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Well, I finally got my son to help me upload a picture of my Flower Power Pillow for you....to me it looks more like a star than a flower.....perhaps next time I will try to make one with six petals!


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Hello Ladies,


Happy New Year!


I'm going to get yarn today. I think I'm going to go with the circle in square ghan.


I don't know my colors yet. I'll decide when I get there. It's so good to be able to go to another store.


Can't wait to get started. I've missed crocheting this last 3 weeks.

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Everybody's babbette blankets are coming out awesome....and that Groovy hook bag is the BOMB! Gotta make one of those:hook! Great work everyone:clap! Thanks :hugfor the Kind words Misa!

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Hello Ladies,


Happy New Year!


I'm going to get yarn today. I think I'm going to go with the circle in square ghan.


I don't know my colors yet. I'll decide when I get there. It's so good to be able to go to another store.


Can't wait to get started. I've missed crocheting this last 3 weeks.


:jumpyay Val has some time off again :yay 3 weeks?!?! :eek Quick! Grab a hook before you faint!

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Debbie, Love your flower power pillow! I am hoping my son will help me post a picture also!


The pattern I am using is from the book "Crochet Inspiration" by Sasha Kagan-page 123.It is more like a doily of a flower with 6 large petals-well I did it in yarn...Anyway I plan to make a bunch and sew them together for a pillow.

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Well, I finally got my son to help me upload a picture of my Flower Power Pillow for you....to me it looks more like a star than a flower.....perhaps next time I will try to make one with six petals!



I love your flower pillow, I have to make me one too for my bed. Love the colors you use. Hugs

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Oh I think I forgot to say Happy New Years to everyone, may this year be a year of crocheting and enjoying whatevery craft we may decide to do. Today I do not have to take care of my infant grandson so for me it will be a day sitting back and crocheting my circle to square squares. I am also going to do a few rows of knitting for my knitwit CAL. Hugs and Lots of Love to you all :manyheart

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Debbie great pillow, I love it, where did you get the pattern.


Pam love the squares so far, are you going to sew them as you go or wait till you have crocheted them all.


Val its nice to see ya, hope you can have a break and get some crocheting done.


Julie cant wait to see your progress.


Cheeria have a great crocheting and relaxing.


I have to go to work today and tomorrow and then Im on holidays till the 29th Jan. woohoo.

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How are you doing it? Section by section? Square by square? I've starting doing all the two round squares....and labelling them....but I'm not sure this is the best way.....:hook

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Stephanie, I think Wendy made her biggest square first, then the smaller ones that should surround it. She then joined them into one panel or section - even wove in the ends.

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I'm doing all my squares first and then will sew them all together. I started making the biggest squares first and am working my way down to the smaller and faster ones. Once they are all done I'll decide how they all look best together (and so that I don't join squares with same color edges together) and start sewing. I have been tucking in my tails after each square (or I would never tackle a project like this :P ) I am leaving one long tail at the end of each square that I will use to stitch things together. Not sure if this is the best or easiest way, but :think it's how I am tackling it. I also looked at a bunch of pictures of the finished afghans posted on the webpage in the first post (I think) and mapped out what size squares go where.


Hope this helps :manyheart

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How are you doing it? Section by section? Square by square? I've starting doing all the two round squares....and labelling them....but I'm not sure this is the best way.....:hook



Hi there, I made up a color chart of all of my colors and so as I make the squares I can cross them off the list. This way I dont make the same color square twice. As Judy said, I started with the 12 row square and went from there, doing it in panels so that the blanket stays square all the time if that doesnt sound too confusing.

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Morning ladies

Just an update on my Circle/Square blanket -- i just completed and joined the first section of blocks-- this is the one in the left hand bottom of the diagram-- the one with the one big square and 7 small ones .


I hope to get more accomplished by Friday -- PHOTO FRIDAY !!

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i love all the diffrent photos i`ve seen

you are such wonderfull; tallanted group :clap


i received my yarn today :yay and i`m so happy :clap but i really don`t know what to start with :think

maybe the ripple afghan first :yes

i`ll get a photo of the colors soon

the Vanna`s Choice pattern (the afghan that Tammy made) is sooooooo wonderful and it is really Groovy ;)

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