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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello, and happy Pizza night! Shrimp boy is here, playing "Go Fish" with my son. My dd is playing a game on the PS3 next to them, and they are all just hanging out. It's nice. I am trying to get back into the a/c, pick up that darned afghan, and knock it out. I have 12 rows and a little to go. I should be able to finish it tonight. That would make 3 finished.


Stacy, I hope your daughters are doing OK. It sounds horrible. What kind of treatment is there? How long will they be sick?


Joanne, happy weekend to you! Enjoy the new Lion Brand Outlet. Sounds like a fun place to visit. I don't need any more yarn, but I should would enjoy a store like that, and I'm sure I would come home with some new playtoys.


LeeAnn, Sounds like you've been busy. I cannot imagine how you can handle all of it. You must have a lot more energy than I have. Congrats on all your orders.


Marisa and Mary, I'm thinking of both of you, and hoping you are doing well.


Today I took my dd to the ENT doctor who diagnosed her 13 years ago. She has to go back in September for an ear test, then she'll get a report that will allow her to get preferential seating at college, so she can hear the professor.


I think I'll flip through a few afghan patterns, see if I can't get myself motivated to work on the next few...

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I'm back! I am wiped out- just finished cleaning the girls room. I started at 11. :eek But, everything is put away where it belongs, beds are made, clothing is hung, 3 boxes of trash were taken out, and I hung up a bunch of their drawings. I hope it feels like home to them now.


Beth, the symptoms can last between 2-10 days, but they are contagious for about a week. Isabella seems to be clearing up already. Mia has been lying around all day, and she just showed me a sore on her cheek. :sigh Hopefully it will clear quickly like Isabella's has.

Sounds like a fabulous Friday at your house! :manyheart Good luck with dd's hearing test. We meet with the ENT on the 31st (my birthday) to see when Mia will be scheduled for the removal of her tonsils and adenoids.


Well, I'm going to see if I can :hook for a while before dh comes home. Love and hugs!

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Quick stop in- Yankees are on- but wanted to say hi.


DH brought home lots of leftovers from this place where he took someone to lunch today that has humongous portions- I mean humonguous portions!! So we met at DD and SIL's all had turkey, lettuce, bacon and tomato sandwiches and we STILL have leftovers!!!! WE took some home and left some there. It was nice to see little guy again


Trying to get the RR done and then will work on the felted ripple tote!! Too little time and too many things to make!


Beth- sounds like a wonderful evening at your house.


Stacy- Oh I remember when my DD had coxsackie virus (and I'm sorry to say the other two also got it) But it didn't last long!!! WTG on getting the girls room cleaned, organized and beautified with their art work! I'm sure it feels more like home already!!!!


Didn't hear that the Pumpkin Spice will be back soon-- I kind of remembered them bringing it out early last year too---I Can't Wait!!!!!


LeeAnn- Have a great weekend- and TGIF!!!!!!!


Marisa- Hope you didn't get as much rain in MD as we did here this week---and Beth- you can have the rain for the fires in NC---I'm wishing it down there as I type!!!


Night all--back to my regularly scheduled Yankee game!!

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Good morning and welcome to Saturday!


LeaAnn- Have fun today!


Beth- Did you find an afghan pattern that you want to work on? Will we get to see pics of the ones you finished?

I didn't get much farther on my RR last night- just one round, before I headed upstairs!


Marisa- Are you back home today from vacation? Hope you had a relaxing time despite some rainy weather- or maybe it wasn't raining at all in MD?


Stacy- Hope the girls are doing ok-


Off to get my cleaning done and errands run so hopefully I'll have some:crocheting time this afternoon!!!

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Good afternoon!


Joanne, that does sound like humongous portions! Wow. :cheer for spending time with the little guy. Your stepdaughter also had her baby, right? How are they?


Isabella had a soccer game this morning. Her team lost, 7-0, but she was really aggressive for once, and almost scored 2 goals! The goalie for the opposing team caught everything, though.

Mia is still feverish, but so far Eva looks good. :xfin that she stays healthy, because dh and I have a concert tomorrow night and I'd hate to leave her if she's sick.

Today we are just hanging around at home. Dh is cleaning his desk. I'm tired of cleaning, so I think I will :hook for a bit.

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Good day ladies!

