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have you made a list of the things you can crochet

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ok this past week I made a list of things I could crochet so I'm wondering has anybody done that? I noticed when I made a list of the things I could crochet I actually surprised myself:lol

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I keep a running list for the year of everything I make. Sometimes I read other people's posts here and don't feel very prolific, but then when I sit down to list it all out, I'm doing pretty good after all! :D

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I have never done a list of what I can make, but I did sit down yesterday and made a calendar of what I want to make for this year....


I feel so very ORGANIZED! ...very weird for me, but I think I like it :wink

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I have a To Do file and a Done file on my computer.


I began the To Do file to get myself more organized because I had so many items I wanted to make.


I began the Done file because I was curious about how many items I make in a year. Since I have often put aside a larger project to do a spur of the moment item or 2, or someone makes a request I can't turn down, I thought it would be interesting to see how varied my projects are. Once I began to keep track as I finished each item, I really surprised myself! I was accomplishing a lot more than I thought.


I had a tendency to remember the bigger, more dramatic and more time consuming items, but not the smaller things. So I remembered the big fuschia tote I made for my pink-loving sister, but not the 3 camera sized bags for another sister and the pixie purse for a friend. Now they all get written down.


My To Do file has lengthened greatly, but I decided to break it down into a number of categories. This works for me:


Current Projects: Everything is listed from quick to very long term, like blankets. If I have started it, it's on this list, and the person it is to go to even if it is for ME.


Next: All the items I would like to have as my next projects when my current ones are finished. As I finish items, I start new ones from this list.


Birthdays: obvious


Christmas: obvious


I add to the Birthday and Christmas lists throughout the year as I think of items or people mention items. These 2 lists go through a lot of changes as items are moved to the Next list or deleted because I changed my mind.


General: This is all the other items I think of that I would someday like to make for myself or others, but are not in the near future. I break this down into 2 sections: ME and Others. An example is that I would like to make myself a floor length bathrobe. I have the yarn and I have worked on my own pattern for it, but I will probably not have the time to make it for another year, so it is on this list under ME. As items on the Next list move up, items from this list move to the Next list.


Once I set this system up, it is very simple to keep. I can check everything at a glance, and it really doesn't take much to maintain it. Items are added or deleted now and again. Items move up the lists now and again.


Getting all this organized and being able to see my progress through the lists to the Done file has been such a help. I no longer worry that I'm forgetting something I promised to someone. It's much easier to see if I am on track for birthday and holiday items. It makes me feel good to see my progress.

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Wow Real Deal, your too organized!! Wanna come to Iowa and learn me how to be that way??? :lol I am too scatter brained on all my meds to handle all of that :P

No, I should make a list of things I CANT crochet..:lol

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I love how organized y'all are! wow!


Once upon a time .. I thought I'd keep a journal of all the projects I had completed, a picture of the finished product, the pattern used, a sample of the yarn, the start & completion date and the intended recipient. Some how I thought it might be looked at 100 years from now ....? But I had started it when I was making a lot of scrap-ghans for charity so every item was the same & it didn't seem like I was doing anything special. Maybe I'll start another one, I still mostly make afghans for charity, so I won't tackle it unless I find the perfect journal or I can eloquently put thoughts about the project onto paper.


For everyone who is sooo organized - keep up the good work!



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I love how organized y'all are! wow!


Once upon a time .. I thought I'd keep a journal of all the projects I had completed, a picture of the finished product, the pattern used, a sample of the yarn, the start & completion date and the intended recipient. Some how I thought it might be looked at 100 years from now ....?


I love that idea..!! You should really do it. :)


I haven't written a list of what I can crochet, but I have a folder on my computer that's called "crochet 2009", and under that folder there's a folder called "january". I take pictures of everything I make, well almost everything. I have forgot some dishcloths, but that's no biggie. ;)


I love that crochet is so easy, and that once you've learned to make a square or a circle, you can make A LOT! :D

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Hmm, I guess I just assume I can crochet anything, ya know? Somethings I simply don't want to, but if I want to do something, I just do it. I'll let ya know if my journey into thread crochet turns out as great as I think I will - LOL!

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I have a To Do file and a Done file on my computer.


I began the To Do file to get myself more organized because I had so many items I wanted to make.


