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I'm banned from buying...

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hmmm if they go camping I would be sneaking in yarn!!!:lol



Great idea.


Last year, he banned me, so I just left it all in my cabinet at work, and slowly brought one skein home at a time. I do catch it on sale or clearance, so I am watching how much I spend.


If I get it in my bins, he doesn't know what I have. So I just have to bring it in when he's not home and put it in the storage containers.


And I am in the stashbusting CAL. So I do try. But when I get the call that someone needs a specific color blanket, I just have to buy some, if I don't have the right color. :) I wouldn't make a green blanket for a new baby girl now, would I?


Sometimes, you just have to pick up more yarn.



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I decided to use my stash for a fall afghan and was so proud. But of course there wasn't enough of anything and I have still had to buy a few more skeins. (Thank goodness for coupons!)

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HAHAHA! I'm reading all the posts thinking...they are SO bad! Trying to turn her to the dark side with all you yarn junkies! She's already almost there!

LOL just kidding. I was lol reading the whole time!

I agree...take up knitting. You never said you wouldn't buy knitting stuff..right? How would HE know that the yarn for crochet is the same for knitting? You could use that to your advantage!

I totally would :0) I can see how it would play out too:

DH: I thought we discussed that you have a problem, and until you get that under control that you're not allowed to buy anymore crochet stuff.

Me: Yes, we talked about it and yes we agreed...no more crochet stuff.

DH: (after pulling a bag out from behind the toilet, and one under the sink, and one out of the bird cage) Then what are these?

ME: Knitting needles, a knitting bag, a few books on knitting...

DH: and this one? (holding up the bag of yarn in my face)

ME: it's yarn. But it's not for crocheting...it's for knitting. See (holds up sport weight previously in my yarn stash he KNEW about) This is for the baby blanket I'm crocheting for Sarah's baby (pulls out a new skein of chunky weight from the new bag) THIS ...is for knitting. See the difference?

DH: (silently pondering the difference between the yarns) Well...no more knitting stuff either. And if you're thinking of taking up basket weaving...forget it. No beads, no quilting and no scrap booking until this (points to a whole room of nothing but yarn stuffed to the rafters) gets smaller.





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I guess if he makes the rules for you and you let him then you won't be buying anything new for a while.


If my DH tried that with me, I would tell him he can kiss my butt.


All joking aside, I agree with you. Unless my stash is so big he's sleeping with it stuffed in his pillowcase he best not complain.:lol

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Sadly - I am now grounded from the LYS, ACMOORE and even WALMART.


I came home last night after picking up a few more things for a swap and well - I had 2 extra bags of Bernat worsted - the free pattern just called to me so I had to buy the yarn (at $5 per big bundle - it was a bargain).


DBF - just looked and shook his head and said - don't you have these colors downstairs - you must have these colors downstairs. I explained to hime that even if I did - they wouldn't "exactly" match and that I'm making a new afghan for our bedroom.


I explained again - that I just like to enhance my stash every once in a while :)

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:hug 3 weeks ago my DH told me that if I quit talking about getting a dog I can buy all the yarn I want! It's a matter of public record now!:lol If you need any more stash I will share with you!:hug He can't say anything about gifts in the mail!:devil Thank goodness I have a wonderful man who likes to keep me happy!:hook He collects guns, swords, battle ax's & other stuff. I don't complain about his and he pays for mine.:cheer He is smart, when I get in a bad mood he hands me money and tells me to go to Hobby Lobby! :lol I only go there every 3-4 months so I stock up when I go. He is such a fiber enabler, he keeps bringing home filing cabinets, book shelves etc. to store all my stash. He gets them free on jobs as they throw them away. I can't turn that down but I need a much bigger house!:lol
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This is the one time where I think I grab a few skeins out of the middle of the stash, and wrap him up with it.

"There I made it smaller"




HAHAHA! I'm reading all the posts thinking...they are SO bad! Trying to turn her to the dark side with all you yarn junkies! She's already almost there!

LOL just kidding. I was lol reading the whole time!

I agree...take up knitting. You never said you wouldn't buy knitting stuff..right? How would HE know that the yarn for crochet is the same for knitting? You could use that to your advantage!

