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Where is my crochet hook ? ? ? ? ?

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Okay ... where is my crochet hook?

Two hours ago, I was in my family room enjoying crocheting & watching 'Cops' ... went off to do some 'domestic' stuff ... I come back and can't find my hook.

Where is my hook?

Any recommends?

LOL! :cheer

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If you guessed between the sofa cushion ...




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I was gonna say between the couch cushions too.

Isn't that just sooo agravating? I do the same thing I'll be crocheting on something

and have to get up to do something else then come back and my hook is gone.And if truth be told....

I don't always have to get up and do something else to loose my hook LOL

I may be looking at a pattern then pick my work up again and the hook is gone.

and I'll look and look :think and lots of times its been under my fanny :eek all along.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was gonna say between the couch cushions too.

Isn't that just sooo agravating? I do the same thing I'll be crocheting on something

and have to get up to do something else then come back and my hook is gone.And if truth be told....

I don't always have to get up and do something else to loose my hook LOL

I may be looking at a pattern then pick my work up again and the hook is gone.

and I'll look and look :think and lots of times its been under my fanny :eek all along.


Oh so true under my fanny all along ******* I think my couch eats hooks that is the only explaination. The way I can't do anything else till I find that darn hook no one in my family would dare touch the things!!! I will keep looking because "it was just here a minute ago" and "I know it didn't sprout legs and walk away" etc etc, and that is when I'm in a good mood :blush

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LOL cute posting:clap:hook

Those crochet hooks can be like missing socks sometimes.:think


right now I am missing my G crochet hooks and I had about 5 of them lol

probably in dds room and I have bought that child lol she is 33 lol two sets of crochet hooks but it is easier to borrow mom's lol..

Yep crochet hooks love to hide out in chair and couches between the cushions etc:yes or in the car mine always seem to fall between the front seat and that is not a pretty site looking for it lol lol... I crochet while hubby is driving on long car trips.


Enjoyed your cute post :)



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mine ALWAYS end up there, or the cats find them on the floor infront of the couch and tuck them every so slightly underneath. I try to have doubles of every hook but I always have my favorites

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Next time you loose it consider these options:

:hook It just fell down into the couch and you will have to feel around for it.

:dog A friendly family pet thought it look edible...and went off to bury it.

:think You went to answer the phone and set it down somewhere and now you have to retrace your steps.

:drive You took your bag to the doctor's office and left your hook in the car.

:yarn You set it down in your craft area and it was swallowed up by the stash monster! :eek

:mail You went out to check the mail and got so excited that you threw it up in the air and didn't see where it landed.

:nahnah A little cute family child thought the hook was shiny and put it in their toy box.

:thair You got so mad that you had to FROG :2frog your project

that you through the hook into the lake!!

Off to Michaels......get another....repeat......:hug

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I so had that happen to me about 2 weeks ago.. I knew it fell but never heard it hit the ground... I was freakin out.. Had hubby, son , dad all searching for it. I sat on the love seat and looked off to the left and there it was, landed in the lamp magazine rack. who would have ever thunk it... sheeesh.. ....

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Mine used to be in my hair... I'd get up from crocheting to clean and use it as a hair stick to wrap up my hair, then go back to my project and be like... where'd it go...??


Dear Husband would look at me like I was crazy and point at my head. :lol


Gotta love those hooks. Now I keep them in a plastic bag until I decide on a pattern for a hook case.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was gonna say between the couch cushions too.

Isn't that just sooo agravating? I do the same thing I'll be crocheting on something

and have to get up to do something else then come back and my hook is gone.And if truth be told....

I don't always have to get up and do something else to loose my hook LOL

I may be looking at a pattern then pick my work up again and the hook is gone.

and I'll look and look :think and lots of times its been under my fanny :eek all along.

Too funny. I have the same problem. I crochet in my favorite recliner, so if it is not under me bum, it's down one of the sides. I still have to fish it out as if under a cushion. Occasionally it is further down in the ball of yarn than I thought I stuck it.:lol

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I have 'lost' my hooks in my purse. My son knows if he takes a pen to put it back where he found it, or in my purse. So when my hooks fall out of my project, he picks them up and puts them in my handbag.


LOL, and my other son likes to use them for props for his pictures so they stand upright!

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  • 3 months later...

I am constantly asking this question, but I'm usually asking it to my dogs. If I'm not looking for my hook or scissors, I'm looking for my glasses.

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hmmm...:think...the question for me is is so often..."Which hook was I using?"


I've taken to pulling the last stitch so that it doesn't unravel....then stuffing the appropriate hook into the work (in case it becomes a wip).


I think I need to buy more hooks or finish a few wips!:blush

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I am constantly asking this question, but I'm usually asking it to my dogs. If I'm not looking for my hook or scissors, I'm looking for my glasses.



I keep magnifying glasses at all chairs in each car etc.

so the other day I picked up a pair, off a nearby table.... muttered

" found my glasses" My husband looked at me, shook his head, walked over and plucked the pair off the top of my head, where I had flipped them, then couldn't find them.....duh..........Well ..... I still say my brain was full up trying to figure out a new pattern and well there is only room for so much stuff in my old noggin and where I laid my hook, glasses etc. ........just does't rate priority place evidently. :blush


I have recently been trying to purposely "stick" my hook in my crocheting when I leave it ... ...works most times.

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LOL cute posting:clap:hook

Those crochet hooks can be like missing socks sometimes.:think


Ain't that the truth :lol! Between my kids an my 4-H kids and me I have lost so many hooks. I think I'm keeping the manufacturers in business - seems like every time I'm in a craft store I end up buying more of them.:hook

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