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I played hookey to crochet!!!!

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...I woke up yesterday at the usual 5am and decided I didn't want to go to work, that I wanted to stay home and work on my round ripple. Now, do understand I NEVER EVER take off of work scheduled, much less unscheduled. As I laid in my warm bed in the morning darkness, having conversations in my head, I somehow managed to convince myself.


I ran a couple errands and borrwed my mothers "White Christmas" DVD. I started crocheting around 10:30am while watching x-mas movies...I crocheted clear through till 5pm!!!


It was the best day ever!!! I sure do wish I could crochet faster...I'm still not satisfied with the size of my RR...so on I continue.

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Glad you enjoyed your day! Sometimes it is good for the mental health to enjoy a little time doing exactly what we want. White Christmas is one of my favorites and I watched it last weekend while decorating the Christmas tree. I pulled out the ornaments and everyone went running in the other direction so I had the time all to myself. It was VERY nice, but not long enough. Never is.



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It is so much fun to have craft days. I had one yesterday - only worked a couple of hours - and spent the rest of the day embroidering.

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There must have been something in the air the past 2 days, because when I woke up at 5 AM, I decided I was going to stay home from work today. I only take time off when my back is giving me fits or when my fibro kicks in full swing. Neither of those happened, I just wanted to stay home. Plus I needed a break from cranky customers. I crocheted today and did a little shopping for my DD. Now it is back to crocheting.

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Funny this came up 'cuz I left work at noon yesterday for my "mental health" and did some shopping, picked up Chinese take-out and came home to crochet and watch TV....I enjoyed myself!

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I think that's my favorite Christmas Movie. My sister's is It's Wonderful Life. I love both of them but I think White Christmas is the best. I guess maybe cause I like musicals and maybe the music gets me to crocheting faster LOL. I don't know that I've ever called in to stay home and crochet, but after I called in that's all a felt like doing LOL it made me feel better.

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Oh yes it was surely a Mental Health Day!!! Truth is...DH will be laid off for the winter starting next Wednesday...and I had to get the house all to myself for at least ONE day before the winter kicks in. i couldn't add that to my initial post for fear he might see it, as he was standing right next to me...and Men just don't "get it". I actually want to go out and work on my crochet again right now, but he's watching a Steven Segal movie...SIGH!!!! not crocheting material. I think I may bring my craft basket out here.

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i'll be sneaking a bit of crochet in to work tonight my self...... a whole day to crochet, am i ever jealous. i am trying to work on one of my roomie's christmas presents, so have to work on it when they aren't around.. not that they'd have a clue as to what i was doing, i always have something on the hook, now wouldn't be any different.

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Every now and again we need those hookey days...just for us!!

I agree! Sometimes, you just need time to do what you want. We lead such busy lives that it is ok to take a day off and use it for what you want.


And it's more fun than being sick and taking a day!



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How I envy people who can do this! There are awful, rainy days that could be turned into beautiful, cozy days if I could stay home from work once in a while to crochet, but when you live at work, it's an impossibility!


I have been working here at the hotel for four years now, and in that time I have missed seven days. Three of them were when I had pleurisy and a kidney infection three years ago, and four of them were last spring when my right leg stopped working and decided to just flop uselessly from my body due to my spinal condition. Other than that, I have worked six days a week all year long for the last four years. And because I'm in management, even when I HAD to stay home on those two instances, I had people calling me all day long to "run things by me". How I WISH I had a normal job where I could play hookey to crochet! It would be so much FUN!



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Michelle - Must have been the same SS movie my DH was watching. There were several on yesterday.:irk The first time I heard "mental health day" was when my guilt flew out the window. Its so appropriate, especially in your situation. DH are both retired - need I say more :sigh


I lived in Wallkill for many years up til 1982. Can't believe how the whole area has grown. My best GF lives in Cornwall.

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