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A really sweet story!!

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I want to share the best story with all of you.

Today a friend and I had to stop at one of neighbors to pick up a cake for the fire department. Well we walked in and I was introduced to her. I saw that she had a really pretty afghan lying on out. I said to her how pretty it was. She asked me if I crocheted and said yes I did. She said sit down we could talk about crocheting and yarn. So I sat and she told me about what she was working on. Then she showed some of her other things. They were all so pretty. She then told me the best place to get yarn and when it went on sale. I was having a great time just being there and talking to her. Well as it was time to go. I asked her if she had the pattern for the afghan that she was working on. She smiled and told me I don’t use a pattern any more. But just sit there, she got and went over to a cupboard and pulled out a paper and handed it to me. She said here you go. This the pattern I started with 38 years ago!. You take it and carry on making afghan!! And if I need help to stop by and she would help me. I thanked her and asked if she wanted it back when I learned how to make it. She just said no you keep it.

So I am now the very proud owner of a 38-year-old pattern from a very sweet lady. I am going to keep that pattern and think about her every time I see and use it.

Thank you for letting me share this story with you. I just hope some day I can do the same thing for some one too.

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It sounds like you made a new friend :hug

I love stories with a happy ending :cheer

Please make sure you share your new found ghan pattern in pictures of your finished projects :c9

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What I personally would do, is make a copy of that pattern, and then pass it on to someone someday the same as she did you. Love only really works when it's shared. :)


Blessed Be.


I completely agree. That would be a lovely way to keep that pattern moving around. :)

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That is lovely. Hope you keep in touch with her now you have this wonderful shared interest of crochet. Enjoy working on your pattern and maybe eventually you will know it so well you can pass it on again (just like an olympic touch for crochet!)

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Wow! That's sooo cool. I totally agree with AutumnWindsong. Pass that pattern along when you find the right person to continue. I'd love to see a picture of the finished afghan.

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I just loved this story. I could just imagine you sitting there with her and talking about her projects, etc. You did a great job building your story and I loved the ending. I agree with the suggestion of copying it and passing it along to someone else. So sweet. So many people come in here to the shop and we talk about projects and yarn and all and I totally related to the story.


Thanks SO much for sharing it with us. :yes

God bless you.


Angel Hugs,



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