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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I probably won't have many points this week. My boyfriend's parents are visiting from out of town this weekend and the Seraphina I am working on is for his mom so I am going to finish that up this week and I won't use the whole skein on that. I also started a pair of socks that I plan to use the whole skein for but I probably won't finish them this week. I'll have to finish that Seraphina and then find another project that I can get some points off of because my grandmother is going to buy me some cotton yarn today and I don't want to be negative again!

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I tired, I really did try but then my server went down and I couldn't get on to internet until today. Should I just wait to post my results for next week or go ahead and post them now?

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Well didn't buy any yarn today but I made a skein into a ball +1 working on it now to finish the rest of the bear so once it's used up another +1 for me

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I tired, I really did try but then my server went down and I couldn't get on to internet until today. Should I just wait to post my results for next week or go ahead and post them now?


It's your call. Personally, I'd post them now, and start fresh for this week, but others include it in next week's score.

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Is anyone crocheting anything green today?




Not crocheting anything green. But my son wore a big green and white knitted cap that was supposed to go to charity to school today. I guess I'll wash it when he gets home and then donate it. It was made off guage, so the thing is HUGE! Almost looks like a Dr. Suess hat.


(And it wasn't made by me)


Happy St. Patrick's Day to the Stashbusters!


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I used up a ball of cotton and a partial ball of cotton plus 1/2 a ball of brown acrylic making a blankey for Benny my kitty cat who is poorly.


So that's another +4 to add to this weeks total:cheer

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I'm not working on it at the moment, but I have a green lapghan that I've been working on for a TCAL that I'll probably pick up later. Right now, I'm working on a class project that'll hopefully use up a couple of balls.

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Is anyone crocheting anything green today?



I'm adding 'leaves' to my flowers. I've done 35 out of 123 of them. Woo hoo!:cheer Of course I'm going to have to buy more green before I am done with them. This seems to keep happening to me. :think

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:clover:clover:cloverHappy St. Patricks Day everyone! :clover:clover:clover


It makes me miss the days where I used to Irish Dance.


No I'm not crocheting anything green at the present moment. I'm finishing a bag thats purple, blue and white. Maybe I'll try later, I'd love to make little shamrocks to put on my sons sneaker laces but I don't have bright green on me at the moment.

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Hi All,


Happy St. Patrick's Day! :clover I haven't crocheted yet today, but will start working on a green baby blanket when I get home....


I have a question for all of you so please give me your :2c...


I have an Uncle who is retired Navy and I would like to make him a blanket (since he lives in Florida I think it would be most useful more so than a scarf ). I asked my Aunt, his sister what colors he would like and she suggested navy and gold for Navy's colors...as I was looking at the color of yarns I got a thought :think ...do you think he would like a navy and gold afghan or a flag afghan (I know that I have a book with a US flag pattern) better... or would that be considered disrespectful to a retired Navy man???


So whadda think?? I want to have a plan before I go into the yarn store otherwise the results could be verrry dangerous :lol

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well I finished the rest of the ball that I was using for my bear and the yarn was a soft sage so I was using green today so for today +1 so far starting the week out ok but I might go and get some designer sport yarn from redheart since it's on sale this week

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Is anyone crocheting anything green today?



My grandmother took me shopping today and I didn't plan it this way but I came home with seven skeins, six of them green! I got some I Love This Cotton which I've never used before and I got four skeins of ugly green to finish the jacket. So I will be making something green today, yay! :clover Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! :clover


Edit: forgot to add the damage -14!

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Hi All,


Happy St. Patrick's Day! :clover I haven't crocheted yet today, but will start working on a green baby blanket when I get home....


I have a question for all of you so please give me your :2c...


I have an Uncle who is retired Navy and I would like to make him a blanket (since he lives in Florida I think it would be most useful more so than a scarf ). I asked my Aunt, his sister what colors he would like and she suggested navy and gold for Navy's colors...as I was looking at the color of yarns I got a thought :think ...do you think he would like a navy and gold afghan or a flag afghan (I know that I have a book with a US flag pattern) better... or would that be considered disrespectful to a retired Navy man???


So whadda think?? I want to have a plan before I go into the yarn store otherwise the results could be verrry dangerous :lol


Is there a reason you don't ask him what he'd like?

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Well yeah for me resisted temptation Red heart Designer Sport yarn is on sale at Michael's almost had it but put it back also they didn't have ivory in sport yarn their granted I was tempted to get bernat satin sport yarn in the white but in the end resisted the urge

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I dont see it as disrespectful to give a retired sailor a flag-ghan. I think it would be a wonderful reminder of how they helped their country. If I had known how to crochet before my great-grandfather died five years ago I would have made him one, (he was in the Navy) because the way his face lit up when I visited wearing my JROTC uniform......it's a look I'll never forget. A lot of us received back the things we had given him when he died. I was supposed to get his navy cap.....but it disappeared.



Sorry, went off track. I really miss him still. But I see a flag-ghan as something that can hold happy memories of his time in the navy.

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