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Pink Child's Purse


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This is a little pink purse that I made for my friend's granddaughter. Her mother had bought her a new dress for church and the dress was pink, so I decided to surprise her and I made her the purse when I went home from work that night so that she could take it to church in the morning. I put a dollar in it for her to put into the offering basket. This was four weeks ago, and now she thinks that every Sunday morning when she comes out to the front desk to see me I'm going to give her money to put into her purse! :lol The other day she came up to me and asked if I had "her dollar" and I asked her what she was doing with the dollars. She said she was saving them because she was going on vacation this summer and she wanted money to buy things. I told her "I gave you those dollars to give to Jesus so that He can use them to help poor children. Don't you think Jesus needs those dollars more than you do? There are a lot of poor children out there" and she said to me "If I give my dollars to Jesus now, will you give me some more dollars when I go on vacation so I can buy things?" I had to bust out laughing! The reasoning of a (not quite) four year old! :lol I told her yes, I'd give her more dollars, so DH and I are saving our aluminum cans for the next couple of months and whatever we get for them will be hers for her trip. Her church class is going to Branson, MO, so I do want her to be able to buy some nice things to remember her trip by. I just love that kid!


By the way, the pattern is one I just made up as I went along. I used pink Peaches and Creme cotton for the purse and the handle, and I used a variegated Peaches and Creme for the bow. I wanted something totally washable because I figured it would get tossed around a bit.

Pink Child's Purse

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I love the purse. That is one special little girl. I love her thinking. I was a late in life baby. My sisters are/were quite a bit older. When I was about that little girl's age I used to tell my sisters around their paydays if they got any old, dirty money they didn't want I would be glad to take it. It never worked though. I never got any old, dirty money.:scrachin

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As they say: from the mouths of babes often come gems.

Both the little girl and the purse are adorable.

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