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Whip the WIPs in 2009 !!! - Row A Day CAL


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Krystal~ :lol thats just how I felt when I found out. :D

ldyer~I hope so to. It would be nice to have someone to chat with that was due about the same time as I was. :yes


Now I have about a dozen ideas of what i want to make for the new little one. :hook:devil

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Congratulations Brenda!! I am happy for you! I'm starting to get the wish-I-had-a-grandbaby-to-spoil feeling. Never really thought of myself as a grandma, but now I would love to have a little one to hold and make things for. Not much of a chance of it happening though...DS is dating a girl that was married before, has 2 children to her first husband and got royally "fixed" when she realized they were getting divorced. She said it can be reversed but would cost about $10,000. Don't think so...

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This will be my second. I have heard of a couple that got it reversed and had one kid then got fixed again. Not worth it to me since insurance won't cover the reversal. It is still sinking in for me. I have been working it over and over in my mind what I want to make for it. I'm kindof holding off untill we know what it is.

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Argh, I'm so behind .... I have way too many ***'s behind my name :(


I am going out of town tonight and won't be back until probably Sunday afternoon. But, I am taking crochet with me and plan on catching up and hopefully finishing at least one of the two.

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Argh, I'm so behind .... I have way too many ***'s behind my name :(


I am going out of town tonight and won't be back until probably Sunday afternoon. But, I am taking crochet with me and plan on catching up and hopefully finishing at least one of the two.


Don't feel alone there :lol Do you see how many are behind my name?

Now I ran out of the next color that my ghan calls for....ARG.

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I'm back. I went out of town to Kernville for a couple days. It was kind of a culture shock to me. I live in a town where it's extremely congested and to go from that to a place where the population is only around a couple thousand is wow. lol.


But it felt good to get to visit the mountains with the cool, crisp, fresh air that a big city lacks big time. I got to check out the Trail of 100 Giants...can't believe how big some of those redwoods are. They're amazing.


Anyway, I'm back and will be working on the Basketweave again...if Gizmo (one of our cats) lets me. She likes to lay in my lap on top of what I'm trying to crochet. lol.



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LOL did you switch to *s because crochetville doesnt let you have that many smileys???


I am slowly working through my rows. I will post tonight after I do as many as I can so I dont' confuse you.

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:cheer:cheer congrats Brenda! :clap:yay I hope you have a nice safe pregnancy. K

Krystal: I had to frog alot of the shawl and start again, so if you could please set me back to 40 That's how far I got caught back up to watching Lost last night for two hours! I would apreciate it. Oh, never mind, I only have a few to make up I guess. Whew did alot yesterday!

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LOL did you switch to *s because crochetville doesnt let you have that many smileys???


Pretty much. :lol


Krystal: I had to frog alot of the shawl and start again, so if you could please set me back to 40 That's how far I got caught back up to watching Lost last night for two hours! I would apreciate it.





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Hey gals, I see we are having a baby that is always exciting. I have finished my blanket and I am on to the other one. I have a little more time so I am trying to figure out if I want to do a different stich on it or not. Has anyone made the car seat blanket before. Any stich Ideas would be great thanks. well see ya later and have a great weekend. britt:manyheart

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Heather~when was your daughter born then? My DH and sister in law are both hoping it happens on their bdays. Their bday's are feb. 3rd and 4th. :lol


But anyway I'm off to crochet as I am behind again...:hook

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i am going to start a Stole for my mom. I was doing the butterfly ghan for her but my sister says not to send it as it will get stolen in the nursing home :(:angry:( I went to visit her a while back and she didn't know me but I still want to send her stuff. Especially pretty :crocheting stuff as she taught me. So that will be my main project now. I will still work on the ghan but not quite as regularly.:2frog hehe.... I like all the smiley things I can do from the computer at the library, I will have to try to come here once a week or so. I hit print for a list of them... oops, now I will be paying for several pages!

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Chris what pattern are you making for the stole? You now there is a shawl called the butterfly shawl. It's too bad the afghan will be stolen won't the stole be stolen too? The afghan was perfect for her:angry. Ha, we are getting to you, you have a list of projects now not just one! Still not caught up on the shawl. But I will work on it later.

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