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Hi all,

Glad to hear that all is safe and sound Beth!!! I'm happy that your DD loves her art class!!! (I've got a soft spot for anything art related since my middle DD and BF are artists!. Sounds like you've been busy- and I can't believe it's already only 8 more days till DH comes home- I bet you can't wait!!!


I do hope the hurricane takes care of the wild fires, but then it can go right out to sea as far as I'm concerned!!!


LeeAnn- How were the kiddos first day of school? Are they happy with their teacher(s)? That was always the hardest thing- waiting till they came home to find out if they were happy with the teacher---didn't like the list of things to get and all the papers to sign though- Definitely don't miss that!


Marisa- How's the packing going? Did you tackle the kitchen? It always seems that we hold on to things- and don't part with them...until it is time to pack them up for a move!!! I'm here in NJ cheering you on!!!!! And having a cup of coffee to give you energy!!!!


Stacy- Are you leaving Friday on your mini-vaca? I'll bet you are getting so excited!!!!

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Hi all!


I'm so happy no one was affected by the earthquake. :hug:hug:hug The news stations here were reporting that it is felt much stronger there than it would be here, because our soil is so shaken up already. :yes


Beth, I'm glad to hear your kids like their classes. :yay I hope the hurricane takes care of the fires. I can't believe they are still going. :eek Will you re-make your round afghan? Or will the yarn decide to become something else?


Leeann, I hope the kiddos had a wonderful first day!


Joanne, how is your finger feeling today?


Well, looks like I will have to wait a little longer to visit San Diego. My transmission died today. :( In the middle of an intersection. :eek Thank goodness for my MIL, who was able to come and meet us and take us home after the tow truck arrived. We have mechanical breakdown coverage, so hopefully it will be taken care of, but we won't know until tomorrow or Friday.


I had to call in at work, because between the tow truck and going to the mechanic, we didn't get home until almost 6. I can only guess what the manager will say now that I actually have called in. :shrug


Well, the kiddos are waiting for dinner, so I will scoot for now. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Howdy doody doo!

Beth-what a relief to know that you are ok...whew!:hug Tutoring every day is fun, I bet! The best part is they come to you right? Thank you for taking a looksie at my pics. I will sure send you some energy, I am actually pretty hyper-for the most part. That is what everyone says, some days I crash and burn. :lol Sorry to hear about your ghan, sometimes yarn has a mind of its own.

Marisa-sounds like you are packing fast! I bet you are excited as the time is getting closer for the big move. Did you pack your yarn and hooks?

Joanne-how was your day in Paradise? Is your finger healing ok? Happy 1 Month b-day to Ryan. How fast the time goes.

Stacy-bummer about your car...yikes! Good thing your mother in-law could go and help. Hope this doesn't affect your hours. Have you been crocheting?

The kiddos both had a great day. They were super excited this morning. Celine's teacher seems nice, organized and energetic. We were able to do a teacher request. Yesterday was had a short Parent Teacher Conference to meet her and show Celine the new school. I was so happy, what a stress reliever. Cristopher will be meeting with his counselor tomorrow during school hours, he seems extremely relieved and has made a new friend. He has been working on building his self confidence and asserting himself. I am so so very proud of him! He has decided to join Boy Scouts this year.

have to go rinse my hair out,..I'm trying to get rid of the gray. BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning


Stacy- Thank goodness you are all ok- that's pretty scary having the transmission die in the middle of an intersection!!!! Sorry you won't get your trip to San Diego because of it--and I chuckled about your comment on what your manager will say now that you actually did call out...not that it's funny, but that she had made a comment BEFORE you had ever called out!!! Fingers crossed that the work is covered!!!


LeeAnn- Great news about the kiddos first day of school. That's great that DS is going to join Boy Scouts- sounds like he is making strides and you must be so happy!!!!!


Marisa- Continuing to cheer you on as you continue your packing!


Beth- Any news on the hurricane tracking --not sure how far you are from the coast. They are predicting a Sunday hit here in Jersey....


My finger is feeling fine and there is just a tad bit of soreness where I had the tetanus shot. Basically I have to wait for the steri strips to fall off- and as long as I can still crochet I'm good.


Off to get ready for Paradise. Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Another fun filled day of packing on my agenda :lol I also have to run out a little later too.


Hi all!


Well, looks like I will have to wait a little longer to visit San Diego. My transmission died today. :( In the middle of an intersection. :eek Thank goodness for my MIL, who was able to come and meet us and take us home after the tow truck arrived. We have mechanical breakdown coverage, so hopefully it will be taken care of, but we won't know until tomorrow or Friday.


