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Crochet VS. Warcraft!

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My 2 loves are now in conflict! AHHHHH! With the release of the new expansion for World of Warcraft, I will now have to start making sure I "schedule" time to play that and crochet....lol. :D

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When I played WoW, I crocheted and knitted during raids after wipes while waiting on people to quit messing around and get focused again. I made a whole load of washcloths while in that guild hehe.


I play Warhammer now though, yay! So I'm trying to find time for that and crochet and nanowrimo, and finishing up Christmas stuff too eek! So much fun stuff, I need more time :)

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I'm torn right now between restarting my WoW account or joining this



They cost the same amount monthly, I just can't afford both. DH just started his account back up after playing Warhammer for awhile. He wants me to play WoW......but yarn and patterns delivered to my door every month......What's a girl to do?:think

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OMG... it's not just me?? Wow, and here I thought I was alone in my gaming/crocheting dilemma! Hubby and I play WoW; he's leveling a LOT faster than me, due to the proximity of Christmas and unfinished projects, heh. He played Warhammer for a while also, but I was totally uninterested so he wandered back. Kills me to know he spent the money on it only to abandon it after such a short time! :eek

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I am with ya'll. I have finished all my outstanding projects as of last night so I can join my hubby at the keyboard.


I had taken a bit of a break from crochet to get my Death Knight to level 62 then took a break from WOW to crochet.


It was so easy before the expansion I had 5 lvl 70's and doing dailies is so mundane, but now with the expansion its all fun again lol

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I have decided not to try and keep up three lvl 80's. I have three 70's but only going to play the one toon from now on. It well give me more time to crochet that way. lol

Now if I could just make myself delete all my other toons to ensure I do this. lol Ya right.

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:clap Oh yay, more crafty gamers! I'm not alone! :cheer


I don't play console games anymore (sold both the XBox and the PS2 because DH got tendonitis in his wrist from playing too much :blush ) and I know if we started playing WoW that it would totally be crack for us and we'd never accomplish anything else! :lol But we are hard-core D&D players and there is often the dilemma of whether to crochet or play D&D. In fact, back during the Crochet Greek Games, I had to cut a deal with myself toward the end - no D&D until I got my projects done! :lol Sometimes it's a very hard choice between playing with yarn and playing with my Ranger7/Rogue3 half-drow elf...


(D&D is Dungeons & Dragons for anyone who doesn't know...)


I'm so glad to know there are other gamer girls here, I can't say how! :yay

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Holy cow! NOT JUST ME! LOL! I was just telling my friend that I'm going to have to tell my bf how I need to schedule my WoW time vs my crocheting time! I need to level my 2 "main" toons to 80 - and I am liking the death knights and would like to spend some times on that too! AND I have to finish up his afghan and like to do mini-projects in between while working on his afghan so I don't get too burned out on it. But my guild is already surpassing me (I think some of them either took vacation time to play or don't have jobs!) - as of last night my guild already had quite a few level 79's! Ugh!!!! What a dilema!

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My 2 loves are now in conflict! AHHHHH! With the release of the new expansion for World of Warcraft, I will now have to start making sure I "schedule" time to play that and crochet....lol. :D

That's funny that you say this. I was shopping sometime last week and the checkout man and the bagger man [i don't know what else to call them lol] were talking about this expansion. They were sooooooooooo excited and animated about it, it made me giggle. They looked at me and said, "oh, we aren't trying to be rude and we're not ignoring you. The new Warcraft expansion came out today." I was like...uh ok. Then I said "OH I GET IT! It's like when I find new yarn!!!!" They looked at me, laughed and said "yeah.......like that" LOL

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I think I'm glad I don't play anything like this. I get sucked into things so easily, I'd probably be one of those people who never log off, at least for a while. :lol

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Yay for us gaming crocheters!!! I go back and forth between the two. I so want to make an Alliance graph ghan. So, maybe that might be an idea who needs something to do in between those wipes :D

Anyone on Muradin?

