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Yarn Bras

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I have seen some that are plastic-y, made out of the stuff that pot scrubbers are and Iver seen cloth ones. you slip your yarn in them...it like a sleeve, to keep it from coming unraveled and clean, like the cloth yarn bras.




here is a link to eyeball some:




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I haven't used them, but the edges where the yarn comes out looks kind of "sticky" to me...I would think your yarn might catch on the points...I saw some things on a site the other day that were really cool, though...Basically a tall, fairly skinny clear flip-tip plastic canister with a hole in the top. Put the yarn in, run the end through the hole and snap the lid closed...They were pretty expensive on the site, but I am thinking of making my own! I have seen that type of canisters at Walmart and other places, so I am going to pick up a couple, drill a hole in the top, get a rubber grommet at the hardware store to protect the yarn from the edges of the hole, and that should be about it! Will let you know how it turns out!

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My poor overtired mind was thinking skimpies for your yarn too...I'm just using a plastic bag, ziplock, with the zipper a bit open....find them at the $ store and so far so good....I can't coordinated underwear for myself, do you think I can do it for yarn too? Somehow the last pair of panties before wash day are always black, and the last pair of pants light yellow! I've taken to hanging the light clothes with the proper panties.



Sleepless in NC

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Cordelia -


If you PM me your address I'll send you some. I, personally, didn't care for them and have been waiting for someone to add them to her wishlist so I could RAOK them.

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I bought those at JoAnn's and they suck! I guess they would be ok but they are sooo small. Even the largest one doesnt fit much. If they were big enough, though, there's still that whole pointy ends thing. So wack.


You should save your money and try the ideas others gave....much better. :D

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Thanks everyone for your input....I have a pattern for making sewn ones, I think I'll give a go...much large, no pointy fang things to dig in etc.


What I have been using is a tiny rubbermaid storage bin...DH drilled a hole in one side and I feed my yarn through there. I works wonderful, I can even keep a few skeins in there for one project and tote it around the house. But for road trips its a clunker.


Thanx again y'all!:hook

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I always use a 3 lb coffee can with a plactic lid. I cut a small hole in the top of the lid and place my ball of yarn in the can and feed it through the old. It works great to keep your yarn. I have been doing this for 20 years. Give it a try? It's cheap, I think you will like it.


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Michaels has those wine containers on sale 50% off ... they're like hat boxes but tall and skinny for bottles of wine, in all different pretty patterns, with a little cord handle. I looked at them today and thought about it, and I'm going to go back tomorrow and buy a couple. Drill a hole in the top for the yarn and they'd be perfect, AND pretty!

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I use empty baby wipe canisters. I also just put my hook and sissors in it between sessions.

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You can use a 2-liter coke bottle too, cut a door in the side but don't cut it all the way off, open it and insert yarn, feed the end through the top and you're set :)



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I as going to suggest the same as Chatty. Cut off the bottom of a 2 liter and pull the thread through the mouth! Works like a charm!!



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Knee-highs work great if you're using a large, pull-from-the-center skein. You cut the toe and elastic off and have a tube which you can then cut to any size skein you like.


I have a ball-winder and often wind large, unweildly skeins into lovely little ball-wound-doughnuts. (I just did this with an entire skein of JoAnn's Rainbow Boucle!) A tube cut from a leg of pantyhose works well for these large doughnuts.

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I as going to suggest the same as Chatty. Cut off the bottom of a 2 liter and pull the thread through the mouth! Works like a charm!!



Another way to use the 2 liter bottle, is to cut a door in the side of the bottle. This way, your yarn stays neat, clean and it is easy to put in a tote bag when traveling. You would be surprised how many people think you have a bottle of soda in you bag. :lol

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