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I´m about to give up! I need a mother/grandmother someone to teach me in real life! I just can´t understand the patterns, even with the "crochet dictionary"!!


I can´t move on from square shapes!


I wonder if any of you have seen a video online to learn.. I know there are some to learn how to knit, but never saw one to crochet .. :think



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Don't give up; YOU CAN DO IT. Back when I learned to crochet (many moons ago) I was having a hard time with it....then believe it or not dreamed about it...and then got up the next day and started crocheting! No, I'm not loosing my mind; that's the way it happened. I think I was trying tooooo hard at the time!! As for the mother/grandmother part; I'll take you on. I need a daughter and even a grandchild!

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:hookI know how difficult it might be when you are first trying to crochet. I just recently learned how to make doilies. But before I even tried, I figured I won't be able to do this....its too difficult. But I was bound and determined to learn and learn I did. As others mentioned, there are some CD Rom programs that help learning how to crochet. In one of my magazines, a lady is trying to make a video of how to crochet, but she hasn't gotten her feet of the ground, as we might say. Keep trying, Veronika and in the end, you will be a crocheter.



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Your frustration is very familiar to me. In the beginning, I had to absolutely "inch" my way through each pattern. I would take a pencil and make a "slash" mark after each little step I took. :think


I also bought the "Crochet Made Easy" CD Rom. It was extremely helpful. Don't give up.. You'll get to a point where you understand it and you will have a skill to enjoy for the rest of your life! :jumpyay

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i will tell you what i told my students today. it is never easy to learn something, until all at oncew(as happened today with a 7 year old in my class) you realize hey you can do it. what is the most diffucult thing your haveing problems with. a circle?


let me know and maybe i can help ya a bit. take care and let me know k:hug :hug :hug

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yah veronkia you are soooo talented. dont get discouraged. no one crochets over night. it took me a long time before i got the hang of it. but i didnt have help or videos. if you get confused or need help PM me. I teach a group of 8-12 yr olds crochet, so i'm on a easy level of communication i guess.


:cheer just keep trying, youll get the hang of it!:cheer

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Marville: I do that thing!! I "translate" patterns to my "own crochet language" LOL!


Wendy: thing is.. I´ve tried to do this butterfly pattern, which is suposed to be easy.. and it´s russian for me! I don´t understand a thing! But not because i don´t understand the abreviations (I have printed a mini dictionary).. it´s just that I don´t know how to do the stitches in the right way.. (that´s why I said I need to "SEE" to learn).


For example:

RND 1: Chain 6, sl st in 6th ch from hk to form a ring. Ch 3 (counts as first dc). Work the following stitches inside the ring you just made, 2 dc, ch 2 * 3 dc, ch 2. Repeat from * 6 times more. Join with sl st in top 1st dc. Ch 3, turn.

This means: I have to make a chain with 6 stitches... then slip stitch (I don´t know how to slip stitch) in the last stitch of the chain and make a ring. Then what? from that last stitch I have to make a chain of 3 stitches? and then work inside the ring (meaning to refill it?). 2 double crochet, chain 2 and then 3 double crochet and chain 2 (but this ... where?! inside the ring?)

See? I got lost :think

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Have you tried printing out a copy of an abbreviations chart to keep handy while you crochet? I know Kooler's Encyclopedia of Crochet had a couple great reference pages, but I'm sure one of the super-helpful people here could connect you to a link or two. That might help things go a bit smoother.


Okay here are a few I found:




Third - has some Spanish abbreviations

Fourth - + symbol explanations


Maybe these will help?

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Thanks Natalie :)

That sure will help! I still need to see someone crocheting to finally get over this big rock I have...

I´ve found some small videos on the web (stitchguide) and will try see if that helps.. otherwise, I´ll have to ask some of you to adopt me for a few months hahaha :D

I promise I will eat just bread :P

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While you are practicing your stitches, why don't you do them in worsted cotten with an H hook. Chain 35 and then do a row of single crochet or half double crochet then practice new stitches row by row until you have a square peice, then end with a row of either single or half double crochet. Then you have a nice dishcloth and have practiced stitches too. I like to practice new stitches or ideas before I do it in a pattern. Keep trying, it just takes practice and you'll be crocheting everything you want. Now if I could have the patience to knit.....


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I taught myself to crochet too. After buying a "learn to" kit and two "teach yourself" books I finally picked up a book for teaching kids. I just needed to be walked through each step. Everyone learns differently. And everyone has trouble with different things.


Patterns are not easy to learn to read. And people write them in so many different ways. You can tell because the Crochet help section is always full of "What does this mean?" questions. Not to mention that the abbreviations are like gibberish until you memorize them.


I too think it's a good idea to practice your stitches. A worsted weight yarn with an h hook in a light color. Lighter colors are easier to see.


It'll come to you. I think it is an "all of the sudden it hits you" thing for most of us. And everyone here is more than willing to help. Just keep asking as you come to something new.

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What do you mean Square shapes, I am assuming, granny squares? Learning to make each stitch is your hang up. Practice each stitch, do not worry with any pattern. Make a ch abour 10 or so. Now make each row or 2 using same st. sc, dc, hdc, tdc, etc. Doing this will give you the confidence with out the frustration of working a pattern. This is what my mother made me do when I wanted to learn. I was like you frustrated, and did not think I could ever learn to read a pattern. By practicing the stitches, I was learning the name of the stitch, so that way I could follow and understand most patterns. Try this, I am currently do this with trying to teach myself to knit. LOL. Not easy after crocheting for 40 yrs. Do not even try a pattern unless you know how to do the stitches it will require. Make scarves, lots of them, your friends and family will love them, and easy easy to make. You can make them wide or not, I love the ones that are only about 4 inch wide. Hope my suggestion helps with the frustration, but practice practice is what it takes. I know you can do it.

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something I have done too is to copy the pattern into Word. Then put each step on it's own line. Each sentance so to speak. I like to have a space between lines, makes it easier to read. This way you are only focusing on one step at a time. You can also enlarge the font if you need to. I've seen suggestions to re-write the pattern using whole words instead of abreviations too. Sometimes I have to do that with a certain portion of a pattern that is stumping me. =)

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If you can give us more specific info on where exactly you are getting stuck, I bet we might be able to help you, especially if you have a digital camera and are willing to take the time to take pictures of where you are stuck, etc. Please feel free to email me if you need to do this. I learned to crochet a chain and then sc for a few years. It wasn't until last fall when all of the abreviations, etc started to make sense. Even to this day I still will read patterns wrong or do something wonky...just all part of crocheting.

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