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Yarn Barrels!

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These are not a WIP or FO, but just wanted to share what I came up with...I found some things on a website a while back called "Yarn Barrels" and thought they were pretty neat....but, at $11-15 each, they were just a little rich for my blood! So what did I do?? I made my own for less than $10 for all three! I found some clear plastic Rubbermaid canisters with screw-on lids at Walmart ($2.00-2.50 each), went to Radio Shack for some vinyl grommets (a package of about 20 in assorted sizes for $2), drilled a hole in the center of each canister lid, put the grommets in, and viola!!






No more puppy grabbing my yarn and running all over the house, no more major tangles when trying to use 3-4 different skeins in my crochet tote...I think they are gonna work great!:hook

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What a brilliant mind you have & great idea! I had admired those barrels as well but just couldn't see how they charged as much as they do. I'm going to give your idea a try. Dusty loves grabbing my yarn/thread while I'm not looking and unraveling it! Thanx for the great tip!

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I've been thinking the yarn barrels were a great thing too, but way out of my price range. I knew I could make a hole in a lid, but thought I would never get the edge smooth enough not to snag the yarn. You came up with the perfect solution and I'm off to the store!

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great idea!! You now have everyone going out to buy rubbermaid containers. You should send an e-mail to rubbermaid and tell them what you made. They might get a kick out of it.....:think

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Thanks everyone! This has been in my mind for a while now, and I finally got a chance to get it done! I didn't check at Walmart for the grommets...didn't even THINK to look there! You could probably find them at Lowe's, Home Depot, etc., but we just happened to be close by a Radio Shack and DH knew they had them since he is an electronics geek! I would have liked to have been able to fine a little larger grommets, and may still be on the lookout the next time I am at Lowe's. The holes in the lids are probably about 1/2", and I thini I would like them to be about 1". I like the way yarn feeds out of a skein when it is standing straight up, but they never will stay standing up in my tote by themselves for very long, so I thought this might solve my problem!

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Oh sweet! This is a great idea I'm deinfately going to use! Thanks for showing us how yours turned out, they look great. :D


My grandma always balled her yarn up (I'm kinda in that habit too, I can't seem to work with a skein without getting knots on and off throughout the use of it) and she used to reuse those big plastic buckets you get gallon ice cream in, heh. She'd drill a hole in the center, and then cut a slit from the hole to one of the sides, then she could slip the yarn in and out in the middle of projects.


I was actually trying to explain this to my husband this past weekend while at the store looking for ice cream, heh. He doesn't like plain ol' vanilla though so we got the silly cardboard container ice cream. :P No new yarn bucket for me I guess, hahah.


Thanks again!

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Those are great! There was a tip on the lionbrand website about something similar, you took an empty 2 litre soda bottle, cut a "flap" in the side, inserted your skein and ran the yarn out the end. I like your idea way better and looks much nicer too! Way to go!

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