Joanne-so happy that today is a Saturday, did you get a chance to stop at the Bux? yummy! Sounds delicious! Did you get to work on your rr today? I started a sbt last night and thought of you, the pattern is just what I needed.:lol

Stacy-so sorry to hear that your two of your babies are not up to par. WTG getting all the cleaning done!

Beth-have you finally been able to chat with your dh? sure hope so!

Marisa-are you back yet?

Today we were supposed to go visit the in-laws, but they came over instead.:c9 so happy because I need to catch up on housework, all of this fun we have had on the weekends has resulted in a messy messy room. My bedroom/craft room was looking extremely scary. I cleaned out my closet, my craft corner, swept, dusted and have one last corner to get to. Also working on laundry and such. ....:yes dh took the kiddos to finish the last of school supply shopping...ds needs a Trapper Keeper/Binder that zips and dd needs underwear...not bad. :lol

back to cleaning, hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning!!!


I've been up for a while, had my coffee and breakfast, went grocery shopping, last load of laundry is in the dryer. Looks like I'm going to make my deadline of noon for things that 'have to get done" done!!! Then this afternoon, I'm planning to just relax and take it easy and may go over and see Ryan for a little while- we'll see what's on their agenda for today!


Started yet another project last night- I went upstairs and forgot to bring up a project, but since I keep a small basket with yarn and an H hook up there, I started a shelley scarf. I've got too many projects started and none of them finished!!!

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Hi Everybody,


So sorry I haven't been posting. I do read everyone's posts, but... Let's just say I miss my laptop! It is in Seattle with my sweetie.


I got addicted to Build-A-Bear. My dd wanted to make a wolf, but when we went to get one, they were discontinued, and sold out. She wasn't thrilled with anything in the store, though the clerks let us know that a fox was coming. We went on-line and found a puma, which we ordered, then went in to stuff when it got there. While there, I fell in love with a monkey, which I made and dressed in a redskin uniform, complete with cleats. Gotta love it! We went by today after lunch, and found the fox on the shelf, so she HAD to have it. I need to stay out of that place.


I also have been working on a monkey bib for my niece's baby boy, due in November. The pattern is the featured pattern for the week at CPC. At least it was... Any way, that is coming along very quickly. I started it last night, and just need to work in ends now.


I guess I should get going. I am supposed to be crocheting afghans, right?


Joanne, did you get to see Ryan?


LeeAnn, did you enjoy your visit with the in-laws?


Stacy, is everyone feeling OK? If you want a few more messy rooms to clean, I have a bunch of them in my house.


Marisa, are you having a good time?

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Good day ladies!

How is everyone on this fine Sunday? Hopefully well!

Joanne-that is awesome that you finished all of your chores by noon.:clap:clap Did you get hook time in? And time to see Ryan? I go thru stages where I have lots and lots of projects at one time, but am happy to say that I have finished all of my crochet projects except for a granny square ghan that will probably never be done, :D the squares are from a swap and put away in a tote to finish one of these days. What color is your new scarf?

Beth-did you get hook time in? Your little monkey sounds just adorable! How sweet! I bet your dd was just so excited.:)

Stacy-did you get to relax after all that cleaning? what crochet projects are you working on?

I did it! Finally finished cleaning my room, sewed dd's new school bag, finished dh's crochet throw, a stash buster tote made 6 lotion bars and a candle...whew! Going to sit and relax for a bit, need to give myself a mani and pedi but first I want to take a breathe.

Here's a few pics, thank you for taking a looksie!

hugs n squishes!




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Good morning!


LeeAnn- What beautiful eye candy!!! I love all your projects. Bet your DD loves her new school bag with the peace signs---brings back memories---funny how they are back in style-anything with peace signs and flowers was the rage when I was in school!!!


What pattern did you use (if you can say) for your DH's afghan? I love it!!!


As for me and projects- well, I was working on the Felted Ripple tote- got stuck on one of the instructions- so emailed Sue for clarification. So then I switched to working on the RR that I'm making with Cotton Ease. About 3/4 of the way on a round, I ran out. Searched through all my stash-- I was sure I had one more skein of that color, but alas, I didn't! I didn't want to frog it because I want to have 5 rows of that color.


So, I put that aside and then I worked on the scarf and finished that! I used RH Stripes and it came out bright and interesting. I'll get a pic later or tomorrow.


