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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I'm just about to get my paperwork under way and then I'm done for the day :clap  I'm still going to be here though and am now debating on crocheting or working out :think Decisions, decisions!  If I get moving, I can do both



Oh Boy!  I went shopping at a discount store with my friend.  There was a buyout of Red Heart yarn.  I bought 15 skeins of Soft, 10 in a very bright color variegation called goulash, and 5 in a soft brown/tan/white blend called vanilla.  I can't wait to start playing with it, but I need to do something with my greens and my Christmas yarn first.


Marisa, forgot to say congrats on the new nephew.  I am glad everything is OK.  A home birth sounds perfectly natural, but there can be so many complications.  I am just glad everything is OK.


Off to do some more cleaning, then I need to play with yarn!!!


You made out like a bandit with all that yarn!!!


It definitely is natural,  I just don't like that there was no midwife planned to be present, especially since the pregnancy was a fairly crappy one and she just had a miscarriage about a year ago :(


Hi all,


Had another nice relaxing day! I went to ACMoore today since they had a 55% off coupon-and of course, I couldn't pass up using it! I bought a skein of Oatmeal colored Wool Ease Thick and Quick  with the coupon. The fingerless gloves I made were in Vanna's Oatmeal and I'll make a hat to match with the Thick and Quick.


My knitting project in the beautiful Madelinetosh yarn is hopelessly twisted. I ended up binding off and I thought that the twists would come out except for one twist once it was off the circulars.  I will probably frog the whole thing and start over another time- or make a scarf using the same stitch pattern since I really liked it. In the meantime, I started a knitted basket-weave scarf for DH.


Marisa- Have fun at the games. DH and I will be watching Alabama tonight since his DD and son-in-law are such huge fans. He really liked the "crimson tide' blanket I made for my step-grandson!


Off to get dinner and then settle in with some knitting. Or maybe I'll start the hat to match my fingerless gloves. I have a feeling that pointy sticks will win out tonight, though!


WTG at AC Moore, I miss that store!  Sorry about your knitting project :hug  The games were great this weekend!  I hope you had fun with your crafting evening!


Good morning!


Wow- Amazing how fast time off flies by!! Had a wonderful vacation and feel rejuvenated! Today I am starting a new position at the same company. I took a less demanding position so that I can re-gain my life back! My work-life balance was truly out of whack with the other position. It involved taking a pay cut, but the way I figured it, you can't put a price on good health and happiness.


Had a nice relaxing day of football, knitting and R&R time! I started a basketweave scarf for my son-in-law for Christmas with some yarn called "coffee beenz" (made by Plymouth Yarn). Had it in my stash from the last week I was off and went to a yarn store. The name of the yarn just called to me...LOL


Found out through a friend that there is a new yarn store opening up in a few weeks about 6 miles from my house. this could be dangerous!


Hope you ALL have a good Monday!


:yay for getting your life back!  You're right, there is no price tag for that!

So my husband took the dog out, said he had plenty of time, which confused me.  Then I checked the time.  He was supposed to leave for work over an hour ago.  He doesn't work today, didn't tell me, set the alarm for a later time for me, and I had no clue.  I will have to go to school without coffee today because I thought I had an hour I don't have.  I need to get over being mad -- he didn't lie to me, just didn't tell me.  But I am steamed.


Ugh!!!  Sorry....for some reason this thing keeps giving me other colors from the one I click on and I've even double checked it so I hope this isn't too light to read.  Understandably upset, especially since you couldn't plan accordingly to have your coffee....he should've taken that into account when he changed the alarm

Top of the morning ladies!


Marisa-congratualtions to your newest family member! 


The visit with my sister and her family went well, they stopped by Thursday evening.  I picked up pizza and we had a nice dinner then on Friday & Saturday I stopped in after quitting time to visit with them at my sister's mother in-laws house.  I wish I could have spent more time with them, but I did manage to get in quite a few hours.  My nieces and nephews are all growing up so very fast.  They are just the sweetest!


You guessed it!  I have been busy here in my craft studio whipping up new goodies.  Things have tapered off so that I don't feel completely overwhelmed...so glad.  For awhile there I wasn't able to breathe.  This week I will be decorating for Christmas, sounds early but I am going to give the shop a holiday make over. I am super excited!  The downtown merchants have a lil competition to see who decorates the best..I'm in it to win it! 


back to packaging up orders and listing new soapy goodies, I will share pics on FB.  Hugs n squishes!

