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Just wondering if anyone else gets this pain in their left hand right below thumb........almost like a cramp, i just started getting this a few weeks ago. Its very painful and hoping it isnt like tendenitis or something like that. Let me know if you have this and what you do for it. Thanks!:)

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I haven't had any pain in my left hand, but I have been bothered by pain in my right hand and arm. I had a bout of bursitis in my shoulder several years ago, and that caused tendinitis to develop in my elbow last year. :( That, in turn, led to pain in my hand when I crocheted....I went to physical therapy for the elbow, and the therapist really thought it was due to the weakness in my shoulder, so he started me on exercises to strengthen the shoulder as well as to address the elbow issue. It has been much better lately. I also had a large (egg-sized) lipoma removed from my shoulder, and that has really helped as well.


My advice would be to limit your crocheting....say 10-15 minutes, then take a break for the same amount of time. That's what I had to do. Also, maybe seek some physical therapy. It really helps!!

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You bet I do. I always wondered why the pain was there from crocheting and not on my right hand:think. What I find that works is stretching out your hand. Hold your arm straight in front of you and open your hand and just spread and stretch your fingers. I do that every so often when crocheting and it definitely seems to help me. It takes the pain away also if I forget to stretch while I'm crocheting. Hope it helps you.:)

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I get pain in my right wrist. I always crochet with a wrist brace to protect that one. The Ace I have is just for the wrist since the carpal tunnel ones that go up the palm really restrict my hand movements.

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I guess I'm stubborn. I am not going to stopp crocheting when I'm in the middle of something. I may stop for a few minutes but days:eek LOL. Try the stretching, it really does help at least for me.

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Wow! Thanks so much girls! Glad im not the only one..........not that i wish that pain on anybody! No, i couldnt stop crocheting for days, but yes stretching and maybe trying that pressure glove. Thanks so much for the tips!

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I get pain in my right shoulder and if I crochet for hours my left hand starts hurting. My massage therapist says "before and during ANY repetitive motion, don't forget to stretch." Its hard to remember to do, but oh so important.

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Pain is the body's warning system that something is wrong. If it's painful enough to mention on the forum, then it's probably painful enough to go visit the doctor to make sure it's not something serious.

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Unfortunately I can relate to pain--mine is in my right elbow and hand. I have not been able to really crochet for a couple of months. I tried a few times but it is impossible :( I have an appointment with the dr on Friday. I made the mistake of not stopping in December to finish some Christmas gifts and I am paying the price now. Definitely try the stretches but you also need to take care of it or it will keep you from crocheting for a long time.

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I have actually visited the doctor about it. (Two different doctors, years apart.) They said I had too much range of motion (and it isn't exactly the right spot) for carpal tunnel and they tested for such things as rheumatoid arthritis and gout. It is nothing but muscle strain and maybe a little bit of osteoarthritis (popular in my family). Not all pain is meaningful, and usually my doctor doesn't find much cause for it, so generally waiting it out works. Obviously, if it is severe and/or lasts for very long you get it checked out, but I am talking about the little nagging pains we all get, especially at middle age and beyond.

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I get pain in my left hand, and numbness as well. Doesn't bother me so much if I wear the compression (hand-eaze) glove though. I do have to stop fairly often-even with the glove and open and close my hand several times, or shake it out-which relieves it to some degree, but it comes back. DH can't understand why I crochet if it bothers me so much,---he just doesn't understand the addiction/obsession. :yes

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Does the pain go away when you're done crocheting? Just wondering because a year or so ago the same thing happened with me, only right hand. The pain was at the base of my thumb and also in the thumb joints. Mine didn't go away. Turned out I had a trigger finger (thumb). Had to have surgery on it because it got to the point where my thumb locked and I had to manually with my left hand straighten it out. It would pop and really hurt. Couldn't use it at all. But the good news is I had the surgery one morning and the next day I was back at work. Not really a big deal.

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I have pain in both my hands. But I have had it for so long that I'm just use to it now. I sometimes but on a splint on when they get bad. I do take breaks crocheting. Sometime I just keep going and forget about it.

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I can not believe it. I'v started getting a pain at the base of my left thumb. And it just started a week or two ago. I don't no why it started, but I'm hoping it goes away the way it showed up. I'm thinking it might be a strain so I'm not crocheting as much to let it rest.



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I am right-handed. I have pain in my left hand, base of thumb/palm area. I just finished a round of steroids for the pain and I take Celebrex too. I have had it immobilized (a thumb spica splint) for 2 weeks, off 2 weeks, on 2 weeks, and now off. It still hurts, but not nearly as bad as 2 weeks ago. My doctor is sending me to a hand surgeon for consultation. He thinks it is degenerative joint disease. I do have arthritis in about every joint--I'm 46. I will NOT stop crocheting! Good luck to all who hurt!

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