Will be stopping at the store on the way home with my 40% off coupon to pick up another skein of cotton-ease. I have one 1/4 more rows of blue, row of almond, 5 rows of taupe, row of almond, border and then done!


Have a good Monday!

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Good morning ladies....I'm baaaaaccccck :hug


I've missed you all while I was away, but my vacation was very relaxing to the point that I almost forgot there was a 'rest of the world' :lol It rained off and on but we got many nice days, or at least the rain held off until later in the day. On thurs or fri they cleared out the beach based off a severe storm warning, but it never did hit us....not even a drizzle that day :think


I emailed my business plan, loan request letter, and curriculum vitae to my loan officer who I spoke with maybe tues and she seems really nice and didn't sound like there should be any problems. I still need to email her copies of my last 2 years tax returns so I'll have to scan them in first so that I can send them to her. I also signed my lease and mailed out the security deposit for the office :clap:yay


On saturday, Mary called me to tell me that my apt complex got evacuated fri night :eek I checked the paper online and it was actually the town and even the hospital was closed. I guess a truck on 95 was leaking something and some other people were able to grab his attention and so he pulled off my exit to check it out and he couldn't stop it or do anything with it. What ever it was shut down the highway and cleared out my town. It was carrying 44,000 gallons of something that was harmful if inhaled :eek I think 95 was shut down for about 5 hours or so :think Anyways, she came over to check out my place later on sat and all was well :whew I'm going to toss all my plants that I have outside though because I'm thinking it may not be a good idea to eat my herbs, tomatoes, onions, or peppers now that it was tainted with the air of something toxic :think:( That same night, Pitt had some major flooding and we checked the news on that too and found my sisters place to be safe :whew


So, when I got back yesterday morning I went straight to the car wash (surprise, surprise :lol ) so I could get my girl squeeky clean and remove any leftover residue from sitting in the parking lot :think Not to mention it's been overdue since I missed a few weeks :eek Then it poured about an hour later :shrug


I made 2 small projects to mail out to a ville friend and hope to add a couple more small items :xfin for her fundraiser. Then I sorted some things and packed a few boxes. I organized all the empty boxes that Mary left here for me too :yes


Now today, I'm meeting up with a doc for lunch so I guess I should go get a shower and get ready. Was going to try to workout first, but don't see that happening. I need to stop by my 'old work' on the way to pick up my last check :eek I told my boss to give it to Mary for me when he asked what I wanted him to do with it.


I'm going to head upstairs, but I'll be back later on :hug




Beth - WTG on your ghans, the run was great (but I only walked ;) ) sorry about the run around with the build a bear :hug


LeeAnn - I did hear you singing last last friday :lol Great pic on the horses and I love your totes and ghans :manyheart and of course, I drank beer :lol


Stacy - I hope the girls are feeling better :hug How's your shawl coming along? :xfin for the bank loan.


Joanne - Sorry your car had issues :hug Maybe it was mad at me :eek:think:lol


Hope all is well ladies

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Welcome back Marisa---good luck with all your packing. Hope you had a nice lunch out!


I was at work for about an hour, and I went to file something away in my file cabinet. I had taken the file folder out and when I was putting it back in, I don't know how, but I gashed my left index finger with the metal end of the file folder. It took a bit of skin, but luckily didn't rip it off. They sent me to have it taken care of and then I had to get a tetanus shot. Not fun. It's kind of hard to type- trying not to bend it too much...hoping I can crochet- I did stop at ACM on the way home and picked up the Cotton Ease I needed. Just FYI- they also have Caron Simply Soft on sale for 1.99/skein.


Hope you all have a good evening and I'll be back in the AM. Gotta go see if I can crochet!!!

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All of a sudden, my finger hurts Joanne :eek Hope it's doing better.


I ran some errands after lunch and got my new glasses. I guess that means it's time to switch out my contacts. I got the new ones before vaca, but wanted to wait until i had the new prescription for the glasses too instead of using the new contacts and the old glasses. No sense messing up my eyes any more than they already are :think:lol


Heading upstairs to work on some packing :yes

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Hi all!


Marisa, I'm happy to see that you had a wonderful vacation. How was lunch with the dr.? How are the turtles?