Sounds like a wonderful visit for sure  WTG with your crafts and your store!  You are an amazing chickadee :wink


Good morning!



I actually left work on time and got home in time to enjoy dinner AND go to craft club last night! It felt great to be back to 'normal' again!!!


Happy Tuesday!

:woo  So glad you were able to have dinner and get to craft club!

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Good afternoon friends!


I hopped on here this morning but am just now getting a chance to respond.  it has hasn't been super busy but I did give the floors in here a good cleaning, priced and put away all the new goodies that I created over the weekend and am now getting ready to type up a Radio Ad..yes my friends!  I must advertise more, I want folks to remember that I am here especially now that the holidays are quickly approaching.


Beth-I forgot to tell you, Happiness for  new yarn woohoo!  Happy dancing over here for you!  I need to crochet..stress reliever I am sure.


Joanne-oohh laaa laaa..craft night?  way to go!  I'm so happy that you were able to leave work at a reasonable hour and get to do fun things too.


Marisa-Your day sounds wonderful. I am behind on paper work but will get to it in a just a few.  Now that I have my new desk, working is much easier and enjoyable.


Best get my tush in gear and get my radio ad put together so that I can work work work.  Hugs n squishes dearest friends!

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Marisa and LeeAnn, did you get all your paperwork done? 


Joanne, how was craft club yesterday?  I'll bet it feels great to have balance back in your life.  I am seriously considering quitting my job.  I love part of it, but some of it is so draining, and my bosses expect a lot from me.  I have a meeting with the president of the math lab company on Monday -- seems I need Intervention because my students are not performing.  I think I am doing well to keep them in seats most of the class. 


I have 9 skeins of the green yarn (tiny skeins) and finished one and a half, so I am slowly progressing on the baby blanket.  I may give it to the math lead teacher -- she is expecting her second child.


Stacy, I hope things are going great for you.  How is the English class?

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Top of the morning ladies!


Beth-oh no!  I hope that your meeting goes well, it is tough teaching...it's seriously a challenge to get kids to perform and focus.  Good luck my friend!  Your green ghan sounds lovely.


Joanne-hope you had a relaxing evening.


Marisa-did you ever get the PO ghan done?


Yesterday was kinda weird, I felt like I didn't get much done, especially paperwork but today I will be a good girl and really focus.  I was a bit side tracked with customers in Joyce's shop but did manage to create a flyer, the radio ad folks came in and boy were they expensive!  holy moly!  I was going to give it a whirl but balanced my checkbook and thought twice about laying out a few hundred dollars before the holiday season..I think I am going to find an alternate route to advertise for now. 


I really need a bit of motivation today, I guess another cup of coffee will do the trick.


Talk to ya all soon!  hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon!  Remember me?  :hi


I've only skimmed the posts, since I have to leave soon for Isabella's parent conference.


Joanne, I see that you took a different position- good for you!  Yay for making it home on time and going to craft club!  I'm sure it will feel wonderful to have normal-ish hours again.  :yes  The suits for the boys sound adorable!   stopped by the Bux last week and found that they already have the holiday drinks- so treated myself to a Caramel Brulee Latte.  Also, today through the 17th (I think) they have buy one, get one free holiday drinks between 2-5.  :woo


Leeann, sounds like your shop is really hopping!  I am just thrilled for you!  The detergent and deodorant are wonderful creations.  It is difficult to find organic deodorant out here, too- and the ones that are around don't smell all that wonderful.  Glad to hear you spent time with your sister.  I bet your nieces are growing like weeds. 


Marisa, sounds like you are keeping busy as well!  How is your mom?  How are Averie and Sloan? 


Beth, how is the job going?  Sorry to hear dh didn't tell you he was off- I'm sure it was no fun dealing with the middle-schoolers with no coffee! I love how all of this yarn just wants to come home with you- it knows that you will be a wonderful owner.  :yes  How are the inventions? 


Things have been kind of crazy here.  I did start my new job this week, after much confusion about my orientation (they got my paperwork wrong twice.)  Monday I started, and when I asked about my schedule, they gave me some hours for yesterday also then said they were over hours for the week and not to come back until next Monday.  :shrug  There was no training, they just stuck me on a register and told me to have at it.  Needless to say, it's been interesting.  I don't want to complain, because I HAVE been looking for so long...