I began the Done file because I was curious about how many items I make in a year. Since I have often put aside a larger project to do a spur of the moment item or 2, or someone makes a request I can't turn down, I thought it would be interesting to see how varied my projects are. Once I began to keep track as I finished each item, I really surprised myself! I was accomplishing a lot more than I thought.


I had a tendency to remember the bigger, more dramatic and more time consuming items, but not the smaller things. So I remembered the big fuschia tote I made for my pink-loving sister, but not the 3 camera sized bags for another sister and the pixie purse for a friend. Now they all get written down.


My To Do file has lengthened greatly, but I decided to break it down into a number of categories. This works for me:


Current Projects: Everything is listed from quick to very long term, like blankets. If I have started it, it's on this list, and the person it is to go to even if it is for ME.


Next: All the items I would like to have as my next projects when my current ones are finished. As I finish items, I start new ones from this list.


Birthdays: obvious


Christmas: obvious


I add to the Birthday and Christmas lists throughout the year as I think of items or people mention items. These 2 lists go through a lot of changes as items are moved to the Next list or deleted because I changed my mind.


General: This is all the other items I think of that I would someday like to make for myself or others, but are not in the near future. I break this down into 2 sections: ME and Others. An example is that I would like to make myself a floor length bathrobe. I have the yarn and I have worked on my own pattern for it, but I will probably not have the time to make it for another year, so it is on this list under ME. As items on the Next list move up, items from this list move to the Next list.


Once I set this system up, it is very simple to keep. I can check everything at a glance, and it really doesn't take much to maintain it. Items are added or deleted now and again. Items move up the lists now and again.


Getting all this organized and being able to see my progress through the lists to the Done file has been such a help. I no longer worry that I'm forgetting something I promised to someone. It's much easier to see if I am on track for birthday and holiday items. It makes me feel good to see my progress.



you are truly organized which I was that organized

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I have been thinking of writing a journal of all the things I have made and, if I can remember, the dates of completion and the yarn used. My husband is insanely organized and I think it's starting to rub off on me.

I have 2 label makers and a laminator and I use it all regularly! You should see my spices (obviously labeled and not laminated, that would make them hard to use as seasoning). LOL.

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I don't have a list per se but when I restarted crocheting I dedicated a section of a 5 subject notebook I had to Crochet. I wrote an introduction, then an inventory of my then scant supplies and added some of my yarn purchases there, then hand-copied the patterns I used (printer's broken), I gues you could say that was my list but it's not complete anymore because when I began making bigger and/or more advanced things the patterns got too long to copy so I had real copies made or worked directly from the copy I stored on my laptop.


Also, when I noticed others had nice photo albums of their creatons I decided to take pictures of everything I made because I could hardly remember what I'd made in the past and felt sad my "crochet past" was practically erased. Now, save for some things I made and gave away while I was in the Dominican Republic last year, almost everything else is in my photobucket album. At the end of the year I counted all the pics there (which like I said didn't include everything) and felt pretty proud about all the progress I'd made.


I also began a Crochet Journal in October and it's filed in my laptop. I not only write there about what I'm making but keep a list of all the yarn I buy each month, also the RAOKs I've done.




Take heart, in March '08 I started out making 24" x 24" kitty blankets, then tried crocheting in the round by making small iPod covers. I kept challenging myself by trying different things and just recently made a cute toddler's cardigan, my first real wearable item which required shaping, ribbing, buttonholes and assembly, so if you really want to you can make much more than that. If you have trouble understanding patterns there are plenty of websites that list all the abbreviations and explain how to follow the instructions (let me know if you need help finding one), and if you have problems with one particular pattern just go to the Crochet Help section here and open a thread and you'll see how quickly someone comes to the rescue.

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I keep a journal of the things I have made. The start and completion dates, what yarn I used, which hook I used, any alterations I made to the pattern and if applicable who it was gifted to. And unfortunately, sometimes I have to write "FROGGED" by it!:frog


Also, I keep all of my printed off patterns in page protectors in binders and sometimes write directly on the pattern if I made changes.

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I just organize what I have made and what is on my hooks and needles over at Ravelry. I love it for just that purpose. I also have a lot of my books/magazines listed there as well. It makes it nice as well because you can click on your book and see what everyone else has done from the book/magazine as well. It is what works for me! :)

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