Joanne, yikes @ your finger! And at the tetanus shot! No fun at all. Have you tried to :hook yet? I hope you still can! Sounds like you're really close to the rr being finished- and it will be super-cozy since it's in cotton-ease. :manyheart


Leeann, you were a busy crafter this weekend! :clap Your pictures are beautiful, I'm sure dd just loves her new book bag.


Beth, how's it going? Sounds like lots of fun at Build A Bear. :yes My dd's haven't really taken an interest in it,thankfully. :whew They do have some cute things, though. The monkey bib sounds adorable!



Nothing much going on today. Dh stayed home from work because we didn't get home from the concert until 1 a.m.! :eek He took the older girls out with their RC cars to the park. Eva and I did laundry and stopped for frozen yogurt. Eva went back with MIL until Wednesday. We also had dance today- Isabella's first class! She didn't seem overly thrilled with it. :(


Well, I better get going. I'm working on a capelet and it's turning out pretty well. I fell in love with this pattern but since I can't knit I'm trying to convert it to crochet. I'm up to the hood, so hopefully it will work out. :yes

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Good evening or shall I say night, :lol


Joanne-I am so sorry to hear about your finger.:eek Hope that you were still able to crochet. oooowwwwiiieeee! Will you be able to work comfortably? Maybe you need a few days off.:devil you are so right about the peace signs, my dd loves them! She found more fabric but it is blues/pinks that she is wanting for a quillow or small coverlet...hmmm...maybe a X-Mas idea.



Beth-how ya doing today? Did you tutor Shrimp Boy? Is it getting closer to the time that your dh comes home?



Stacy-isn't that so funny how once kiddos start a new activity that they have been dying to try, they do not seem interested? My dd was in Girl Scouts a year ago, she liked it but soon grew tired of it, now she wants to join again. Yikes! Not that I mind but I was her Leader and do not want to commit myself to doing it again, it was fun but loads and loads of work and responsibility.



Marisa-Welcome back! So glad that you had a fantastic vacation! Will you be checking out of your appt soon?



Work went well, busy but ok. I am going to consigne(sp?) my products with another store in Monte Vista. It is the yarn store that I bought the yummy yarn from..wish me luck! I am creating a new product line to go with it, lots of work. Tonight I made 4 different lotion bars-these will fit into handy dandy tins, made two really cool looking soaps. Sparkling Mojito-it has irridescent glitter and Aloe, so neat! And Pearberry soap with Aloe as well. Guess I should get my tush to bed, I am exhausted, no relaxing for me this evening.

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Good morning


LeeAnn- Good luck with your latest venture- I'll bet you are successful with this as well!!! I was able to crochet- although it's a tad awkward. But I got the rows of blue done on the RR- now just have about 6 more rows to do- but each row takes longer and longer. And is much slower now...but it will get done!

As far as taking of work- I'd feel guilty to do that since I can function with my hurt finger- and shoulder area it's a little sore today from the tetanus, but that's to be expected.


Just read about the earthquake in Colorado- near the Mexico border! That isn't near where you are is it?


Stacy- Give her a few more classes and see how she does. She may just love it! How was the concert? Kudos to you for converting a knit project into a crochet one- I can't wait to see it finished!


Marisa- How'd the packing go? I'm here cheering you on!!! Oh, I saw that the Steelers played the Eagles the other day- are you now going to be a Steelers fan?


Beth- Build-A-Bear sounds like a lot of fun. I know there are quite a few of my co-workers who take their kids there . One girl even commented yesterday how she took her DD there and got one (not sure which animal) with a wedding outfit and the wedding outfit also fit her American Girl doll!


Well, off to get ready for paradise. Have a good one.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Nothing new to report here this morning, more packing :shrug I have a web demo scheduled for 10 and then a dr appt for 1. Other than that, it will be a day of packing! I have so much to go through, it doesn't even look like I started :eek


Joanne - It will remain the same.....Eagles #1 and Steelers #2. I've been an eagles fan since 7th grade and probably the reason I even moved to Philly :think But luckily for me they usually only play pre-season every couple years. It's rare for them to play during the season :xfin There's no pro basketball there, so am safe with my sixer boys :yes As for baseball, I do like the Phils and Bosox so the Pirates will have to be 3rd in line I suppose. And hockey....I've never been super big into unless I'm at the game so can be a Pens fan :think I already root for Pitt for college basketball. What else? :think I think that might cover it :lol


LeeAnn - The lease on my apartment is up on the 31st of this month :clap:yay I'm sooooooooooo excited :yes

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Hi all!


