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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I used up two balls of yarn so far making bookmarkers for Tammy. It will help me use up small balls of different yarns and threads and will help out my score. And it will help Tammy help out her library.



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I ordered from Mary Maxim on Saturday and it already came today.


So there goes my score into the negatives. I ordered the round ripple afghan set in Pink, yellow and white. It looks so cute in the picture.


So now my score is -6 for the week. Yikes.


But it looks like it's a nice pattern and will work up fast.


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I forgot to post this earlier but on Sunday I went to my grandmother's and she sent me home with 3 skeins she got at the thrift store. -6. That puts me in the negative for the year! But just barely. I have been very busy with some computer stuff and haven't had time to crochet for several days but I sure do miss it. I'm going to try to do some work on my scrap ripple this week and get a few points to make up for this negative.


Edit: And I forgot to say Tracey that blanket is gorgeous! Looks like a lot of work went into that. Very pretty.

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I haven't been here in a week. Since last Thurs., the only day it didn't :rain was Sat. (just cloudy). 5 days of :rain! It's clearing up now, so I was able to get to the library. Sat. I went to Michaels and got 4 skeins (-8) :(. I needed browns and blues to go with some Ecru I have. I started making 8" squares on the subway/bus ride home. I think I'll be able to roll down 3 skeins by Sat. I just hope I have enough :yarn to make a 48 squares.

WTD: - 8 YTD: + 77 :(

Ellie 13

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well I bought a skein of yarn today so -2 for me today but I used up a skein of yarn so +2 for me so again I'm breaking even so far

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I've been pretty good, considering that I've been at Michael's every week for the past 4 weeks. Today I bought 2 skeins of yarn (-4) but I need them for a project. WTD -4 YTD -73

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I have some yarn on loan... no really. it is not mine, I am just fostering it into a BICO for my aunt. :rofl


It is all true but it sure does sound a little too convenient doesn't it. :wlol

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I have some yarn on loan... no really. it is not mine, I am just fostering it into a BICO for my aunt. :rofl


It is all true but it sure does sound a little too convenient doesn't it. :wlol

How nice of you to foster your aunt's yarn! You are such a caring person. BTW, what is a BICO?

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Well I finished another skein of Lagoon Bernat Satin on my next afghan. one of six I am making to give to the Oncologist staff. What I am finding is that I will not have enough yarn, so that will mean I will have to buy more. bummer, :( oh well, it will get used up in the making of this blanket. And I ordered a book for another Afghan called elegance, I have Bernat Satin in Red that I will use for it. I also downloaded the Cathedral Rose Window afghan I have a lot of the yarn in my stash to make this blanket so it should really put a dent into stash.

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I still haven't crocheted anything, I've been having some computer problems I'm trying to get resolved. I just had to post and say that yesterday I got a comment on my blog... from Doris Chan!!!!! I just about passed out! I ran through the house screaming OMG OMG OMG!! Hahaha! I guess I really need to finish my Amsterdam Coat now! Hopefully I can get my computer back tonight, I keep getting "not responding" errors on everything. :(

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It's been :rain/drizzle all day :sigh. 6 days is enough!

Something just for fun:


Gray Dismal Day

by Ellie


Raindrops plip-ploping, ringlets in puddles.

Galoshes squish-quashing, umbrellas popping up.

Cars rushing past, splish-splashing mud.

Streets are like rivers, water rushing fast.

Thirsty sewers gurgling, gulping down gallons.

Rain, rain please go away, we’ve had enough today!

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That is a cute sweater, thank you for sharing, Hmmm wonder if I have time to make three of them...


You probably can if you don't need them until Friday :wlol

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my score just took a big nose dive! I was gifted five skeins and a partial of baby yarn. So my score for this week is -11. There is some hope that I may finish a skein and a partial skein yet this week.

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