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Favorite tools...

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What are your top crocheting tools you just can't live with out? Obviously hooks would be on the top of that list, but I mean the other things. Are there are items/tools in your crochet 'tote' that you would freak out if you lost?


Are there tools you bought but never use because they aren't all they are cracked up to be or you found other easier/cheaper items to use in place of them?


Are there items around the house that are meant for other things that you have found come in handy when crocheting?

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I use my plastic yarn needle a lot. If I couldn't find one of those when I finished crocheting a project I'd be sad. Another thing I love: my hook holder.


Someone gave me stitch markers, but I've never used them for a crochet project.

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I'd have to say:


1. H Hook, sometime I, but lately it's been H all the way.

2. Scissors (always seem to get lost)

3. Lambie Measuring Tape

4. My little jar of stitch markers and needle. It's very convenient and keeps my needle from getting lost.


I also have a hook roll that I've made! That keeps all my hooks organized.


I've got plenty of other gadgets, but these are the ones I use on a regular basis.

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Slicer, whoever is taking your scissors is then coming to my house and swiping mine! :lol They always grow legs and take a walk, don't they?


In my take-along tote bag is my project, my hook, tape measure or ruler, scissors (if nobody swiped them), yarn needle, and nail file. I think that's the basics I couldn't live without. I do use stitch markers sometimes. I used to just use a piece of contrasting yarn as a marker but the stitch markers are quite fun. I love my Kacha Kacha row counter. I used to just mark a piece of paper when I was counting rows but clicking off those rows is easier.

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For me having a pencil to mark off rows done or to make notes on the pattern is essential for me. I use to carry my scissors with me but they never get to come back home with me. I am just starting to learn to use stitch markers so they will also be in my crochet tote bag with me.:hook

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Other than my hooks I guess it would have to be my yarn needle and scissors... I live by these and have freaked out when I thought I lost them. I don't really use anything else all of the time but my post-its help me to take notes on patterns (I hate writing in books) and to keep track of where I am. Oh and I love my stitch markers more because I can use them to remove my hook and save the loop than because I mark my stitches (which I don't and that sometimes makes things difficult). I also love my plastic storage bags... I am reusing bags used for pillowcases and sheets to keep my projects more organized and an Altoids tin to hold my needle and scissors (and post-its, mini pen, and stitch markers). I should make a hook holder but I haven't yet.

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I don't know what I would do with out my yarn/thread threader. With out it I would probably spend an hour trying to get my yarn through the yarn needle.


I also use my 3.25mm hook the most. I got so used to using it, that it's the only one I use.

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i have a pencil bag that i put all my necessary items in...a 6 inch ruler, needle case (with needles of course) spare crochet hooks and a marker that fades and a spare set of reading glasses...of course i have a large bag that i put all of that and more in. my husband says i look sad because i have to take my bag with me everywhere...i might need it....

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Besides all the things already listed I'd say lots of tote bags! I keep my WIPs in separate bags with the basics in each one. I do lots of crocheting out of the house so I just grab the one I'm in the mood for and go. My favorite is a tote shaped purse type bag I found at the Goodwill store. You can find the best stuff there! I have ones I have made and all those freebies I seem to accumulate from trips and the kids' activities right down to a small ball of yarn and a hook I keep near my purse.

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I adore my foldable scissors, and sheepie measuring tape. Although one of my little monsters got ahold of them and used them against each other- almost cut my measuring tape in half with the scissors! I also love my stitch markers that look like little safety pins but only use them when I am working in spirals.

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Woo hoo, looks like I pretty much have those things together. :) I did buy some of the stitch markers last night (had a coupon for Michaels). My mom never used those so she taught me to use scrap yarns, which work fine, but I do like the idea of the stitch markers on the last loop when I need a hoop from one project to another.


I have all my hooks and stuff in a hard plastic pencil case, that way it stays together and I can just pick it up and go when I am taking a project out of the house.

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I don't carry much with me, always at least on stitch marker to hold the loop during travel to not unravel, scissors, hooks needed for the pattern. Everything else is at home in my craft aka junk room

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My cat always takes my scissors and she wont stay out of my lap either, loveknot. She hid them under the sofa the other day and right now they are under my desk. She takes off with them in her mouth. Naughty little kitty.


I always have my scissors and yarn needle and I LOVE my hook case. I would be lost without it. Now if I could just put the hooks back. I tend to leave them in the yarn so I can remember which hook I used on the project last.

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