School is really picking up- I have an 8-page research paper due by the 23rd, after the teacher told us it would be due on the 15th of December. She then told us to stop emailing her with silly questions, to post them in the Questions section of our online forum so others could see the answers.  THEN 2 minutes later said that she was going to lock the Questions section because it's getting out of hand.  :think   She talks in circles and when a student asked her to explain herself clearly, she got really upset and said she doesn't know how much more clear she can be, and if we would visit another campus, maybe their intelligence would rub off.  :eek   Yes...it's a mess.  BUT I need this class to graduate.  :shrug

Let's see...what else?  My niece is here, finally!  The girls are all very excited.  On Sunday, we went to dh's uncle's 75th birthday party.  They all had so much fun, running around and playing. We didn't tell them that she was coming, so it was a fun surprise.  Later that night, dh got sick, then Eva got sick around 3:30 a.m.  Dh stayed home from work.  I had to work, and he ended up taking the girls to MIL's house to play with my niece.  :think  Eva finally felt better around 7:30 or so, but I noticed she was scratching her head a lot...so checked her and, yup- lice!  I only found the eggs, so treated it with the spray I keep on hand, and used the special comb.  I haven't found anything since, so :xfin that it stays that way.  I washed all the bedding just to be on the safe side. 


I think that's all for now.  Love and hugs! 

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Stacy- Good to hear from you!!  Yikes about the lice!!! A girl at work was telling me her DD has them!!! Yikes!!! Hope things work out with the job!  I saw that the Bux was offering buy 1 get 1 but the hours 2-5 don't work too well for me---except for Saturday!!! :-) I pick up my DD at the train at 3 so we'll stop there on the way to my house :-) Looking forward to another weekend of family time!


Robbie's baptism is Sunday so I'll have all 3 DD's as well as my brothers and sisters -in-law! It'll be great to catch up with everyone!!!


Beth- Have you decided what you are going to do about the job?  I am still very happy that I made the decision I did- it wasn't easy but it's been so nice getting home every night not stressed out!  And getting home at a reasonable hour! And only working 8 hours a day!


Marisa- How's the crocheting coming along? Didyour yarn for that pretty sweater arrive?


LeeAnn- You have been such a busy beaver!!! I would hold off on the radio ad too. That's expensive advertising


Off to knit! I'm enjoying the basket-weave scarf I'm making! Slow, but fun!

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-woo laaa laaa other fun filled weekend, :cheer :cheer   Sounds great!  I'm so glad that you are enjoying a more stress free work life.


Stacy-head lice..scary..but good thing you caught it early.  Good luck at your new job,that is rough to not have training, is it becoming easier?


Beth-today is Friday!  Anything fun planned for the weekend?


Marisa-how's it going?


Things are still busy here, yesterday I was able to crochet for a few minutes, I have a scarf that I am working on.  It's almost finished.  I made my list today, I seem to get sidetracked quite often..but that's ok..customers always come first!


Back to work I go..here's a pic of the newest Lego Creations and soapy fun.  Hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon housemates :hi


Joanne - Cut & paste alert


Wednesday was kind of busy, but not patient busy.  I had a network luncheon during the day, only 1 patient in the afternoon and then met Steph and some girlfriends for dinner.  Then I had a couple drinks with a guy, yes...I guess it counts as a date! Ugh....I hate the whole dating thing :lol  Anyhow, it went well but not sure yet how I feel about this dude :think  Yesterday was a lazy day because I didn't have any patients so I did laundry, which took several hours, and did a little crafting while watching the CMA's from a couple weeks ago.  My neighbor came across a baby cardigan that was her daughter's with her name embroidered on it and asked if I'd be able to put her new granddaughter's name on it to for a sentimental Christmas gift.  So I worked on that and it came out great if I do say so myself!  Then I came to the office and didn't really have paperwork even to do so I worked on Brad's hunting gloves that need to get done....I only have 3 fingers left.  In the evening I had the bowling league and I even broke 100 on the 3rd game!  Funny thing is, my team is just there to have fun but because of our handicap (we're really just not good) we're actually in 2nd place! :rofl


LeeAnn - I really only got a start on the PO afghan, but have never heard from him so I doubt I will now.  But, I think it's going to be cool so will keep it on the list...it will come in handy somewhere along the line.  Awesome job on the soaps....as always!


Joanne - Have fun having all your daughter's together!  I know you will have an amazing weekend.


