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Storing yarn


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Right now, since I have a pitiful stash, what I'm not using is being stored in Rubbermaid plastic totes in what used to be our son's room. I'm intending to convert that room to my craft room (some day)



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For eons I stored yarn in rubbermaid totes or those plastic zipper bag thingies like bedspreads come in...But the yarn has recently been freed and put on a shelf in a semi organized fashion. Granted I could not do this before due to kiddos, animals and just daily living. But now I have a room just for crafty goodness so now the yarn is free...


But I think that those rubbermaid totes rock. They keep the yarn clean, the totes stack in a closet neatly...etc! And its easy to tape a zipper bag on top or front side with a list of whats inside even little snips of the yarn within...so no need to dig thru each of them....providing you have more than one...lol:D

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When I actually get mine organized I'll probably label the totes, I know I'll have at least one with leftover yarn, the rest will have new skeins. I prefer the totes over anything else for keeping the yarn clean-some of my leftovers aren't that clean and anything I make will need to be washed, which is why anything I make with it will probably be for me.



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I haven't done it yet, but Goldi has inspired me. I keep my yarns sorted by type: cotton, wool, baby yarn, regular acrylic, etc. Right now some are in totes, some are in bedspread bags, some are in huge zipper bags, etc. The big cones are in cardboard boxes. No organization.


I plan, and soon, to sort it all by type into Rubbermaid type containers and to label each container by type. I have an extra room that someday will be a craft room, but that's not for another 5 years or so, so this will work for me.


The yarn is also now stored in my bedroom and my bedroom looks awful because of it. We have a huge bathroom upstairs and no one ever uses the tub/shower in it. It's really used as an extra bathroom when the downstairs toilet is being used. There's tons of room for the Rubbermaid totes to stack in there and not be in the way. I know, ick-yarn stored in a bathroom, but like I said, no moisture, rare use, etc. It's used to dry my handmade soaps, hang dry fulled items, etc. So it's kinda like a work room anyway.

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Mine used to be all in our bedroom in clear tubs/bins, but now everything except my current project bin is stacked in our cedar closet in the basement along with the winter coats/clothes. It isn't organized in the bins but one of these days I will do that.

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I use clear rubbermaid type totes. I have 6 of them and since they are clear I can look and see what's in them without opening it!! I also have a longer thinner one for my thread, as well as a few scattered bags and boxes and a 3 drawer thingy for miscellaneous. Of course, that doesn't count the two totes next to my couch with WIP's in them!!! :eek

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Everyone has similar ideas. I bought two of the longer plastic pull out draw things on wheels at walmart. They are white with three clear drawers. They look like a little dresser. I used to have mine in rubbermaid totes but I couldn't see in them and I had to dig clear to the bottom to see what I had. I thought this way I can see through the front and just pull the drawer out and look in and close it back up if it doesn't have what I need in it. They are basically only 1 skein-2 skeins deep and can pretty much see what I have in each drawer. I have a smaller one of these drawer things for my thread balls.


I love the idea for using old bedspread zipper bags. I have saved those for some of my projects to be stored in, but so far they are all empty!

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My Stash Click on the link to see how I store my yarn/thread/supplies. I won't go into my stash situation as most of you already know of it. :rofl But there are 3 pages dedicated to it on the link provided.
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Just happened to look into CraftyCritter's blog and noticed her latest stash additions:eek. I must humbly disclaim all pretension to having a stash. My poor collection will fit into a couple of drawers, and that's including all the pattern books, and the binder with patterns printed from the net:blush. Actual yarn would only be about half of that, and if I folded it better, I think I could cut a drawer...:(

How about that, I'm not a stashaholic. On the other hand I do have a healthy PAS.

Update: Diamond, I am speechless.:faint

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LOL....Okay ladies and dudes we must have a yarn drive for Swapnae...we can not deny our fiber sister the right to roll around in glorious yarns and threads!!!!




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Update: Diamond, I am speechless.:faint

And notice there are very few books, magazines & patterns shown in any picture!!! That's because I didn't take pictures of them. I have an entire bookcase dedicated to my crochet addiction....books, magazines, print-outs, etc....you name it, I've got it....except NOAH'S ARK!!!!!! Which I will acquire one day! It's my goal in life now!

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Originally Posted by CraftyCritter:

LOL....Okay ladies and dudes we must have a yarn drive for Swapnae...we can not deny our fiber sister the right to roll around in glorious yarns and threads!!!!