I had to call in at work, because between the tow truck and going to the mechanic, we didn't get home until almost 6. I can only guess what the manager will say now that I actually have called in. :shrug


Well, the kiddos are waiting for dinner, so I will scoot for now. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug


:hug :hug :hug Sorry to hear about your transmission. I say take them a copy of your tow slip for your file at work :idea That way they'll know you didn't 'make it up' or something stupid they'll try to say later :think


Howdy doody doo!



Marisa-sounds like you are packing fast! I bet you are excited as the time is getting closer for the big move. Did you pack your yarn and hooks?



The kiddos both had a great day. They were super excited this morning. Celine's teacher seems nice, organized and energetic. We were able to do a teacher request. Yesterday was had a short Parent Teacher Conference to meet her and show Celine the new school. I was so happy, what a stress reliever. Cristopher will be meeting with his counselor tomorrow during school hours, he seems extremely relieved and has made a new friend. He has been working on building his self confidence and asserting himself. I am so so very proud of him! He has decided to join Boy Scouts this year.


have to go rinse my hair out,..I'm trying to get rid of the gray. BBL!


hugs n squishes!


It may sound like I'm moving fast, but I surely don't feel like it :( I can tell you that my poor shredder is getting a workout this week :lol I organized my yarn and condensed it a bit, but not technically packed since I can still get at it. But on the same hand, that's how it's going with me since it will have to be at my sisters with me :lol So technically, I guess it is packed :think


Glad to hear the kids are off to a good start and I think Boy Scouts would be great for Christopher :yes


Good luck with the pesky grays :xfin I'm WELL overdue myself :eel


Good morning


Marisa- Continuing to cheer you on as you continue your packing!


My finger is feeling fine and there is just a tad bit of soreness where I had the tetanus shot. Basically I have to wait for the steri strips to fall off- and as long as I can still crochet I'm good.


Off to get ready for Paradise. Have a good day everyone!


Glad to hear your finger is doing better :clap:yay Have a great day in paradise :yes

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Marisa, thanks so much for making the coffee for me the other day. Sorry I let it get cold. My dd made my coffee today. Her coffee is STRONG!!! I need it today, that's for sure.


Joanne, glad you aren't suffering from the tetanus shot or the finger injury. As long as you can crochet, all is good. Happy almost Friday to you!


Stacy, how frightening for your transmission to die out like that. I'm sorry you missed work. But I'm extra sorry you are missing your vacation. Hopefully, you'll be able to go soon.


LeeAnn, sounds like your kiddoes are both having a great start to the school year. I always wanted my kids to be in the scouts -- they weren't interested. I think it's an awesome institution. My friend's son just became an Eagle Scout. He isn't mine, and I'm proud of him!


I need to take my dd to her class. I am planning on sitting in the shade and crocheting while she draws -- she's learning how to add shading to her drawings. I'm meeting Shrimp Boy there, and taking him home with me, so we can tutor and he can get picked up at his mother's convenience.


Joanne, I'm close enough to the coast to be concerned about the hurricane,. If I walk 6 blocks, I can see the Chesapeake Bay, very close to where it meets the ocean. I'm worried about the dead tree in my neighbor's front yard, you know, the one that hangs over my driveway.

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Marisa, thanks so much for making the coffee for me the other day. Sorry I let it get cold. My dd made my coffee today. Her coffee is STRONG!!! I need it today, that's for sure.


I need to take my dd to her class. I am planning on sitting in the shade and crocheting while she draws -- she's learning how to add shading to her drawings. I'm meeting Shrimp Boy there, and taking him home with me, so we can tutor and he can get picked up at his mother's convenience.


Joanne, I'm close enough to the coast to be concerned about the hurricane,. If I walk 6 blocks, I can see the Chesapeake Bay, very close to where it meets the ocean. I'm worried about the dead tree in my neighbor's front yard, you know, the one that hangs over my driveway.


I tend to make my coffee a bit strong too :yes Please be very careful with this hurricane :hug :hug Are you going to have to evacuate?

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Beth- Stay safe--I'm a little worried too about Irene--but it's in the hands of Mother Nature isn't it?


Marisa- You stay safe too!!!


When I came home from work I went outside and put some things in the backyard into the shed- plastic chairs/small table with umbrella, spare garbage can that we use for bar-b-queus, etc I'm thinking I should probably bring in my hanging flower baskets tomorrow . I need DH's help to undo the big umbrella from it's stand and lift it up but we can get that tomorrow evening. Don't want any projectile missiles in my back yard!!!