Beth - I did get the paperwork done and of course now I have new paperwork!  Is it pizza night?


Stacy- Glad you found the lice before it hatched and became a bigger mess!  Sounds dreadful dealing with your teacher, sending you prayers and good thoughts to help get you through.  (Now my head is extra itchy all of a sudden :eek )  Anyways, wonderful surprise for the girls to have their cousin to play with!

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Quick stop in to say Happy Weekend!!!!


Looking forward to a fun-filled family weekend!!! Tonight, it's laundry and tomorrow morning cleaning, but then it's fun time!!


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!!


LeeAnn- Very cute products!!! You are very creative and you  sure have been busy, busy, busy. Don't wear yourself down, ok?

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LeeAnn, love your soaps.  You make the cutest things -- and they smell good, too!  What fragrance did you use on the transportation items?  Like Joanne said, take care not to overdo.  I am glad you are enjoying working for yourself.


Marisa, glad to hear from you!  Will you be meeting with the man from the date again anytime soon?  I'm sure there is an incredible amount of paperwork.  How hard is it to deal with all the insurance companies?  Are they all different?  How cool that you are making hunting gloves.  Are they knitted?  One of my students wore a scarf today that she knitted herself -- garter stitch.  Pretty good for an 11-year-old!


Joanne, good idea to get the laundry done tonight, so you can enjoy your weekend more.  Sounds like another good one! 


Stacy, your professor sounds confused and difficult.  I hope you get through the course alright, even with all the confusion.  Good luck with the new job.  I have heard that adults learn best by doing, so maybe jumping right into running the register without real training is the best way to go???  I don't really think so, but who knows!  I hope your girls are lice free, because that is the biggest headache ever, and are all healthy.  I'm glad your niece finally got to come. what a great surprise for the girls!


Well, I am going on a date with my husband tomorrow!  We will be checking out a fridge, a new couch, a new recliner, and who knows what else!  I think we need an addition to our house to hold all the new stuff.  We are also going out to eat.  We usually spend our anniversary planning Christmas presents, but didn't get to it this year.  I am having a meeting with my boss on Monday -- I hope to see what comes from that to determine if I will continue working, and if I will quit, or get fired.  if I stop working, the Christmas list will be cut quite a bit. 


enjoy your weekend!

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Ahhhhh!  I had the nicest lazy day at home yesterday!  I made potato soup for dinner, and spent the rest of the day playing video games or crocheting.  My baby blanket is half done.  I would like to get it 2/3 of the way done by the end of today.


Stacy, how are things going?  What do the girls do while you are at work?


Marisa, Did you have a second date with that guy?  How are the turtles doing?  How is your mom? Any fun plans? 


Joanne, How was the Christening?  How are your daughters?  I'll bet you had the most amazing weekend with everyone there!


LeeAnn, The laundry soap looks great!  I used to make my own.  Do you add scent to it?


Well, I need to make the grocery list and get ready to face the shopping crowds.  Have a great day everyone!


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We had an awesome day yesterday. Robbie was great during the ceremony and didn't even cry! We had a lovely time at the luncheon afterwards and it was so good to catch up with my brothers and sisters-in-law! The day flew by. Took my DD to the train and got an email this morning that she is home safe and sound. And she may be coming down for Christmas! No promises, but she said she is going to see if she can get the Thurs and Fri off after Christmas!  All in all, a great weekend!!!


Beth- Your nice lazy day on Saturday sounds like what you needed!! Hope the grocery store wasn't too crowded. I didn't get to the grocery store, so needless to say, our cupboards are kind of bare. Luckily it's just the two of us so we'll get by. The weekend was consumed with family and it was wonderful! Good luck with your decision on what you are going to do.


Marisa- Hope you had a good weekend- any other date plans?


LeeAnn and Stacy- Hope you had a good weekend!!!


Looking forward to going to craft club again tonight---two weeks in a row!!!


Have a good Monday everyone!

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Joanne, sounds like you had an amazing weekend.  I'm so glad it was great.  Enjoy your craft club tonight. 


Stacy, LeeAnn, and Marisa, I hope your Monday is awesome.


I spent the weekend dreading going back to work, and really dreading the meeting with my boss after work.  I don't think this job is worth the stress, but we really could use the income.  Sigh.  We'll see what happens today.  I usually have a really great day when I need one.  That would be today.


