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I´m about to give up! I need a mother/grandmother someone to teach me in real life! I just can´t understand the patterns, even with the "crochet dictionary"!!


I can´t move on from square shapes!


I wonder if any of you have seen a video online to learn.. I know there are some to learn how to knit, but never saw one to crochet .. :think



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I think the first mistake you are making is that you are not doing the right stitch.

In NZ we use DC (Double Crochet), TR (Treble), HTR (Half Treble) etc, in the US patterns a SC (Single Crochet) is our DC, a DC is our TR so where you read DC you shoud be doing a TR. The CH and SLP (Slip) stitch are the same. If you are in Spain, you probably use the same names because most patterns out of Europe the same as we use, just the US ones that are different.

I have done enough of the US patterns now that I can automatically change it in my head as I go.

I made the same mistake as you about 35 years ago and almost gave up until I looked carefully at the picture and saw that where they were saying DC, I needed to do a TR.

If you want the piece to turn into a butterfly, you do need to join the CH into a loop before you do the next bit. I dont know the whole pattern but you probably do not turn your work at the end of each round.

Have you ever made Granny Squares? Well the start of the pattern is similar to that pattern but with more 3DC (your TR) groups into the CH6 loop. This creates a wavy effect to make the butterfly wings sit nicely.

Hope this is helpful.

Have fun.


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Wendy.. I was trying to follow that pattern and end up making this (Sylvia don´t look!).. don´t ask me how this happened hahaha but I made it into this


I´m pretty proud even if it wasn´t what I wanted to make... maybe I´m just bad at following patterns.. and need to crochet freely. (more pictures in my blog)



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[ Then what? from that last stitch I have to make a chain of 3 stitches? and then work inside the ring (meaning to refill it?). 2 double crochet, chain 2 and then 3 double crochet and chain 2 (but this ... where?! inside the ring?)


See? I got lost :think


Your stitches will not be filling the inside of the ring.

You are merely stitching into the ring, i.e. placing your stitches there as opposed to the chains or stitches.. (incidentally, this makes it easier to crochet)


When you chain 3 after joining a chain into a ring, you are bringing it up to the next level, and most likely your stitches will be double crochets.


(is this making sense, or am I confusing you further? I have not had my second cup of coffee yet:) )

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Everyone here is offering great advice, and the only thing I wish to add is that I wouldn't recommend starting with rounds. I've been crocheting for about 6 months and have just now gotten halfway (yes, halfway) comfortable with rounds. Stick with straight lines until you know the basic stitches (slip stitch included). So, if the pattern says "Rnd 1" or "Round 1" - run away as fast as you can... for a couple of months ;)



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I´ll have to ask some of you to adopt me for a few months hahaha :DI promise I will eat just bread :P
Come on over to Brussels! :hook I'll teach you...Granted I've only been crocheting since December myself, but I am doing fairly well with only occasional tears of despair and screams of rage!

I am planning a trip in August to visit friends in Madrid including one or two Argentines (is that the correct phrase??) that I know who live there) perhaps we can meet up!! Will probably be the 2nd or 3rd weekend of that month - possibly for the long Assumption weekend the 13-15th.

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That site has really nice tutorials!! I also got the videos from stitchguide and will start working on them this weekend :)

I´m just too anxious to get something I want done... instead of the boring beginner stuff :blush


kaml2000: I´m seding you a PM!! but it would be great to meet you :)



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Love what you made from your try. looks like you were losing stitches on the ends, which is a very common mistake that people make. I have to count stitches every few rows to make sure I'm keeping on track. Its a matter of making a stitch in the turning chain from the previous row which is mostly for any stitch other than a single crochet. Keep trying, and making cute things like that.


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funny thing is.. I´m friend with circles lol! I´m making small flower bookmars right now and I´m happy with the result x)

the problem, for me, seem to be the patterns. I just don´t understand them.. I´d need them to be written for "dummies" LOL! But I´m sure in the end I will understand them. So in the meantime, I keep making things... and one day (maybe with the help of Kim if she comes to Spain) I will be able to read the patterns.

THANKS again for all the sweet comments and links! Means a LOT to me!



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Veronika: all patterns are not equal. What I mean is there are good ones and there are bad ones out there. Many web patterns are written by amateur crocheters. They may or may not be written well. Some, not so amateur patterns have errors in them.


I am sure that if you take the time and have the patience, you'll do just fine.

Also, some people work better with charts/graphs rather than written patterns.

It maybe worth a try.



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Marville: I do that thing!! I "translate" patterns to my "own crochet language" LOL!


Wendy: thing is.. I´ve tried to do this butterfly pattern, which is suposed to be easy.. and it´s russian for me! I don´t understand a thing! But not because i don´t understand the abreviations (I have printed a mini dictionary).. it´s just that I don´t know how to do the stitches in the right way.. (that´s why I said I need to "SEE" to learn).