I totally would :0) I can see how it would play out too:

DH: I thought we discussed that you have a problem, and until you get that under control that you're not allowed to buy anymore crochet stuff.

Me: Yes, we talked about it and yes we agreed...no more crochet stuff.

DH: (after pulling a bag out from behind the toilet, and one under the sink, and one out of the bird cage) Then what are these?

ME: Knitting needles, a knitting bag, a few books on knitting...

DH: and this one? (holding up the bag of yarn in my face)

ME: it's yarn. But it's not for crocheting...it's for knitting. See (holds up sport weight previously in my yarn stash he KNEW about) This is for the baby blanket I'm crocheting for Sarah's baby (pulls out a new skein of chunky weight from the new bag) THIS ...is for knitting. See the difference?

DH: (silently pondering the difference between the yarns) Well...no more knitting stuff either. And if you're thinking of taking up basket weaving...forget it. No beads, no quilting and no scrap booking until this (points to a whole room of nothing but yarn stuffed to the rafters) gets smaller.





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Aww I'm sorry! :hug I'm not going to suggest sneaking it in...although... LOL I'm kidding. This is why I am glad I keep my money seperate from my husbands. We have seperate accounts. Of course, mine has 1.27 in it LOL. We do discuss any big purchases but little ones we pretty much do what we want. He DOES complain about my stuff taking over the house and I say "Wow, that's funny because I'm going to buy yarn for such and such". LOL

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Oh we have our own accounts as well - except the deal is he pays for the bigger things (most of the mortage, car payment, house stuff). I pay for all the utilities, all the kids needs, food, etc. Which doesn't leave alot for "Fun" things.


For the most part we get what we want and well my yarn and patterns and projects are my guilty pleasures. He recognizes that. It was very funny for him to "ground me"


I told him, that I plan to use my stash and will make him a beautiful pea green and poopy brown colored hat :)

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Wellllllllllll, I guess on one hand it is good that I am single and I don't have anyone to ban me from buying any more yarn. Although my oldest son is wayyyyyyyyyy bigger than me and could try but I dare him :tryme:box:rofl. But then again he would be no help as he and his gf both work at HL and continually tell me what new stuff has come in as he is a stocker :lol:lol. On the other hand, I NEED someone to ban me as my stash keeps growing bigger and bigger and I have no where to put this yarn that I keep buying on clearance at HL for $0.99 a skein and no will power to leave it sitting on the shelf. :think I seriously need to join yarnaholics anonymous :yes:yes. Does anyone here have that much will power that they could lead me and guide me and be my mentor that I could call when the urge strikes me to buy all that yarn, :lol:lol:lol Probably not, you would tell me to jump in with both feet as that is a good bargain:rofl:rofl

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He told me I couldn't buy any more crochet stuff, but he didn't say anything about taking home free yarn.:lol

It was like Christmas at our Crochet/Knitting group today. Someone donated 4 large shopping bags full of yarn to our group.

So 22 skeins and 3 balls came home with me today. And I didn't spend a dime!:lol

Now is that sneaky or what?


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Oh we have our own accounts as well - except the deal is he pays for the bigger things (most of the mortage, car payment, house stuff). I pay for all the utilities, all the kids needs, food, etc. Which doesn't leave alot for "Fun" things.


For the most part we get what we want and well my yarn and patterns and projects are my guilty pleasures. He recognizes that. It was very funny for him to "ground me"


I told him, that I plan to use my stash and will make him a beautiful pea green and poopy brown colored hat :)

That's actually pretty much how it goes at my house too.

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He told me I couldn't buy any more crochet stuff, but he didn't say anything about taking home free yarn.:lol


It was like Christmas at our Crochet/Knitting group today. Someone donated 4 large shopping bags full of yarn to our group.


So 22 skeins and 3 balls came home with me today. And I didn't spend a dime!:lol


Now is that sneaky or what?





Too funny! God was spoiling you :hug I think that's great! :yes

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MY DH has tried to ground me ffrom getting new yarn but it hasn't worked cause I still sneak it in.

