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Face scrubbies and holder


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I made these scrubbies and holder for my mother for her birthday (yesterday). I am so lucky that my mom is my best friend! She's the one that taught me to crochet when I was 5 years old. I don't think she knew she was creating a monster with a SERIOUS Hobby Lobby habit! :lol




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What a delightful gift and tribute to the woman who taught you well, June...That she's both your Mom and your best friend is most wonderful! You did a nice job...but then, so did she! :yes


A Hobby Lobby habit? -Bless you; I can relate! Here's to well stocked shelves and crochet-dreamin' sales.

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Awesome gift!! :clap (I made "tons" of coasters last Spring. Tried looking up crochet baskets for them, but never found one that I quite liked. I really like your basket!!):cheer

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They are cute and practical. Love the idea of a matching basket to keep them in.


TFS, now get back to your ripples! :lol


:rofl I do have a new RR posted and am halfway finished with another one, my hook is flying as fast as it goes!! :hook

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