For example:

RND 1: Chain 6, sl st in 6th ch from hk to form a ring. Ch 3 (counts as first dc). Work the following stitches inside the ring you just made, 2 dc, ch 2 * 3 dc, ch 2. Repeat from * 6 times more. Join with sl st in top 1st dc. Ch 3, turn.


This means: I have to make a chain with 6 stitches... then slip stitch (I don´t know how to slip stitch) in the last stitch of the chain and make a ring. Then what? from that last stitch I have to make a chain of 3 stitches? and then work inside the ring (meaning to refill it?). 2 double crochet, chain 2 and then 3 double crochet and chain 2 (but this ... where?! inside the ring?)


See? I got lost :think


Chain 6 stitches. Then, insert your hook into the first stich, draw the yarn over the hook and then pull it through. That is a slip stitch. Your chain 6 should now be in a ring. YES! Then, you chain 3, and YES! then you insert your hook into the center of the chain 6 ring and work a double crochet into the ring. Do another double crochet into the ring. (when you normally do a DC you do it in a stitch, right? Well in this pattern you are doing it in the actually donut hole of the chain 6 ring you made.) Chain 2....all of these stitches are working with the Chain 6 ring you originally made. I think you can do this.

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These are all good suggestions. You might also take all the abbreviations and translate them into the actual term. Instead of sc, substitute single crochet, etc etc.


What sometimes has helped when I've taught is to have someone else read the pattern to you a step at a time. This is more fun because there is someone else to chat with. Who knows, you may both learn. :-)


Stitchguide.com has super videos.


I have many tutorials for the beginning crocheter with lots of pics as well. Try the granny square one if you're most interested in the butterfly pattern.


If you want to go through the rest of the site, just go to the home page



That will show you how to do the granny shells, which is what the first two rounds of the butterfly are.


Here's the butterfly pattern I use but I use a chenille stem for the body. The picture shows the chenille stem, but the pattern text does not say that.



Another place with videos is www.nexstitch.com . These are for afghan stitch, but there are a few for the starting chain and foundation chain if I remember correctly. There is audio too, so it's like having someone there to show you.


Hope that helps. Oh, and yes, do know if your pattern uses the American terminology or the European. My site uses American. I also have a section on working in the round, like for making hats and such. One difference in working in the round is that in many cases you don't turn your work as you do with straight crocheting in rows. Everything is done on the "right" side. I'm sure this is not the case in EVERY pattern, but in most grannies and such, it is the norm.

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Thank you Sandie! I already knew your site, is one of the best sites <3

Sadly I don´t have a crocheting friend, or a friend for that matter... as I´ve recently moved to this city :(

But with patient I know I will learn how to make pretty things :) I´m very stubborn hahaha.

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Well, you've got plenty of friends here!


If you belong to a church, you might put out feelers. Lots of women's groups do crochet/knit/quilt charity projects and if they have such a group, someone might be willing to mentor you.

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Weren't you also looking for patterns in Spanish? Did you know google has a language tool to translate pages into different languages.



You can also do a search in different languages. Here's the one I did on crochet.



And Lion Brand has some patterns in Spanish.



Hope that is a help.

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i started crocheting last december and started by doing granny squares. i liked working in the round too. i found working in rows difficult to get right. now i love doing row work. :hooked i have even made a pair of slippers now too. i made a scarf after the first one had wonky edges and i frogged it found a stitch i liked and just made my scarf. hope you get it worked out well.


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Thanks again Sandie!! The church in town is closed tee hee... we are only 2000 inhabitants here x) Most of them come to sleep as they work in the city... and some others only come on the weekends to relax..

Eventually I will get to know someone, I´m very friendly x)


Sals: funny, my rows always end up messed as well LOL! we are "round" girls x)


And this is what I made this weekend, it´s pretty simple, but I did it without pattern and I´m oh so proud! LOL!


Picture here :blush

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awwwwwwwwwwww you are all so incredible sweet!!! THANKS for the encouragement!

I have the theory, I try to crochet next to the computer to see all this amazing tutorials online.. but I don´t know.. I´m lost with all this little words and abbreviations!


I´m not really that slow at learning, and I´ve learnt pretty much all I know (about crafts) by myself... but crochet is giving me a hard time :( I need to "SEE" to learn.. and can´t find a crochet group in Spain.. seems like spanish ladies aren´t that much into crafts LOL!


I will try to find a video or CD in spanish, if I can´t find one (what will probably be the case) I will give it a try with the one posted here :)


THANKS again ! you are all very veeeeeery kind!

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There are videos to learn to crochet and also DVDs. I had a VHS tape but gave it to my in-laws because they wanted to learn but never did. I think Good Housekeeping puts one out.

Learn To Crochet

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