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Howdy do!


Joanne-so glad that your finger is feeling better and that you can get hook time in. I started another SBT using baby yarn and a smaller hook, so cute and fast! Happy TGIF by the time you get this...yippeee! I hope that you all will be safe and that nothing dangerous heads your way.


Beth-how was the coffee? that was so sweet of your dd to make it for you. Did you get to tutor Shrimp Boy? how was the shading and drawing for your dd?


Marisa-packing away yarn would be so hard! That is smart of you to keep it with you, I would not know what to do without my yarn. :-)


Stacy-hope your boss understood your car trouble.


Today was another hectic day, the main tacos were there again...*sigh* lots of changes to be made, but will have to get to them tomorrow, my brain is fried. Going to go to bed early.


Hugs n squishes dear friends! Please be safe!

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Joanne - My trip to the store this morning went smoothly and it wasn't busy at all. Granted I just picked up a loaf of bread and packing tape so just went to the self checkout :D


LeeAnn - Yes, my yarn is the bulk of what's staying at my sister's with me :lol I'm sure she might even delve into it as well, esp since I'll be there now for her to ask questions :think:lol


Good morning ladies, I did some running today to reserve the uhaul, stop at the store, cash in some change (for a starbucks card at the coinstar machine), get gas, and stop at wawa for a bfast sandwich and coffee so I didn't have to make anything when I got back. Now going to head upstairs to put on some comfy clothes and get back to packing :sigh I wanna really get alot done today :yes:xfin

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Marisa, I hope you managed to get a lot done today. I would hate to pack up this house full of stuff.


Joanne, Happy TGIF??? It looks like Irene is going to try to ruin your weekend. I hope it doesn't.


LeeAnn, How did the visit from the main tacos go?


Stacy, is your car fixed?


I will probably lose power tonight or tomorrow. The forecasters seem quite certain about it. It may be a while before you hear from me. I'll get back on-line as soon as I can.


Stay safe!!! :hug

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Beth - :hug :hug :hug I hope and pray for you and your family to remain safe (along with everyone else too)!!!! I think we're expected to lose power tomorrow night :think I'm as ready as I'm going to be.


I think I'm going to spend the night at Mary's tomorrow since the river is so close to me. So after I check in tomorrow, I'll probably move the important things upstairs and head out in the afternoon :think But on the bright side.....I'll be able to get in some crochet time :yay But it will go VERY SLOWLY if the power goes out :lol


Be back later, going to find something to eat and then back to work :yes

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Hi all,

Stay safe Beth and Marisa!!!!


Had a very long day- and I was at the grocery store this morning before work! But it wasn't crowded AND they had what I needed! So I'm all set with water, non perishables that will sustain us in the event we lose power for a few days. I sure hope we don't because my freezer is fairly stocked! Work was busy- and then when I got home, we moved some more things inside--just a few more things to move in and we'll do it in the morning.


I'll be back in the AM to check in- I'm pretty sure that even if the rain starts, we'll still have power- the bulk of the storm isn't supposed to hit till overnight tomorrow into Sunday morning! Maybe Irene will get tired by the time she hits NJ!

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Joanne, you stay safe, too. This is not how I asked to spend the weekend, but so far (6 AM on Saturday) I have my coffee made, and everyone is safe and dry -- it's a fine day!


Marisa, don't get into too much mischief with Mary! I hope you have a fun time. We actually bought a bunch of junk food, and we're having a hurricane party at our house!


LeeAnn and Stacy, enjoy your weekends. Let us know if you do anything adventurous. I love the things your families do. Your kids will have the best memories of growing up.


Hugs to you all. :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning!

I'm having my coffee and getting ready to get the laundry done! A Hurricane Party sounds like fun ( I, too bought a little junk food yesterday!)


I'm going to head over to DD's later this morning to spend a little time with Ryan- and then will head back and hunker down with DH. Her bro-in-law is coming over this afternoon- as well as a couple of her friends- so Mama will not be needed! She'll have good company to ride out the storm!


Off to get the day started! Stay safe Beth and Marisa----and Yes, I agree with Beth- what fun things are on the agenda, Stacy and LeeAnn? You are both great mom's and are creating wonderful memories for your children---


Oh, speaking of being a mom- my DD told me last night that she can't believe she is turning into a "cheesy" mom- she ordered the birth announcements- and also ordered a coffee mug with Ryan's picture on it!! I got a chuckle out that--my baby is now a "cheesy" mom--


Will try and stop by later to give an update

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Joanne, you stay safe, too. This is not how I asked to spend the weekend, but so far (6 AM on Saturday) I have my coffee made, and everyone is safe and dry -- it's a fine day!


