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NEED help, ideas PLEASE, begging, pleading. on my knee's

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Okay so my friend a YEAR ago bought a pattern kit from Mary Maxim called colorburst throw, I HATE HATE HATE the yarn, and have done all and destroyed it, not on purpose I SWEAR, I can not work with it at all!! Now the color she ordered was in ocean, it had blues and her favorite color HUNTER GREEN, it is a self stripping yarn, okay, now a year has gone by, I have NO yarn for this project, she is realy getting on my nerves to get it..:lol...I wouldnt know why, of course I cant tell her, Amy sorry you bought the kit and I ruined it,:eek , and HATED the bouncle type yarn........

so I HAVE to figure something out fast, any idea's for me PLEASE...I am going to make Aggie's RR, I LOVE her patteren, and Amy wont know the diffenrence, she is NOT a crafty person at all, so there I have an advantage, I just need a yarn suggestion, should I do say redheart, and make it a striped RR she wont know the difference, and WHAT colors would you use...PLEASE help me!!!! PLEASE...I am desperate...I am thinkiing like a Blue, yellow and hunter green, gotta cover up my own boo b oo and did I EVER learn a lesson here.... and did I mention I am POOR right now, so it has to be cheep.....I have NO CC's, but a paypal account, and of course no yarn places take paypal..cant find it on e-bay, but I DO NOT want the bouncle type yarn......I do have a micheal's and JoAnns and a Hobby Lobby to buy yarn at...I can buy the yarn I am sure..i just need color help

HELP I AM DROWNING IN THIS SITUATION..............I NEED my Ville friend to come to my rescue with idea;;s/................

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Sorry JoBug my friend, these types of situations really do stress you out!!! You could go ahead and buy some Caron Simply soft, or TLC or maybe if it would just cancel out this problem, pay her for the kit and be done with it. Tell her you are sorry, but you can't take the pressure!!!!! :eek


I know I just don't like something like this hanging over my head. I'll be praying that the right answer comes your way!!!!

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You probably would be best off telling her what's going on and paying her for the kit (plus shipping if that's all she bought). If she's really a friend she'll understand and has no reason to be upset as she's not really out anything. If not, well, at least you aren't stressing over something for a person that isn't really your friend anyhow. Chances are high that the substitute yarn is going to look so different from the picture that she's probably going notice anyhow.


Alternatively you could just fess up and offer to make it out of some different colors and show her some yarn that is workable for you to pick from.


Just my two :2c for all it's worth. Good luck though, that sounds like a very uncomfortable situation. :(

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this is why its sometimes hard to get side tracked and as time goes on and on it makes it worse to work on. I would fess up. Just tell her you cannot seem to make the project work, just tell your friend you cannot work with that type of yarn. You tried, and its ruined. Tell her you are so sorry! Offer to pay for the yarn/kit or tell her you will make her a different pattern with more suitable colors for her if she wishes. Then maybe you could promise to make it you're first project priority til it is finished. Then maybe she won't hound you so much. I love making friends projects, and well, seems like when babies/weddings/christmas rolls around people are expecting homemade goodies. Its definitely a stressful thing, but just tell her whats up. She should understand. She is a friend right?

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Joann, I don't know how to help you hun. I do know that you cannot get stressed. You gonna have a flare up.

So come clean with her. Tell her the yarn on the kit was no good. she'll not know. :devil

RR has a color called "ocean" that's different shades of blues. No green though.

Sorry hun. Wish I could do more.


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I have the same kit and that yarn takes some getting used to. Lets see if I can explain how I used it. Normally you would go into the top of the next stitch, instead I went in between the two stitches. In the bigger hole between stitches


JoAnn - does this make sense. There is no other way to use this yarn and that kit is pricey too!!!


You can use the same pattern for any type of yarn as that is the pattern I follow all the time for my ripples. Why not trying to do blue and the hunter green and see how that looks. This way you wont have to buy an additional color


good luck and RR is fine. I have made mine with RR and then washed it in fabric softener and it came out great

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Definitely, tell her what is going on. You're stressing yourself and her by just sitting on this and it's especially not fair to her since she bought the kit. Do you have leftover samples of the yarn she chose? Take them with you to wherever you prefer to buy yarn and if necessary, purchase 2 different hombres to get all the colors in, then mix the rows to try for a similar effect. It probably won't look exactly like the original project but I can't think of anything else. At any rate, you can't continue as you are. Confession and an offer to make it as right as you possibly can is the only way out of your dilemma, JoBug.

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:thinkI am with telling her the truth about what happened and maybe asking her to go with you o pick out the replacement yarn colors :crocheting and if she is a true friend she will understand. I had a situation like yours and I went to my friend and told her and she said so when can we go get the new yarn :hug

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I agree. Best thing is to tell her the truth. If you try to cover it up and you even get away with it, it will always be there in your mind. Not worth it. Come clean and clear the air. You'll feel much better for it even if she gets angry. Besides, you have some alternatives to offer.


Wonder what Mary Maxim's money back guarantee policy is. I know it's been a year but it would be worth checking into.


I'll join my prayers with Texasredhead that the right answer comes your way. :hug You can't afford to have all this stress upon you. Best way to solve a problem is to go through it. Won't work if you try to go around it or run from it, etc.

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Boy does this sound familiar. Mine is a dog sweater for a friend who send me Vannas yarn. The pattern I used really @#$#$#* (fill in the blank with your choice of negative word) and not having the fur baby here for fittings didn't help. I finally mailed it to her and lo and behold it didn't fit. She sent it back and I tried to rework the neck but I finally told her the other day that I wasn't trying to blow it off but rather to pick one of the free patterns on the net, mark the size she wanted to send to me and I would frog the original. So, guess what I'm saying is that I would fess up and your friend should understand.

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I would just be straight with her and tell her you couldn't stand the yarn and ask what colors would she like? Maybe she can go with you, and pick them out? Everyone else's suggestions are good, too. About offering to pay for the kit (or buy the yarn to make it with, like I said when you go to pick out what colors....)


I have found being straight with people usually works for me.



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Okay friends, I got it all figured out now,,,,,,thanks sooooooooo much for the help!!!!!



Please let us know how it goes unless it's a private thing from here on out. Anyway, glad you got it figured out for yourself. God bless...:hug
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