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CUTE little purse i just finished..


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This is a CUTE little dress purse i just finished for a friends little 6 yr old. i LOVE how it turned out.it is made in some vintage baby yarn i had in closet. What do you think???

tooooooo cute huh?? this one is unlined. i may try to figure out how to make a lining for the next one.:cheer






BTW --the pattern can be gotten here



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Thank you ladies.:cheer i really have to thank the lady who designed this purse:clap.....i ONLY followed directions,(which by the way were GREAT!!!) i do plan on make some more for the other girls in my family. btw, i couldn't find the little girls bracelets to use as per instructions so i use 3 inch metal rings...kinda like for macrame i guess. still looking for the little bracelets though.


thanks again.



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