I didn't reach my crochet goal yesterday.  I started the stripe that will be 2/3 of the blanket, but barely started it.  I won't have too much time today.  We'll see what happens.




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Hiya friends!


how's it going?


Beth-I am thinking of you and hoping that your meeting goes well and that you are not stressed, I feel so very badly for you, I dislike tension and stress...especially in the work force, it's the absolute worst.  The transportation vehicles are fragranced with my Banana Coconut, watermelon, mango papaya and blueberry.  I thought I had added them to my etsy shop but just noticed that I forgot..oops. 


Marisa-oohhh laaaa laaaa  a date?  how fun!  Perhaps you can meet up again, sometimes the first date can be tense but once you feel more comfortable things may chance. 


Stacy-you sure are busy!  Are you working during the evenings?  that is super rough, hopefully it is evening out as the days go by.


Joanne-did you have an enjoyable weekend?  I am so happy that your family is so very close.  Are you planning Thanksgiving day?


life here is busy as usual...the weekend flew by. I was at the shop Saturday then rested in the evening, no work..it was such a nice break.  Yesterday we had a get together at one of the neighbors house, first time ever here in our neighborhood, it was soo nice!  I made Pico De Gallo,...first time making it, it came out delish!  So very excited about that :cheer


Working on orders and new products, just whipped up a new balm called "Headache relief"  pure lavender and peppermint essential oils and jojoba oil..kinda expensive to create but couldn't turn down a good customer.  I hope that they sell. 


must get my tush in gear, it's almost 11 and I have so much more to do.  hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, love the new candles, and the scents for the transportation objects sound very nice.  I am so very proud of you, and all you are accomplishing.  You and Marisa both work so hard on your personal businesses.  I am very proud of you!


I will be having a much less stressful life in the very near future. I will end up back at the office, eventually.  At least, that's the current plan.

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Good morning,


Beth- Good to hear you will be having a less stressful life soon. When will you go back to the office? Less stress is a wonderful thing- take it from one who knows! I made it to craft club again last night- and it feels soooo good to be getting my life back! I'm not saying work is a 'walk in the park' but when the day is over I leave work at work now!


LeeAnn- Love those hot chocolate candles you made! You have an amazing sense of creativity!


Stacy- Bundle up- LOL-- I saw your post on how cold it is in So Cal!! I laughed out loud. I'll take those 'cold' temps any day! Hope all is well with the job and that you are making progress on your paper.


Marisa- Hope the 2nd date goes well. :)


Off to get ready --have a good Tuesday!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I came to check in yesterday, but never got to post :(  I had a dinner date last night, which went well and he's supposed to come out with me and my friends on Friday night for 'light up night' in town.  Lord help him!  I was supposed to have a new patient in at 1:00, but as she was on her way out the door her son fell and busted his chin so her appointment was transferred over to the ER...poor kid, I hope it's not bad but she was thinking stitches would be necessary :(  She's going to come on Friday now.


Beth - I have the hunting gloves done, but Brad needs to try them on....I'm feeling like I may need to adjust fingers :eek  WTG to the 11 year old and her knit scarf!  The insurances are all different, it would probably be easier to deal with if they were a bit more uniform as far as coverage goes.  How did you date with DH go, did you find any good household items?  My mom is finally doing much better!!  Her bad days now are what her good days have been for a long time, so definite improvement.  Still not 100% yet though, but still very exciting.


Joanne - :yay for Robbie's christening and him putting on his game face to get through it!


LeeAnn - I'm glad you had a couple enjoyable evenings to relax and hang out with your neighbors!  WTG with all your orders :)


Stacy - I hope all is well and that class is coming along....you're almost to finish line!

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Good morning, Besties, and happy Hump Daaaayyyy!  I am glad it is Wednesday, but keep thinking it's Thursday instead.  I haven't gotten much done with the baby blanket.  I have too much work to do at the school.


My hubby got up half an hour early this morning.  He works at a shipyard, and they just moved a ship they are working on, so now his parking area is prime real estate.  He has to get there early to find a parking spot. 


Joanne, I'm glad you can leave work at work.  I'm having trouble sleeping because of my job right now -- doesn't help to have things running through my head at night.  While I like a lot of things about my company, I am going to start looking for a low-stress job somewhere.  Craft Club sounds like a great way to spend a Monday afternoon.


LeeAnn, I hope business is booming for you.  Have the hot chocolate candles been selling well?  How about the headache balm?


