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losing momentum

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I am working on a mile-a-minute adult afghan. (It is huge -- pattern says it will be about 71" x 60" when complete.) It usually takes me about 5-7 days to do a strip (6 rounds). I am about halfway done, but I'm losing my momentum and the last strip took me about 3 weeks to complete. I find that I'm getting bored with this project, but I need to finish it since I'm giving it as a gift in August.


Do you ever get bored with a project and lose your momentum? Do you have any tips for how to regain momentum when you are bored with a project?

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I am working on a mile-a-minute adult afghan. (It is huge -- pattern says it will be about 71" x 60" when complete.) It usually takes me about 5-7 days to do a strip (6 rounds). I am about halfway done, but I'm losing my momentum and the last strip took me about 3 weeks to complete. I find that I'm getting bored with this project, but I need to finish it since I'm giving it as a gift in August.


Do you ever get bored with a project and lose your momentum? Do you have any tips for how to regain momentum when you are bored with a project?


Oh that's definitely happened to me. But, I think of the person I'm giving it to and just know that I have to get it done so I crochet-on. You can do it. if you want, come join the miscellaneous afghan CAL, it can be motivating knowing folks are expecting to see your progress.



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I get bored with large projects... especially if they are repetitive and I start to feel like a monkey... a couple things to try doing are:


Complete a SMALL project, like a scarf, or Dot's Ditty Bag.... it helps because you've completed something, and taken a break from the monotony of the larger project...


Make squares to send to a charity that needs them for blankets...


Those are things that I do, I've also rewarded myself for reaching milestones.. more yarn a new hook, chocolate, things of that nature :lol

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I'm right there with you! I'm trying to finish off a MAM afghan for my mom and I'm so close to the finish line, but having trouble getting done.


When I have a big project, I will do little projects here and there if the monotony gets to me.

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Maybe just work on it when you feel like it and rename it "Mile A Month"? My Mom used to do that, she like the finished look of the afghans but they bored her to death. MAM can have another meaning. :yes



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I lose my patience with afghans too. I'm not a fast crocheter anyway but afghans take me a long time to make. Like months! Sometimes I make a promise to myself to work on it a certain amt, like 30 min per night or I go another way...marathon crocheting! :lol I'll work on it for hrs in one night & then won't pick it back up for a week or two. That way I don't have to worry about it the rest of the week because I put a lot of time into it at once. Both ways work for me especially switching them around on the same afghan. One week doing marathon crocheting & another week working on it nightly.


I wouldn't do them at all, except that I do love to own the finished handmade afghans & it's a wonderful gift for someone that will love it too. So I still do about 2 per yr but that's all I can do of them.

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I love to do afghans, but like you I get really bored with them unless it's some pattern that takes your undivided attention and then I don't get bored, just frustrated. But when the boredom sets in I work on smaller projects like a bag or a hat or something. It keeps me crocheting and as someone else mentioned you get that gratification from a finished project - this kind of pumps you back up to get back into the bigger project.

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Oh I definitely get bored, especially with large projects like afghans. I just got out 2 afghans I started for my twins 3+ years ago. This time I'm determined to finish! Usually I keep some smaller projects going and alternate when I get bored with something. :yes

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I do the same thing. I've got a leaf afghan in the works. I love working on it, but it's slow going because it's all in SC. So, I've been working on a couple of quicker projects for a brief period and then I will get back to work on it. It's for us, so I don't have the stress of giving it as a gift, but maybe that will help. Make a few granny squares so you feel like you're getting somewhere, and then go back to the MAM. Who knows, you may get 2 done at the same time!

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I have been trying to form a committee to have the name Mile a Minute (MAM) changed to the name Mile a Century (MAC) I have never managed to finish one of those myself.


My only suggestion is flat out bribery... if you complete one round; you get a prize. You can choose a quick project and get guilt free time to work on it or you can get more yarn... or something you would like.


I'd suggest that you had earned a nice bottled water if you do a strip but I'd be afraid you would die of dehydration if we did that. :rofl

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This is why I don't do squares, mam's, or any motifed afgan, especially when there are a lot of colors. They are so beautiful when finished, but I never get there. :)

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That's what I'm afraid might happen. If I put it aside to do a faster project, I may never come back to it ... BUT the flip side is that it makes my hobby (crocheting) seem too much like work ...

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