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Hey, I've been a lurker for sometime now. :blush I just wanted to let you all know that I was able to purchase the Spring 2006 Interweave Crochet from BumbleBee Yarns at www.bumblebeeyarns.com. :yes Great service. Also, I must tell you that I have all my squares done for the circle to square afghan from the Lion Brand website. Hopefully, I'll get that done this weekend. Then, I have to make my future grandson his afghan (the Sock Monkey one) and then I'm already lining up my yarn for the Babette. I can hardly wait. Anyway, Can I officially say I'm in on this Groove Along. Oh, and I've already got all the squares made for a granny square tote bag. Just need to get it finished also!!:clap



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:hi all


i finally finished my babette


BUT i didnt like the way it was turing out ....my joining was yucky :angry

All is not lost though i spoke to my sister a few days ago and she was getting a male and female kitten ...so since my babette is mainly girly colours i have made it in to a :cat blanket its so cute and i made a mouse to go with it

and i had another manly colour blanket i wasnt happy with and it became a UFO so i wipped it out and finished off the border and now the male kitten has a blanket too :yay







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Creative use of something you might have just frogged!!


My DS may be getting another cat from the ASPCA...so I may find a use for my scraps. She'll need a blankie like the one I made the first one!


***Also - if you have old blankets, towels, etc, check with your local vet or shelter. They can always use them. Just brought a batch to my vet the other day - you would have thought I'd given her gold!

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Crissie-glad you were able to find all the yarn you needed !


Pam- lookin good !


Welcome, Kaye- we'd love to have you join us .


Clare- good idea, to donate your blankies to the pets. I know lots of places like that are always asking for supplies, so they will be appreciated .

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Pam that is looking good!

Clare, love those blankets. I made a doll blanket for a friends daugher (with a doll and several clothes) and the blanket ended up being the cat blanket, which is fine, I love animals too.


Babettes, I finished a 12 round square to see what it was like and several 4 round ones. (on my blog if you want to see them.) I also started putting together some squares and messed up on one (Clare, my joining is also yuky) so I have to frog and put that one back on:blush and another one on. When I'm done with those, I'll have several together and post a picture on this CAL.


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Yeah I have the magazine now too. It does have some nice things in there. I like the small totes and the sweetpea cardigan is cute. It has a lot of wearables which I wont make. Maybe one day I will try a wearable but I much prefer making afghans, totes and pillows.

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I actually got the magazine for other things besides the Babette. I liked the poncho on the cover (still do). I decided to make the Babette after seeing them recently.


I am glad it's available online. I was afriad this would end up like the Cathedral Window pattern for $50 on ebay:no.


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After being away for almost two weeks it's time to get back to my Babette (and I am awefully tempted with the drum afghan too). I hope to get back to crocheting after I get some extra rest after holidays and also with getting back into the swing of teaching two new classes... This weekend I have high hopes of getting some work (crocheting I mean) done!


The pictures posted over the past while are great - there are some beautiful blankies posted :yay I think I may keep my Babette at work. I need some color in my office.

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