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For Lorry's niece UPDATE, Last Post: Pictures are on the way

Becky Morgan

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For those of you who haven't seen the story...



I volunteered to put together her comfortghan since we're not too-too far away. How about some pastel 12" squares in acrylic?


I should have time to work on this after Easter. By the time we get this done, with any luck she'll be settled in her new place. Let's give this lady a big Crochetville:hug!

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Becky, perfect timing! I have some pastels that I was just thinking this weekend, "What can I do with these?" :hook You can count on me to help. I'll let you know how many I've done and when they're on the way.


Would you please PM me with the mailing address?

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:thinkI have NO idea why the system did that...I'd be typing along and it would send whatever bit was there. It had to be something I was bumping on the keyboard. Oh, well...in the words of the late great Doc Alexander, "Oh, how I miss my mind since it went away!":lol

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