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For Lorry's niece UPDATE, Last Post: Pictures are on the way

Becky Morgan

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yes, it got here, but I haven't been able to get it to Jenny yet. They are moving, she goes to school and her daughter has flu (temp of 104!) So I am avoiding contact with that!!!!


I was waiting to get her reaction before I posted!





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I don't know if I ever told you this but I have an autoimmune disease (hashimoto's) and am doing really well, but avoid situations where I might become ill. I am working at Walmart now in the Deli and am not in close contact with the public, but in my private life I am villigant!





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  • 2 weeks later...

I three also have Hashimoto's Disease......diagnosed with it 1999. Nice to know someone else is around that also has the same illness as myself. So, I know how it is to try to avoid all illnesses if at all possible, with the exception of a kidney and bladder infection I contracted in 2003 and still have :(. Stay well ladies and take care.

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