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Crochet Resolutions for 2009

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My resolution for 2009 in crochet is to get a pattern I designed published. Even if I don't make any money from it. I would be the only one in my family to ever be published. There is a woman in my family (my Grandfather's cousin) she crochets. I would love to be able to impress my family with the fact of having a pattern published! I have all ready made three designs this year!

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I don't make resolutions because I make goals throughout the year and as I go along though I will be working on ripples and maybe some other techniques once I get around to it

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I'm guilty of breaking resolutions so my goal is to get the four afghans I have started finished. Learn to graph crochet I have the stitching part figured out I am fighting with the graphs. Learn to make a granny ripple I have chucked the hook several times in frustration will attempt that again after I the other four afghans done. I also need to finish a quilt I am making for one of my nephews, almost done with it. See a trend I really need to finish what I have started lol. Mostly though I want to learn as much as I can.

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Bother, I have already broken my crochet resolution.... Not to buy any more yarn untill I have used up what I have. Darn that Spotlight catalogue and end of Summer sale!!

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Mine is also not really a resolution, but a goal...to be more disciplined with my crocheting, so I can get stuff done that I've started. I also want to get last year's wip's finished up.

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I wouldn't call these Resolutions, just Goals:


  1. Shop from Stash First…with some 500 skeins in the house, chances are I have SOMETHING I can use already ;0)
  2. Use 100 skeins this year
  3. Learn at least one new stitch or technique, or make something new to me (not hard, since I don’t know much!)
  4. Continue charity crochet; can you all say “Addicting!”
  5. Finish two large wips (both afghans)
  6. Try at least one new pattern a week. If you could see the binders full of printed patterns from the net….I am totally without excuses here!
  7. Start and maintain a local stitching group. A friend and I are going tomorrow to meet with our librarians to get the ball rolling on this endeavor.
  8. Look for more local charities to help. Can’t afford the postage to mail packages to the far-flung worthies out there, much as I’d love to. I’m already making stuff to support a homeless ministry.


I'd add in 9. Start Christmas projects in March, but I'm currently caught up in After Christmas requests that I'd rather make and stash til next Christmas, but the requestees are breathing down my neck...they want wrist warmers NOW:lol

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1. I want to learn to do crochet cables, I have a book called 63 cable stitches that I am going to use.


2. I want to finish the 2 Wips I have had hiding out.


3. I want to make something in Filet Crochet.


4. Make 3 - 4 Amigurumis for a non-profit I volunteer for, for christmas gifts for kids.


5. Make a Fat Bottom Bag For (RAOK)


Those are my Top ones. There are other things I want to do, but these I absolutely want this year to accomplish!

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My only crochet resolution (and I have already begun) is to work all year long on things to give for Christmas next year. No more starting the Christmas gifts in October for me. I have had it with the last minute rush, rush, rush! I want to have a pile of things I can just choose gifts from for people, so rather than giving things away all throughout the year like I usually do, I'm going to stockpile my finished projects for next Christmas. I have this bad habit of, when showing things to people, if they say they like them, I say "take it!". I may still do that with a couple of small things during the year, but no more big items. From now on, those are future Christmas gifts!

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No resolutions - just a few goals here:


1. Find a pattern & finish my sister-in-law's tablecloth.

2. Graphs - I'm fascinated by them & have no idea where to start

3. Get Christmas/birthday gifts done well in advance. I've got plenty of things in progress that are going into the Christmas gift tub. Now I just have to get them finished and move on to others.

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