Thank you kindly, but I doubt I could cope, besides, my dh and MIL would probably run screaming into the darkness....:lol:lol:lol I am regarded askance as it is:P


Originally Posted by Diamond:

And notice there are very few books, magazines & patterns shown in any picture!!! That's because I didn't take pictures of them. I have an entire bookcase dedicated to my crochet addiction....books, magazines, print-outs, etc....you name it, I've got it....except NOAH'S ARK!!!!!! Which I will acquire one day! It's my goal in life now!


Saw your bookcase, too...what's beyond speechless?:think

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Oh Wow, and I thought I had a lot of yarn. That wardrobe thing you have works super for your yarns. I also have a basket sitting almost by every chair in my house with yarn in it! My front porch has a tall 5-6 shelf bookcase. I am thinking about buying some cute wicker baskets and filling them with yarn. That might look attractive.


Pattern organization is another problem. I have some of those standup things that I think are for magazines. I have mine in those, but man I swear I must have to go through everything before I find the pattern that I am looking for. I wish I had a better system with that also.

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I don't have a huge stash or anything :) I have a couple rubbermaid-type boxes, (not those huge ones, though, they're more small/medium ones) and a wicker basket that has leftovers from other projects re-rolled into balls. Also a wicker box-type thing that was once a picnic basket--I keep my thread in there...

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Oh lordy. I have a wire cube thingy in my room, with 4 cubes that are a pretty good size. They were full, until I pulled everything out to rearrange them. There is a huge plastic bag (or two?) next to it full of yarn. Then in the living room I have a rubbermaid container - the biggest one I could find at the time lol - that is so full the lid won't go on properly. On top of it is a large paper bag (a little larger than grocery store size) full of yarn and 1 or 2 canvas tote bags full. There's also a box that is just the right size to hold my squares for the 63 squares ghan. Next to the couch I have 2 boxes full of yarn.


I really need to get things organized better. It'll help if I actually get more of the wire cube thingies. It was a pain to put together, but it works out pretty well. I think 2 or 3 more should do it - for now!


I've also developed quite the stack of printed patterns, and I need to put them in plastic protectors and put them all in a binder. Right now they're kind of scattered every which way.

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I'm another one with a pitiful stash, it would probably all fit into the two 18 gallon totes I bought.


I'm in awe of you who have stashes that rival LYSs :hook



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6 clear large very full trash bags in my closet. :hook

AND THAT'S how my stash became what it is today! Very large full trash bags full in my closet!!! But they weren't clear so I had no idea what was in them so kept buying more yarn when I wanted to make something.....1 bag became 4....4 became 9....9 became.....etc. etc. etc. Hubby had to do something so he bought me the armoires! :rofl

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How do I store my supplies? Oh wow! You had to ask. Well, I'm a very organized kind of person. Aren't all artists? I know where all my supplies are at at all times. I store my yarn in 8 different boxes that are stacked in my bedroom. I'm in them all the time, so I usually have at least one sitting to the side with it's lid off. I have ALL my pattern books in a big box behind my recliner in case I need a real fast inspiration while I'm working and watching a movie. (I don't know why it's there, but it makes me feel better it being there.) I have more thread in plastic tubs in another room. I have my hooks in a case beside my chair. You don't want to lose those. All my "works in progress", which are at least 5 projects at all times, are in another tub beside my chair.


My mother is also crafty, and she has all her stuff around her recliner, too. It drives my father nuts. He said that we might as well move our recliners, and the TV in the crafting room, because the room is empty with all the supplies in the living room.


I make myself do spring cleaning every couple years with my thread. I go through it all, dig out all the partial, or "don't think I'll use those in the next year" threads, bag them in a large garbage bag, and give them to a young girl who is just starting out in learning. I've done that several times, and when a girl receives them she gets all inspired to learn even faster.

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I love my clear plastic tote bins - wish I had gotten more when Costco had them! I have my yarns organized by type too - cottons, man-mades, animal fibers, and one for fat quarters of fabric (purse lining, etc.)


I've been a long time collector and user of plastic zip blanket bags, but most of mine have my linens in them. I use fabric lined baskets, a back pack and a fabric tote grandma made me for my current projects and needles and hooks. The baskets slide nicely under the coffee table.


My books and patterns are everywhere, I even have a couple binders started, but they are seriously getting out of hand. I'm seroiusly tempted to call Clean Sweep, but they'd make me throw out too much so I don't dare. :devil



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