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Wash Before Giving?



17 answers to this question

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I foolishly never thought of washing before giving until I came to this forum. Now I wash first, especially for baby items to get rid of any dust and germs picked up while the yarn was sitting in the store bins. I haven't had anything fall apart yet. I just use the gentlest cycle and low heat in the dryer. For small items I use a mesh lingerie bag just in case. I also like to use unscented detergents so it won't smell like it's been laundered (in case the recipient thinks I'm giving them something used).

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If you're worried about detergent or fabric softener allergies you could try using Dreft or Ivory Snow detergent and one of the scent free softeners.




Chatty brings out an important point! Be sure to use unscented detergent if you're washing something to donate to charity, and most of all NO fabric softener, so many people (my daughter included) are allergic to it.


As for washing, yup, I always wash. I go a step further on hospital donations and have developed a system that all the hospitals that I've donated to love: I wash in the unscented soap, dry and then immediately bag them in clean plastic bags; the gigantic 2 gallon hefty zipbags are great. Never had an afghan I couldn't squish into one. That way it's clean and ready to be given at the facility. At the Cleveland Clinic they loved to give the blankets PSF sent to kids having chemo and crying. Sometimes they even fell asleep hugging them.


St. Jude and a lot of hospitals require now that hats/blankets be sent in plastic bags due to infectious disease control regulations. so the system of washing/drying then immediately bagging helps insure that donations are able to be accepted.




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I also vote for wash. Falling apart is one reason. Removing the dust you'll have picked up is another. Getting out all the oils from your hands while you worked is my biggest, particularly since it can help dirt cling to the piece.

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If you're worried about detergent or fabric softener allergies you could try using Dreft or Ivory Snow detergent and one of the scent free softeners.



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I don't wash anything I make before I give it away. One of these days I want to start making items for NICU's and other charities and I will be washing those items. We have a cat and dog and my Step-Dad is a smoker.

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Ooops, me neither. My house is smoke free and pet free (at least the shedding kind). I take extreme care when I make something to keep it clean...but now I will probably consider washing it. Some of the items aren't condusive to washing, so they would be fine. I am also wondering about detergent allergies. Or fabric softener allergies if you wash and dry an item first. Hmmmm.



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Thanks all. I was scared to wash in case all my hard work fell apart...but I am pleased to announce that I have made it through my first washing intact! Nothing to even weave back in. What a relief! Now I won't have nay qualms about washing handmade stuff in the future.


And it made teh baby soft yarn soooo soft! I hope she shares her new blankie with me so I can snuggle up with it! :hook

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I always wash before giving as well due to the "falling apart" theory. If it falls apart, I can fix it. If it doesn't, then it's good to go. I also let people know that I've washed it first so they can feel assured that it's not going to fall apart on them. I give washing/care instructions with most items as well with the exception of bookmarks, stuffed animals, etc. and I put the yarn wrappers in with the product so they know exactly what it's made out of and proper washing/care instructions along with extra yarn in case they need to repair and can't get it back to me for whatever reason(s).

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I always wash before giving. If something is fringe, I fringe after I wash it. I do it on delicate, cold water. I usually dry the items in the dryer, but more fragile yarn, I hang to dry. Besides, if it does come apart somewhere, I can fix it easily.

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I have a cat, and even though she doesn't get into the yarn or my work, cat hair is everywhere. If only for the allergy possibility, I would wash anything I send to someone. But don't toss it in the dryer unless the yarn instructions say that's okay. And it's not a bad idea to send the washing instructions along.

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I always wash whatever I make to give away. Just a thought wouldn't you rather it fall apart at your house rather than whoever recieved the gift, I would.

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This has been addressed in previous posts, and I think the general consensus is: Wouldn't you rather it fall apart on you, than on the person you are gifting it to. Then you have the opportunity to fix whatever faults are revealed by laundering. Also washing some of the yarns really softens them and makes for a much nicer gift.

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