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Aaaaah! Where did it go?

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I am really upset and could use a bit of a hug from people who will understand. For Christmas, I made carrot shaped plastic bagholder for my MIL. It turned out REALLY cute and I brought it to work on Friday to show a couple of ladies who I thought would appreciate it. But now I can't find it! It wasn't in my truck this weekend, but I figured I just set it down on my desk accidentally before I left so I didn't think too much of it. But when I got to work this morning, NO CARROT! I went back out to my truck and turned it upside down, but nothing in there. Will rip apart all the other bags that I cleaned out of my truck this weekend when I get home, but I am beginning to panic a little. I have put the word out to all the companies in my building to keep theirs eyes open, but if no one turned it in by now, I think it is gone. It only took me about 4 hours to put together and I still have enough yarn to make another one, but I REALLY don't have the time. MIL and family are coming on Saturday and I have to clean, prep 2 meals, make cookies and finish wrapping gifts, not to mention work 40 hours and sleep.


I just want to cry! I thought I was actually managing to keep all the balls in the air this year and then this happens! :cry



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I thought I'd lost my new digital camera, or really throught it stolen from my desk.

Turned up 2 weeks later in the lunch bag that I rarely used.

No clue why I put it there. Somehow was a good idea at the time.


Maybe you put the carrot someplace so that it wouldn't get messed up. Made sense at the time, you just forgot because it wasn't typical.

I hope!!



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Aww, I'm so sorry that happened. If you don't find it in time, you could do a card with swatches of the yarn and say that you have a project you did and it 'dissapeared', and you will make another one. I'm sure your MIL will understand.

* Hugs tight *

Still, I understand how upset you must be.

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Under the seat of the truck? In the desk drawers? glove compartment? Pocketbook(mine's huge - take the kitchen sink with me wherever I go).


I lost a pair of earrings over a yr ago - still looking for them - supposedly I put them in a really safe place(so safe, no one can find them!)


Forgot about St Anthony - maybe he's wearing those earrings now.

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Well, it is official.....it is no where to be found. I went through everything that I could have possibly put it into and came up empty. Guess I am just going to have to hurry up and make another one.


All this holiday stress is eating me alive! I sat down and put together a to-do list for the next week and there are over 100 items on it. DH is busy the next three nights and DS has swimming on Wednesday so I know I am really going to be struggling to get everything done. I am running solely on caffeine and stubbornness at this point. I REFUSE to have my MIL lord anything over me this year! I thought they were just coming for a few hours but today I found out they are going to be here all day and I am going to be expected to make a big holiday meal for them. So now I am making TWO christmas dinners, Christmas breakfast and throwing a party on Christmas Eve. Ok....I will stop babbling now. I have to crawl into bed before I fall down so that I can get up again in 5 hours and start the next 19 hour day. yippee skippy. Where did my Christmas spirit go? Anyone see it laying around somewhere? Maybe I left it with the carrot....



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Someone took your Christmas carrot? Would somebody do that? Apparently. For crying out loud, can you have a Christmas carrot without someone lifting it? Jeez.


Hugs and hugs.


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It's so upsetting when things go missing on us.

But don't let this mess up the rest of your schedule. Do some kind of card /

note / explanation and do the gift after Xmas if you can't finish it in time.

You can try to work on it and finish it in time, but don't pull your hair out if

you don't.


Like I keep telling my hubby.... do one thing at a time well....you be but one person,

and can't cover all the bases at the same time.

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Well, I was up late last night, but I got the replacement carrot done. It seemed to go faster the second time around, but then again I think I may have fallen asleep a few times so maybe it just seemed to go faster. Did you know there really isn't anything on TV at 1:30 AM? I ended up finishing it while watching repeats of Golden Girls on Lifetime. Love that show! Anyway, here is a picture of the finished version if anyone is still interested. :P


Giant Carrot



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I was so sorry to hear about the original carrot, but the new one looks great! :yay And of course now that this one is done, you'll probably find the original tucked in the most unlikely of places (at least that's what always happens to me). Don't worry we will find that Christmas spirit somewhere.....maybe behind the couch.....:santa

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