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My Son Crocheted

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My son is so excited! He made a chain! Then he held it up and said hey, I made a necklace! He took it downstairs to show daddy and his brother and they tied it on his neck and he said now I want to take this to show my teacher tomorrow.


He is 7 1/2 years old. He has always been one to want to know why and how things work. He asked me tonight if he could try. Then after a couple of trys he said, "Hey, I get it, so you get the yarn on the hook and turn it and the yarn that's already on the hook, that loop, it has to come OOOOVER the yarn you just put around the hook and off and then the yarn you hooked with the hook becomes the loop that's on the hook!" What a mouthful huh? But he was right!


Now he wants to make a small blanket for our dog. :clap One less project for me! :cheer


He just came back upstairs and said, "Hey mom. Dad said my necklace is cool. Now that I made something it makes me a professional crocheter!" :hook


I am going to take some pictures of "his work" tomorrow and will share.

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Way to go! I love to hear of brand new crocheters! Good for dad for encouraging and purchasing his first project!

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Actually Dad's mom used to crochet when he was little and he has made a couple of granny squares way back when. my 16 yr old is jealous because he wanted to try when he was younger and just couldn't get the hang of it and here his brother got it the first night he tried it. he is proud of his little brother and his little brother is proud he trumped his big brother.


before going to bed my little guy said, "Mom, don't crochet without me tomorrow We will do it together ok?" And he picked a yarn from my stash (of course one from my current project :eek, and on lunch tomorrow I will start him off with a chain and 2 or 3 rows and we'll work on single crochet.:hook

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Dad bought his necklace for $1 and said NOW you are a professional.:lol



I want to :clap :clap :clap for your husband!!! Especially on a little boy daddy's approval is such a special thing, and :yay for hubby for not squashing him by teasing or other male things to say :cheer for hubby!!!


And :woo :woo to your son and his success!.... Hey will your hubby buy my "necklaces" for $1 each?? I could wip up a few thousand in short order :rofl

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Way to go:clap:clap! That is so cool Mary, all my son ever wanted to do when he was that young was tangle the yarn and play hockey. ;):hook

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That's so cute about him telling you not to crochet without him. Cheers for your husband too - way to encourage a little guy. I like that alot.

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Yay Dad :cheer! I'm only hoping my ex-DH will not squash my son's desire to crochet. He learned to sc just before leaving on a 2 week visit. My current DH told him his grandma taught him to crochet once even though he hasn't crocheted since. So at least he is supportive. :hook

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How cute! And what a great project, a dog mat. Is it a big dog? (I only ask because I hope he doesn't bored making a big mat out of sc.) You must post photos when it's done.


The family that crafts together.. Maybe big brother will be inspired to try again.



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Aww how sweet! My son is almost nine and I TRIED to teach him and I must not be a good teacher because he couldn't understand it and he understands everything!!! I'm so happy for your son! So many times dads say "Oh, that's a GIRLY thing!!" Way to encourage him mom AND dad!!!!!

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How cute! And what a great project, a dog mat. Is it a big dog? (I only ask because I hope he doesn't bored making a big mat out of sc.) You must post photos when it's done.


The family that crafts together.. Maybe big brother will be inspired to try again.




She's a shiba inu and a small one of them at that. she's about 12" high and weighs about 14-16 pounds. (supposed to be 18" and 23-28 pounds - hubby wants 1/2 his money back from the breeder for the runt he tells people. :lol)


I told him to do a scarf first, figuring 20 stitches, but he is one that likes a challenge and feels the need to master it. he showed me a size and it is 80 stitches wide with a J hook. He wants it to cover his legs across and down from his waist so they can share using it. he said "...AND THEN i will do one for my bed." What gusto! :hook


We'll see if it lasts past the weekend! :think




And thanks everyone for all the compliments on hubby. He is very supportive of anything the boys want to do. Funniest thing is he has one of the manliest jobs (builds power lines) and he was the one that was supportive of the women that went through the testing for the apprentice. Said 2 of 3 were better climbers than the men! :cheer One one got fired for lateness, another dropped out and the third is on a leave because she is now pregnant.

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Way to go! It must be wonderful to have a husband who is so non-chauvanistic! It's great that he encouraged your sons desire to crochet! Can't wait to see pictures of his doggie blanket! :cheer:clap:yes

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That's great for your son! I have 2 daughters, and one of them had some interest when she was younger, but it didn't last for more than about a half hour. (They both love to receive hand-made ghans though.)

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That is so wonderful. I don't have any children, but I also don't know anyone besides my grandmother who crochets, and since she lives in Georgia, and I moved to Florida last year, I don't have anyone to crochet with. Crocheting with your son will be so fun! Good luck!

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