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Thanks Crochetville!

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I just wanted to say that I love this site! It's so neat to have other people that enjoy doing the same thing I do. AND I'VE GOTTEN SO MANY IDEAS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS!:gift

I really have enjoyed joining this community and am looking forward to many more reads, posts, patterns, and anything else "crochetey".

Warm thoughts for you all:hug


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yeah couldn't have said it better this site keeps me motivated to finish my baby blanket plus 2 other projects I'm working on for my niece and nephew.

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I Love :bheartCrochetville! On the rare days that I don't sign in, I really miss:( it! I have been inspired to try many new things....thread crochet, filet, crocheting with plarn, freeform just to name a few, and I would not have tried them on my own! So, thanks:hug to all my pals :ghug here who have inspired me to try new things and learn new skills!

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:yayThis is the first place I come to in the morning and the last place I visit at night.:yay

I have said it before and I will say it again. Disney says they are the happiest place on earth, but I think Crochetville is.

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Ditto to Tampa Doll!

I too, have tried so many new things now, the last being the multi-strand crocheting and have had lots of help from members when I have a question. Thanks to all of you! :crocheting:hook:crocheting

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