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Please forgive me

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I wasn't quite sure exactly where to put this post but I needed to try and explain why I can't fulfill some commitments that I've made to some of you.


Although I've found a nice place to live and have my Buddy with me, I'm just not handling all the changes that have happened in my life these past weeks well at all. Just when I think that things are settling down another bomb drops. I've been waiting three weeks for a voucher to get a bed and a gas card from one of the churches. I got the bed voucher Friday and the worker was going to bring me a gas card on Saturday but she never showed of even called me. I ran out of gas twice in one week. The first time I used my laundry money and walked two blocks (which isn't easy for me because of hip pain)to a gas station and back. Then a week ago Friday out of gas again on the way to my "shrink" appointment. Called to say I wouldn't make it only to find out that they had called and cancelled it. The only problem was I never got the message because who ever entered my phone # transposed all the #'s, so who know who got the message. Rescheduled for this past Friday and couldn't go cause I was still out of gas. My grandson was able to get a little bit of money from one of his friends last night so this morning gas can in hand I walked about 6 blocks got gas walked back and found that my battery was dead. I was going to walk the 4 blocks to the food pantry but the "old" legs just couldn't go any more.


I really miss my grandkids since they've moved. Thank goodness the oldest (21) is still in town. The 8yr old is here visiting his other grandma and I'm hoping and praying I can get over to see him while he's here.


I want so badly to crochet and help with different requests that have been made here at the ville but my depression has really got me beat down. Most of my days are spent crying and sleeping. I've hit a point in my life that I never thought would happen to me and I'm not handling it well at all. I felt like a "bag lady" last week pushing a grocery cart 4 blocks to the food pantry and only able to get 1 bag because I was new and had to come back for an interview before I could get the box that has fruit, vegetables and often some sort of meat.


I called my daughter last week and she sounded like she didn't even care that I called. I had asked her to email me pics of her house and she only put them up on her Facebook page and that I found out from someone else. I just don't get her. I'm good enough when she wants something but otherwise, forget about it.


Sorry for rambling on. I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry for not fulfilling my obligations and I hope that at some point down the road I can get back to the ville and participate.


God Bless You All :ghug



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I'm sorry but your message is unreadable in that colour.


I will keep you in my prayers... for whatever is needed.



The color of the writing on my 'puter was okay. But if you highlight the text, it will darken it, so you can read it.



Prayers and thoughts are with you, Andrea

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Hi Andrea, I wanted to add my support :ghug:ghug and good wishes in dealiing with your depression. Is there a case manager at your doctor's office that can help you pull together all the sources of support that may be available to you?

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:hug I am sorry that the waters are so rough for you right now, Andrea - My heart goes out to you. I'll keep you in my prayers that all settles into place for you real soon. Take care and know how much we care. :hug


Oh, it might serve you well to call 211, if you haven't yet, Andrea. I'm not real familiar with the United Way service, but I know that it is available nation wide and can help you sort through the services that are available to you in your community. Best wishes.


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