NExt week A lady at work is gonna empty her tote of yarn and bring it to me I can't wait to see all the goodies. I did decided with some of the yarn she gives me I will make her an afghan. :hook:cheer:c9

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If I tell my DH Im making an afghan and I dont have enough of the color I need , but will do it with a different color, he says you should do it right or it will look funny and we head of to get the color I need! :cheer

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At our house, we sepearte the basement laundry part, freezers, his side & mine. The only time things cross the invisible lines is when our 6-year-old plays with the toy tractors from my husband's side and they wander all over. As long as "my" stuff is kept on my side it's all good (his side is actually slightly large because he has a large shelving units holding his work clothes that are not allowed upstairs). On my side I have all my totes of yarn, my stash of birthday & Christmas presents, extra kitchen-y things that I don't use very often, out of season clothing, totes of clothing my son will grow into, and my work & storage space for my home-based business. I am very lucky that I am VERY organized so that I can fit a lot of stuff into my space, although I still have about 13 totes of yarn plus a laundry bin of scraps plus a couples of garbage bags I have promised myself that once I completely empty out that corner I get to go to the yarn factory and buy an entire truckload of yarn!! So I have a self-imposed yarn-buying restriction, it doesn't mean that I buy no yarn, just that I need to use what I have - usually I will go shopping in the basement unless I need yarn to make someting specific.


Perhaps this might be a good strategy, incentive for not buying yarn right now and using up what you have in order to get a really good treat later on. If nothing else it's a very rational arguement to get some really good stuff later on. You can say to hubby "remember how we agreed that I wouldn't buy anymore yarn to help out with the budget? Well now I have completely used up what I have and our financial situation is looking better so I think we can agree that there is room in the budget once again to support my hobby" See how accomodating you were when the restriction was put in place? And how well you stuck to the decision? That all works out to a BIG reward for you! - hopefully your husband won't remember if there was a big all-out fight or not ....


Good luck!


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hehe - Hi Fran,


Your basement sounds alot like mine - except - His side is called "Man Town". Our kids even refer to it as "Man Town" it houses all his tools (about 4 standing rolling boxes) every gadget and gizmo to fix just about anything. There isn't something I haven't asked for that he just didn't have layong around. He makes McGyver (for those of you who don't know who McGyver was - it was a TV show where this detective always got into some sort of trap, jam, stuck in a room with a bomb and had to defuse it, etc. using the oddest of materials) - well, yup that is MDB.


Along with Man town - we have the "wood stove earea (which in the spring becomes part of man town). Then we have a small sitting/reading area (its the home for lost furniture - that we can't bring ourselves to get rid of). Then we have an area for my pantry and freezer and then my craft room. Nope its not called "Woman or Girl town". Its just called the "craft room.


Funny - I thought we were the only ones to have zoning in our basement :lol

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I'm jealous....& they say that he works in mysterioius ways....and I don't mean your husband. lol

I admit that I'm one of the lucky ones. My dh doesn't ban me, shuffles along beside me at the yarn aisle and even was surprised when I didn't stop at my favorite LYS when we were passing by....and the store is about 400 miles from home. He deserves a big hug & kiss.



He told me I couldn't buy any more crochet stuff, but he didn't say anything about taking home free yarn.:lol


It was like Christmas at our Crochet/Knitting group today. Someone donated 4 large shopping bags full of yarn to our group.


So 22 skeins and 3 balls came home with me today. And I didn't spend a dime!:lol


Now is that sneaky or what?




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Just joined today but have been reading this thread in lurk mode, lol... my DH has officially banned me as well from the stores :angry ... it's a financial cutoff for us... HOWEVER IF I have someone asking me to make something specific and they're compensating me for it, THEN he says I can go and purchase the supplies BUT even then I have to go through my stash first to make sure I do not have something that would work in stock lol...


I have taken over 2 of the 3 built in cabinets in our living room... they're each 6' tall, 2 1/2' wide and 2 1/2' deep.. they used to be the kids' toy cabinets lol... they're completely stocked to the brim and I have a large Michael's shopping back full that I can't fit lol... so I GUESS he has a point saying I have enough already BUT I can't help it!


Hopefully when we get ourselves outta this situation (in about 2 weeks) he will give me my B-Day gift in yarn buying :c9 lol...


Otherwise he doesn't mind... he really loves that I make a lot of our gifts for friends, teachers, etc... he wishes he had the time to learn too... it's just a matter of a lack of cashflow at the moment...


Good luck!!



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