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Motivate me, PLEASE!!

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Oh boy, am I in trouble. I have to finish, in the next week, the following items:


travelghan for B-needs trim and straps. might need to be bigger yet.


dress for L-having to frog the skirt. AGAIN


fingerless gloves for J-a quick project I can do in one evening, so I keep putting it off.......lol


a baby blanket for a shower I got invited to. All these items need to be finished by the 4th. The first 3 are going to Ohio on the 5th. The shower is on the 6th. It's going to be a very busy weekend.


And this does not include the yardwork or the housework............lol!

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Come on Ninn! I'm rooting for you! You can do it! :cheer:cheer:cheer


I know how you feel. I hate starting anything new without finishing a WIP. I had to put one more handle on a tote for my mom and didn't want to, but I bucked up and finished it last night. Now, what can I start tonight????



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You can do it Nin!! YOur in the last turn of the race, and down the downstreach you go....................wow look at her hook SMOKE....go girl friend go!!


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Time to hunker down & get 'er done! You can do it!! :cheerWe're pulling for you!! Hook On Girl!!


If it were me I'd hit the red box for a new movie or two, and set myself up to see what I could get done tonight. Then plan for an hour or two at a park or coffee shop tomarrow. The key for me is to plan the time to get it done, making it part of the schedule means I don't have to feel guilty about taking time to crochet when I have housework to do!


I'd leave the baby blanket for last. If you don't have time to start, don't worry. Wrap up a token gift like a pacifier, and 2-3 patterns you like making and some color samples and let Mommy pick what she wants.

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You can do it!! Go girl go!!! If you haven't started the baby blanket and don't have time, I agree with Appy Lover, let mom-to-be pick the color and pattern. Or you could give her a picture of the blanket and tell her it will be done soon.

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You can do this.:cheer


I agree with the idea of a movie or book on tape/cd. Maybe your favorite CD, listen to the entire thing before you can put down your crochet hook. And schedule some time.


For housework, until this week is over, just do what is needed. If you have more time you can do the corners and under things. Sometimes things come up and crochet is just as important. Or trade off, an hour of housework and an hour of crochet.:D Make meals that go in the oven, while they're cooking you're crocheting. :yes


For the baby blanket you can always choose a quick blanket. Qucik Baby Blanket has some ideas. Or the new baby fluffy yarn which requires a larger hook and works up quickly. I know Lionbrand has some patterns for their yarn.


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yeah, ok, like that's gonna help. i'll have a black eye, a sore butt and a headache! i won't get anything done at all!

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Dang...not sure if that would motivate me or make me run. :box Although this one makes the Rocky theme run through my head, and there is something about that song that is motivating, isn't there?

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well, i don't know if the dress will be done, but everything else will be ready on Monday. I got new patterns in the mail yesterday and it is so HARD not to play with them...............lol

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I know how you feel too, I told my friend i'd make her a baby blanket when she was pregnant and now the kid is nearly two months old and I'm still finishing the granny squares! And now its practically summer!


To make things worse, she told her mum and now her mum keeps asking me if I've finished it yet. Eek - I'm not very good at crocheting under pressure!


Note to self: Do not TELL someone you want to make them something, otherwise they'll hold you to it! LOL.

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You got a whole team rootin' for ya'! Make us proud, Ninn! Crochet 'til your hook breaks, your fingers ache, and your eyes become bloodshot! Don't kill yourself, though. :heehee


Drink lot'sa coffee to keep yourself going!!! :coffee :coffee



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Well, it's Monday, and they are not done. However, I got a reprieve until Sunday because I don't have to ship them. I can hand them over in person. So, I went ahead and played with my grandson today instead! (Which is always interesting, to say the least....lol) More crochet during his nap tomorrow.

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