so much as tease, and your rows lay right without a flaw in sight. :hook

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I had one of those days recently. The pattern I was using was wrong and I was way in to it before I realized it was messed up. I was really upset. You pay good money for a pattern and the person who wrote it doesn't even proof read it. (That is REALLY being professional.)


I spent an entire Sunday evening on it and now I have to find another project. I won't use that pattern it made me so mad! I bought high end baby yarn to make this with and just ruined my yarn. I threw the whole thing in the trash.


I had a good old fashioned Hissy fit. That felt better!



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Your crochet day on Tuesday will be wonderful simply because all the mishaps happened today- Monday!

Happy stitches tomorrow and the rest of the week. :hook

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The best advice I ever got was from my older sister.


"When things just won't come together, have a good cry and walk away. When you come back to it later it will fall into place."


I can't count the number of times I've used her advice.

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Nice to know others have had "blue Mondays" as well. Today has gone much better. I finally got back to the filet crochet and have the first repeat of the pattern done and starting on the second. Picked up a copy of "Interweave" and spent some lovely down time looking over patterns and enjoying the skill of others. The day has turned cold and dreary with lots of wind. Seems winter is marching ever closer but I have lots of crochet projects in the wings to keep me warm and busy. Thanks everyone for helping me get over my crummy crochet day.

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