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Me being daring!

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After reading so many posts here about getting yarn bargains on Craigslist or at yard sales, I decided to insert a "wanted" ad in our local equivalent of Craigslist, looking for yarn. I'm a bit strapped for cash at the minute and would like to do so much for some of our charities here on the Ville and our local women's refuge and children's clinic --- so I thought it'd be worth a try to see if anyone in our town has a few skeins of yarn left over that they want to donate to a good cause. This is the first time I've ever done anything like this (I'm strangely timid when it comes to asking for stuff) but I figure that it's worth a try. Two friends recently gave me bags of odds'n'bods left over from failed attempts at scarf and sock knitting - maybe there are others out there who're dying to clear out their yarn closets :lol


Keep your fingers crossed for me :yes and I'll keep you posted if I get any responses

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Good luck with your post! One word of warning though - be careful what you wish for. I recently did the same, and 7 months later my wish was granted. Unfortunately, the yarn I received ultimately cost me hundreds (it was very old and there were flea eggs). If you have pets, please be sure to put the yarn in ziplock bags and watch it for a few weeks to make sure you dont end up with a house full of fleas like I did. :( My pets were NOT happy!


On a positive note, if you let people know what your doing and why, they are generally very appreciative and giving. My yarn was received because I asked for it. I am sure you will get good results too :)

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Thanks for the finger-crossings ... and the words of warning! I've asked anyone who cares to give me yarn to let me know if the yarn comes from a smoker household or one with pets. DH has suggested we wash everything anyway in a wool cycle with some fabric disinfectant - probably not a bad idea :yes

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i have a coworker whos mother is a garage sale queen. she has brought me several great batches of yarn, she doesnt pay alot for it and most of the time she will not let me repay her. i am making her a gift to show how thankful i am. i hope the yarn fairy visits you soon also

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Try live journal and seach for the Yarncycle group.. You can post add looking for yarn as i did for mY DD to make her hats for her tricatillamaina.. I got 3 boxes of yarn from 3 diffrent people and someone else is supose to send us some as well.

I am strapped for cash as well and Most weeks Yarn is just NOT feeasble to buy. and when my Dd started signs of The Trica.. I had no way to buy yarn to make hats to cover the hair she pulled out in huge bald patches.. and she had done it so bad Her exzistin hair did not cover it. So yarncycle was my saviour. still having Money issuses and Yarn still is not in my funds range to buy. but try That an your local freecycle and put in why you need it.. You be suprised on how many Genorous people ther arealy are out there that are willing to help.


If you need a link PM me and I'll send it to you



OH n in most cases they send it to you FREE.. You can offer Shipping help..

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I hope you get the yarn you seek, Miss Crochet. Budgeting was one reason I thought I'd scour some yard sales for Mom this time instead of just going to the store and spending $50 or $100 on her. Not that she's not worth it, but my cat just had an emergency that cost me (gulp!) $2400 for two vet hospital stays, so I'm trying to be very, very spare with cash outflow these days.


Washing the musty, dusty yarn in stockings worked great except for a minor problem: each time one skein popped out of the stocking and wound everything together and under the agitator in the washing machine. I had to take the agitator apart to free the yarn and stocking. I'm not sure if I put too many stockings with too much yarn per leg in the machine at once, or what. Hand washing would work, but at 70+ skeins of yarn, I'd be washing it until New Years 2011. Next time I'll try just washing one or two stockings with yarn with a regular load, rather than trying to just wash yarn and nothing else. (it has also fueled my fantasies about a front loader washing machine.)


On the other hand, untangling the stockings was like a 3-D jigsaw puzzle. Kept me entertained for hours while I watched 'The Prisoner' episodes on IFC on the telly. :lol


Good luck! Patty

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Thanks for your good wishes! I've already had two replies, but one woman lives so far away that the cost of getting there and back kind of outweighs the benefit of the yarn :( I'm going to ask around and see if any of my work colleagues live near her, I might be able to arrange a pick up. The other lady is looking for someone to "inherit" her grandmother's bag of yarn - she asked if I minded that it was old. Never! In fact, there are often a few odd treasures in bags of older yarn, all kinds of stuff that's no longer made.


Patty, I've tried the yarn-in-stocking job and it worked (I have a frontloader). I hung the stockings on the line, with the balls of yarn still in them, to my father's total bewilderment. I could hear him yelling up the stairs to my mother in the house, "What's your daughter up to NOW?!" (we're always exclusively my mother's children when we do something he can't figure out.) :lol The only problem is, they made some racket during the spin cycle :lol

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