Marisa, don't get into too much mischief with Mary! I hope you have a fun time. We actually bought a bunch of junk food, and we're having a hurricane party at our house!


LeeAnn and Stacy, enjoy your weekends. Let us know if you do anything adventurous. I love the things your families do. Your kids will have the best memories of growing up.


Hugs to you all. :hug :hug :hug


Oh, a hurricane party sounds like a great way to cope :yes Great idea. I text my 'old' boss yesterday to tell him to be safe, he has a house in sea isle city, nj and we went back & forth a bit and I told him I was going to stay with Mary and he said 'uh oh, sounds like a party' lol


Good morning!

I'm having my coffee and getting ready to get the laundry done! A Hurricane Party sounds like fun ( I, too bought a little junk food yesterday!)


I'm going to head over to DD's later this morning to spend a little time with Ryan- and then will head back and hunker down with DH. Her bro-in-law is coming over this afternoon- as well as a couple of her friends- so Mama will not be needed! She'll have good company to ride out the storm!


Off to get the day started! Stay safe Beth and Marisa----and Yes, I agree with Beth- what fun things are on the agenda, Stacy and LeeAnn? You are both great mom's and are creating wonderful memories for your children---


Oh, speaking of being a mom- my DD told me last night that she can't believe she is turning into a "cheesy" mom- she ordered the birth announcements- and also ordered a coffee mug with Ryan's picture on it!! I got a chuckle out that--my baby is now a "cheesy" mom--


Will try and stop by later to give an update


Glad to hear that your 'cheesy' dd will have company for the storm :yes I'll be heading to Mary's this afternoon, but am still actually toying with the ideas of staying here or heading up to my parents in the poconos :think


Well, gotta move. I had my bfast and am now making a trip out to the dumpster and then to keep packing while I have my coffee.


I'll be back before I shut down and move the computer to higher elevations :hug

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No problems yet- it is raining and the sky is getting darker- but no real winds of any kind yet--just raining now- but it's kind of darkish outside- looks more like 7:30 PM rather than 4:30 ---


Had a great visit with Ryan-- DD went out to eat with a couple of her friends and it was what she needed, and some alone time with Ryan was what I needed. SIL was sleeping since he worked a double and had to be back at work at 2 today.


Marisa has moved her computer upstairs to the 2nd floor and will try and check in through her phone as she can.


Hugs to all!!

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hey ladies, checking in from pgilly....its been raining all afternoon some times worse than others, but now it just got super dark out :eek i would hbave checked in sooner, but was on a roll packing & didnt realize the time :lol i did good today and plan to crochet tonight now that i've checked into my 3 threads :yes


i wonder if beth lost power yet :think our mayor just said about an hour ago that losing power for up to 2 weeks is a possibility :eek good thing i move out in 2 and a half days :lol it rumbling something fierce outside!

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It's 9 pm. This hurricane wasn't as bad as I expected, but the eye is still a bit south of me. It's moving back out over the water. I hope it treats everyone else well.


Lots of people lost lights, but so far (knock on wood) we haven't. I look forward to my coffee tomorrow!


Stay safe, my friends! :hug

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Good to hear from you Beth! Continuing to knock on wood that you don't lose power. I wish Irene would move far far out in the water as she makes her way north!

Raining, the wind has kicked up some--and it's going to be a long night I'm afraid. I purposely haven't had any coffee since 6---so that hopefully I'll get tired and be able to sleep-


Night all- Hopefully I'll have power in the morning!

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well, beth text me at around 11:30 that she lost power in 1 fell swoop as the storm was starting to move away. so wanted to fill u in if she doesnt get back in here right away. i'll check on her in the am too. my firplace started to drip, so me having everything packed and 1 little itty bitty pot left out :think hmmmm.....well, mcguiver?! did u say :lol me having so many boxes here 4 packing and i bought extra packaging tape this week....well, lets say a box is now waterproof and in my fireplace...hopefully it holds up :xfin be back in the am

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6:30 AM and I still have power- wind kicking up-- thanks for letting us know about Beth Marisa- and hoping your makeshift water catcher holds up.


Going to have several cups of coffee while I still have power on.


Will check in as I can.

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