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can needles walk?

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Ok I know they can't really walk, but maybe they roll away on their own? No? I know :D I am having one of those days. It is nice and cold and rainy outside and all I want to do is make a little elephant for my 3 y/o and I cant find my hook! I just needed to vent, maybe see if anyone out there is psychic and can some how see where it is hehe


On a serious note though, I do have a small hook, C, is it still possible to make good looking amigurumi animals with it? Well thanks for taking a minute to humor me, I need to get more organized!



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Oh yes, they walk away. The other day I brought my yarn and hook and put it on the table. I walked away for about 30 minutes, and you guessed it, came back and no hook??? Must be gremlins

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o oo please they do have little legs and walk away the yarn has help here from my catz but the hooks yes and i believe they are partying with the socks from the clothes dryer i can't seem to find i know i put them in there

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I know mine walk they are never where I left them :thinkwhen I put them down. I swear they just get up and run away and hide. One of these days I am going to find their hiding place and find all of they there together having them selves a party.:eek

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I believe they are partying with the socks from the clothes dryer i can't seem to find i know i put them in there



I swear they just get up and run away and hide. One of these days I am going to find their hiding place and find all of they there together having them selves a party.:eek


oooh how these two statements made me laugh!!! because they are sooo true!!!

This happens to me all the time. I am not a psychic, but I predict you will find it AFTER you purchase a new one!!!

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Mine don't walk, they fly... they disappear for days at a time and then, after I look for them for a couple hours, get frustrated, go out, get a new hook same size (heck I am at the store already, might as well get some yarn, right?) few days later I find the hook. I guess it wanted a friend:devil

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My couch and chair seem to eat mine :eek and the cat's just love to chase them around on the floor. :yay I think someday we will all get together and find our missing hooks together having a stiching good time! :rofl

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Mine don't walk, they fly... they disappear for days at a time and then, after I look for them for a couple hours, get frustrated, go out, get a new hook same size (heck I am at the store already, might as well get some yarn, right?) few days later I find the hook. I guess it wanted a friend:devil

Yes, they must do it just to get some new friends. :hook Every time I "have to" go out and get a new hook, I always find the "missing" hook soon after. :think I guess I should have known to always have more than one of the same size hook. :yes

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It's Nilmerg (that's gremlin spelled backwards). He's a little gremlin that loves stealing crochet hooks and sometimes he even hides small projects, reading glasses, tapestry needles, etc. I've known my hook to show up weeks later in a room that I haven't been in lately. It's just gone, and then it's there! I made a little stuffed gremlin doll with a smaller hook last time he took my bigger hooks and as soon as I finished the bigger hooks showed up. Friends on another list swear that leaving him a ball of yarn somewhere in the house will appease him and make him leave our hooks alone.

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I so so agree with all the different comments!!


Maybe the gremlin hides all the hooks, socks and car keys together!!


Because we live over 1 1/2 hours from our nearest "BIG" town that sells crochet hooks and craft supplies - I am lucky that my Mum lives next door, and Nan lives next door to her - if all else fails, my best friend lives 25kms up the road and has every hook known to mankind - that is, if she can find them. LOL!!

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Them hooks HAVE to be having a party somewhere.......


Last month when I was working on the poncho, I could not find the hook I was using. At that point in time, I only had 3 hooks in the house I could lay my hands on quick. Needless to say, I had to go out and buy a hook in the correct size to work on the project. I bought a set of 8.

Of course a few hours later after purchasing new hooks, I found the missing one. It was sitting in my cup of pencils, pens, I keep on the computer desk. I don't remember sitting it there at all.

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mountainangel - Nilmerg (that's gremlin spelled backwards)

o baby this little dude needs his hands slapped big time with all the yarn i have in the laugh laugh "craft room" cough cough he can leave my used yarn alone and glasses grrrr i knew someone p u and moved them on me both pair now its the phone but one of the kids can call it with theirs and find that for me and it isn't where i put it the first time this dude is trouble with a big T i'm starting a hit fund anyone know someone who knows someone to do the job

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I must have a whole family of Nilmergs living in my house. Hooks disappear contantly, along with car keys, mittens (but they only take one :lol) and numerous other things.


Hooks seem to get placed between the couch cushions. Now why on earth would the Nilmergs put them there?


So that's the reason. I just know I have nilmergs living in my house.



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Put an older hook ...or two... down in your chair cushion (or couch cushion, where ever Nilmerg hides in your house). It will keep him busy! Best to use two hooks because I think he has a mate. I think he has a friend or mate because sometimes I have more than one hook that is MIA. Or it could be that Nilmerg likes Japanese food & uses them for sushi chopsticks?:D


He also loves to play tricks...I found a hook last month in my pen holder at the computer too! I went to grab a pen & grabbed a hook instead, even though I never put hooks in my pen cup.


edit: Be careful with him too! He can get mad if you try & take the hook back from him. One day I stuck my hand down in the recliner to retrieve a missing hook & I think he bit me! I hit "something" that stabbed my finger & I don't think it was a hook!

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Love it! Yeah, I forgot about the borrowers. It's been awhile since i've read children's literature! That would explain why they bring them back after a few weeks, but always in a different place.:eek


I like this explanation also. There has to be something that takes my things and puts them in weird spots.


I was working on the couch today and kept losing my hook if I got up for a reason. They must be pretty fast!:lol

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My hooks like to take long walks all the time which make me run out and buy another hook in the same size as the missing hook. When I bring the new hook home it seem as if the missing hook shows up to become friends with the new hook. It's as if the new hook tells the missing hook it's okay to come out now. I really don't understandf it???? That is why I end up with so many of the same hooks. :think

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I'm good about sticking the hook into the ball of yarn... but my dog is good at getting it out! When I do a really thorough job of housecleaning, (once a year, ahem...) I find all kinds of stuff under the couch. But I have numerous hooks of the same size so I can always find another one when I need it. And I might be working on two or three projects that use the same size hook. I have two leather hook cases, plus a small narrow wooden one my husband made years ago.... looks like a coffin! I keep yarn needles in it, plus the very small hooks I use with thread, and then the other ones have a variety of sizes. Am I the only person who buys LOTS of crochet hooks? I have a wooden one I keep but don't use, keepsake from my mother-in-law who is dead now.

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