Have a great day


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I used to be a 'gamer girl' and played an MMO with my husband for years. What ruined it for me was when I actually went to work for a company as an in-game administrator for one. (Troubleshooting problems, bugs, language, griefing, etc)


I'd see people I knew who had kids that would regularly spend 8+ hours a day on there and were missing seeing their kids grow up or destroyed their marriages. Dealt with people who thought that using the most loathsome, foul, and disgusting terms to use when talking to others made them cool. People who seemed to believe that their in-game status made them more important than other people ala "look I'm the ruler, bow down to me peasants"... *sigh*


There were lots of nice regular people too, and I used to like the MMOs to interact with them. At least I get more crocheting done now! :lol

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I know what you're saying - I quit raiding b/c it took too much time away from my family (this was before crochet entered my life). But I got to know so really nice people in my guild. And now I don't spend nearly as much time on WoW and typically only when my kids are in bed.

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hahahahah I had to laugh when I read your post!! :lol My daughter and her boyfriend LOVE Warcraft!! I get so sick of seeing them sit at the computer and play it for hours on end then I come on Crochetville and see your post, That's what made me laugh, I thought "oh no!! not another one addicted to that game!!! lol! " I read it out load to my daughter and her boy friend , they were like "YES!!!!!" We had a good laugh!! I'm like NO!!! definitly crochet!! and they are like Yes!!! Warcraft!!! LOL!


They said to ask you what your characters name? and what sever are you on?

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I might not play WoW. I play Second Life where I tend to build and script (program) things. I got my new computer recently which make it more addictive again. :lol


Lady of Roses, I heard you about the griefing and such. After years of it, I develop a 'thick' skin about it.


It's not easy now with the xmas coming up, all xmas projects waiting for me. :blush How do you all schedule your time between crafts and gaming?


For me, I commit to 1-2 hours of crafts daily. Then I can play online for the rest of the night. The schedule didn't work well this week. My DVR is almost full. :lol

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hahahahah I had to laugh when I read your post!! :lol My daughter and her boyfriend LOVE Warcraft!! I get so sick of seeing them sit at the computer and play it for hours on end then I come on Crochetville and see your post, That's what made me laugh, I thought "oh no!! not another one addicted to that game!!! lol! " I read it out load to my daughter and her boy friend , they were like "YES!!!!!" We had a good laugh!! I'm like NO!!! definitly crochet!! and they are like Yes!!! Warcraft!!! LOL!


They said to ask you what your characters name? and what sever are you on?



Thunderhorn - level 71 warlock - Milara

Thunderhorn - level 70 mage - Damali

Thunderhorn - level 57 death knight - Nyomi

and numerous alts not really worthy of mentioning! :lol:lol:lol

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Ahhh! I got playing the other night with DH and forgot how much fun it actually was to play. Like others have said, I have three 70's and doing dailies got pretty boring. Then I started crocheting in May, which took over :hook... Now that the new expansion is out, I will have to make sure I work out time for both.


AND...I play ally and horde, both on Echo Isles server :blush...BUT I HATE SPYS!:angry I'm one of those lucky people that can put myself into either role and play it. I play my orc and sit here getting mad at allies, then I play my night elf and sit here getting mad at horde on a different day :D... DH laughs at me for it too.


I made a death knight, but I'm afraid to through myself into it until I have this round ripple done for my friend for Christmas...LOL.

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Well...so far crochet is still winning out over playing WoW. I even got my collector's edition yesterday and still crocheted the night away...lol.

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Count me as another crochet/WoW freak :hi I crochet a few rows/rounds while on flights or after wipes too :lol


I liked the dailies. I made a fortune with 3 70s :D In fact I still pretty much do dailies right now. The three 70s are all now 71s. Can't do more than that until after Christmas but then I doubt anyone will see me for at least 2 weeks :lol

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I play WOW too but not as much as my DH and son, my son started a DK on my only server that we could and is already lvl 60 I am too busy trying to get a couple projects finished and lvl my 70. What server is everyone on??? Maybe we need to get together on one server and start a crocheting guild LOL. I am on Moonrunner

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