Just checking in to see if you East Coast-ers are okay. I hope you are all well and have no damage!


I got called in to work today, so dh will be taking Mia to her game. Other than that, just getting everything set for our mini-vacation this weekend. We are going to San Diego finally!! :yay:yay:yay I told dh that is all I want for my birthday- I've waited for 10 years. LoL


Love and hugs and prayers that you are all safe!!! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi all!


Just checking in to see if you East Coast-ers are okay. I hope you are all well and have no damage!


I got called in to work today, so dh will be taking Mia to her game. Other than that, just getting everything set for our mini-vacation this weekend. We are going to San Diego finally!! :yay:yay:yay I told dh that is all I want for my birthday- I've waited for 10 years. LoL


Love and hugs and prayers that you are all safe!!! :hug:hug:hug

East coast gal checking in here- we did feel the earthquake here- it felt like someone was shaking my chair-, the floor was moving, I felt lightheaded- it was so weird- my first ever earthquake! I left the building- with quite a few others- even though they didn't make any announcements- I was not taking any chances. WEnt back in about 20 min later. My DD in Boston felt it in Boston too- and evacuated her building!


Wondering how Beth is? She is in VA- not sure how far from the epicenter of the earthquake.


Have fun in San Diego--waited only 10 years???? Glad you are finally getting to go!!!!!


I'm off to figure out dinner- something light and easy I'm thinking!


Just heard on the news that the quake was felt in 22 states!!!:eek


Now we have to watch for Hurricane Irene at the end of the week...but I must say other than the little diversion of the earthquake, the weather was magnificent today!!!

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Hello hello!


Joanne-that must have been scary! Wow! We did not feel anything here in CO but heard about it hitting New Mexico. Glad that you are safe. How does your finger feel?


Stacy-wooohoooo! Have fun on your trip! What will you do?


Marisa-how was your day? Did you get lots of packing done?


Beth-oh my! I hope and pray that you are ok. Hugs!


Hugs to all of you! Going to work on more soaps, hi ho hi ho! Tomorrow is the first day of school, we are ready,...check check! :-)

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Good morning ladies :hi


My coffee is almost finished brewing :drool Not much to report here today. Just another day of packing for me and I'm thinking I'll tackle the kitchen :yes


Joanne - I forgot that Beth was in VA :eek I sure hope she is alright and am sending prayers out for her and her family, in addition to all the ones for everyone else that may have been affected.

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Good morning, Sorry I've been out of touch.


I didn't feel the quake -- I almost feel like I missed out on something. My younger son was sitting on a chair, and felt like Joanne, like somebody was shaking the chair. I'm about 3 hours away from the epicenter, and we didn't have any damage to report. My nephews live in DC, and had to evacuate their buildings. They lost ceiling tiles. Now we need to get prepared for a hurricane. We're hoping the hurricane will put out the swamp fire. It's been quite a summer here. My husband will be home in 8 days.


Joanne, I hope your finger is feeling OK. That sounds so painful. There are so many nerve endings on your finger tips. And the location of the tetanus shot -- ouch! Those are the worst. Well, I guess they are better than tetanus... May your today be better than your yesterday!


Marisa, welcome back. I hope you get a lot of packing done. Your vacation sounds very nice. Did you make any extra coffee for me? I haven't had any yet.


LeeAnn, how do you get it all done??? You are an amazing person, and I wish I had some of your energy.


Stacy, have a wonderful time at San Diego!


I frogged one of my afghans. I loved the center, but it started getting puckery, like round afghans sometimes do. I am making a corner-to-corner with the colors instead, only making it in big blocks -- half one color, half the other. It's coming along nicely.


I'm tutoring 5 days a week, still. I work 4 hours today and tomorrow at the ballet studio for enrollment.


My oldest son and daughter have both started college. They each have had one class. My son is back for his second day of classes today. My dd is so excited about her art class.

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Beth - Glad to hear from you and know that all is ok. :hug Hopefully the hurricane won't cause any damage either, but puts out the fire :yes They evacuated buildings here too. I felt it was pretty subtle, but they still needed to check the structure integrity for safety :yes


The coffee is getting cold waiting for you, so I just might have to drink your share :think:lol

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