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Craft Bag Ettiquette (sp)?

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I was just wondering, what do you do if you are at a class or something, and you want to crochet and someone is sitting right next to you on the side you need to have it on?

That happened tonight, so I asked if it was alright with the guy next to me, and he was very nice, and even moved his water bottle a bit later.

So what do you do in that situation?

And how do you spell ettiquette?

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I usually only run into this on planes... as that's where I'm usually in public crocheting. In that case, I'm usually more concerned about my elbow getting into someones space than my bag, because I keep my bag between my feet. Since I'm a lefty, I try and get the right hand (as you go down the aisle) window or isle seat, so all I'll hit is the aisle or window... (that and there's just a hair more room...) If I'm stuck in the middle or somehwere I might run into someone, I either don't work or try and keep myself as compact as possible... flying on planes is a lot like riding the bus some days... you don't mostly don't talk to the stranger beside you...

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I usually use RH so I like it on the ground where I can stand it up (when it's a newer skein) and it comes out easily and doesn't roll. I have used it on a table or chair or couch but if I can't then the ground works great. And when I was on the bus sometimes I didn't crochet if it was too tight, but usually, like others said, on the ground between my feet, which protects it from being stepped on and from giong anywhere.


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On planes if I am using a center pull skein I will put it in pocket on the back of the seat in front of me. This hold it nicely, and keeps me from being in others way. I agree about getting an isle or window seat for more room.

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