Stacy, I hope things aren't too crazy with your school, work, and being a superior mom.  An 8 week course should be over before you know it. 


Marisa, can't wait to hear about the date.  I hope you find someone fun that appreciates how lovely and wonderful you are.


I have my gluten free pie crust in the fridge, and haven't gotten around to making anything.  I need to buy more ingredients to make the cream cheese pumpkin pie I shared on Facebook.  Do you think cheesecake would be OK in a pie crust? 


Gotta make the meatloaf before I go to work.  Have a splendiforous day!

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Happy Hump Day!!!


Beth- it IS great to leave work at work now--I couldn't for a couple of years and it was really taking a toll on me. I love to come home at a decent hour and not be tethered to work with a phone!  Love it!!! Good luck looking for  a less stressful job. It's the best move I made and I don't regret it!  I think cheesecake is fine in a pie crust....but I'm not a baker so not sure how much my opinion counts!


Marisa- Have fun with the new man! Hope it works out for you....I know a few people who met on match.com and are very happy together!!! Friday night sounds like a fun time!


Stacy- How's school/work//home/kids?


LeeAnn- I think I'm going to make a cup of hot chocolate (too bad I don't have marshmallows) and go knit some more on DH's scarf. Love those candles.


have a good night and a wonderful Thursday!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Not much going on today.  I had a patient this morning and then I worked on a postcard for the DOT physicals to mail out, now I just have to order them!  I have another couple this afternoon  yet and then I'm bowling tonight.


Beth - I think the pie crust will be fine with your pumpkin cheesecake :)  And meatloaf too, sounds great!

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Hiya friends!


Boy oh boy has it been a week.  I keep thinking positive thoughts but...gosh!  A gal can only take so much.  :-)


Beth-a new job sounds exciting!  Will you be looking for something in education?  I think your pie sounds perfect!


Joanne-so happy that you are enjoying life and relaxation.


Marisa-my son loves to bowl..I love watching.  :yes   Hope you talk to your gentleman friend soon.


Stacy-how's your week going?  Anything exciting going on?


Tuesday I forgot my laptop cord at home..no email and also forgot my phone charger..no phone either.  Then yesterday my phone died..sadness.  Lost everything.. :cry  I have a new one but have to download all of the apps that I use to run my business..no fun.  Then I had two orders that were lost in the mail system..I had a feeling this would happen.  I sent them with the postal lady that delivers mail here at the shop..so had to replace both of them.  Must file a claim since I had them insured but the second order..I do not have any of the shaving soap in stock...so have to whip some up tonight.  Haven't had a chance to label the Headache balms and take pics but will...I promise.  I did sell 4 of them to the hubby's co-workers.  :yes 


Cut my finger today..I tell ya..I sound like "Eyore"  :lol :lol :lol   that cheered me up for some reason.  Hugs n squishes!!

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Hello my friends,

I am so glad tomorrow is Friday.  This has been a difficult week.  The heat is on full blast in my room, and as the day rolls on, my temper gets shorter and shorter -- I am just miserable, and I'm making the students miserable as well.  I will seriously miss the majority of the students, but I am not cut out for this job.


LeeAnn, so sorry to hear that so many things went wrong.  It must be very frustrating for your phone to die on you like that.  What a shame that the postal service lost your packages, too.  Might be worth an extra trip to take them to the office yourself, if you have time.


Marisa, it sounds like you've been staying busy at work.  I hope the DOT thing turns out to be a good money-maker for you.


Stacy, I hope things aren't too terribly busy for you.  I loved the pic of you and two of your girls that the third one took.  I can't believe how BIG your daughters are!  Beautiful young ladies -- all of you!


Joanne, I am glad you are enjoying your new position.  I am so drained by the time I get home that I don't want to apply for jobs, but I need to.  There are a lot of good things about the company I work for, but I want a part-time job.  Maybe when the kids are completely out of the house, and I have less to do here, but for now, I feel like I need to do more at home.


I am on strip number 8 out of 9 on the baby blanket.  I would love to get it done this week, but I am not promising anything.  I think it will be a nice size when it is done.  The teacher I was planning to give it to crochets also, and will be making her own.  (I back away quietly, not showing my blanket.)  I had a student request it for her mom who is expecting.  Maybe I will give it to her.


Well, my daughter's knees are hurting her, so I promised to do the chores today so she can rest.  I better get to it!  have a great evening!

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