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Yeah I found a good picture in black in white of his face. I'm getting good at designing my own graphs so I'm hoping it turns out good. If I get done with my projects before Christmas I may start early!

Good luck with it, Melissa!:cheer

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Thanks for the tips Judy...but I ended up frogging the whole thing and started over. The more I looked at it the more it seemed the problem was the starting chain was too tight. So I started over this time making my chain with an H hook and then switched back to the G for the rest of the ghan.


And now...it looks great! :yay Totally fixed the problem. Thanks for the tip Wendy! I just re-did the first three rows...so I'm back to where I was last night. Oh well...at least I frogged now instead of halfway through!:eek

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April Im glad you got it sorted out. Best to frog and restart because if your not happy with it you wont end up finishing it.


I did a total of 2 rows on my granny ripple at mums today. We must have done too much chatting or something, I dont know.:think

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Boy this shopping trip was a dud. I think the most we spent was $20 something in Petsmart, and that's cause we got a 15lb bag of food, a Christmas present chewy toy and booties for SarahJane...which might go back if she keeps things up...she stole half a candy bar (luckily not chocolate) out of Mom's purse. She's trying to look innocent, but it's not working with a Payday wrapper stuck to her paw. I told her Santa Paws won't bring her anything if she keeps this up.


:lol:lol:lol That is just too funny.

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Good morning Ladies!


I've been trying to recuperate from working a 12+ hour shift Friday, but had to work yesterday and am getting ready to go out the door for work. I'll play catch up later, but just wanted to wish everyone a Great Sunday!


See ya later :rose

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Judy, just don't SHOVE him out the car door as you roll past the airport.

I'll hide the AC Moore and Michaels coupons in my bag and try not to appear too anxious:rofl:rofl:rofl


I'm waking up now...:coffee

Wanted to make sure I had enough time to get my act in gear, feed the pups, etc, before we head out. Phil wantes to get to the airport early - the Sunday after T'giving isn't the best as far as flights being on time and the crowds that are expected.



April, I'm soooo happy to hear you have a good start on your ripple after visiting the frog pond! The one I'm making is coming along nicely - but I'm glad I have other things to work on because I get bored way too fast:D

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I think me and your doggie have the same taste in candy bars. PayDays are one of my favorites too. Sam has come home before and seen ME with a Payday wrapper stuck to my face, so I know how humiliated your doggie must feel to get "caught " .


Cara- BD sounds like a real character with a great sense of humor, and I'm glad to hear that alcohol affects you in a positive way . I really couldnt imagine YOU getting mean when you drink and kicking holes in the walls .:lol


April- glad your ripple is working well for you now .


Cheerios- welcome ,and we can't wait to see your afghan come to life-- Judy is great at graphgans-- so she'd be a good one to give tips if you hit a snag .


Wendy-- too much CHATTING ??? Tab and Krystal must be rubbing off on you . You need to CURB it in a little bit and learn to be like ME .

I only speak when I have something of great WISDOM to say . :yes

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My usual...tired...I really don't sleep well when Phil doesn't...and that happens a lot. Otherwise I'm loving the cold weather!

TG I seem to be able to manage okay with 4-5 hours...must be all the years of raising puppies:D


BTW: Phil is flying to Detroit, renting a car and driving to Toledo, where his work is this week...you're in Ohio, right?

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Yea, I know what you mean -- I swear Sam has that Restless Leg Syndrome. He cannot hold his legs still when he sleeps.

Drives me BATTY .


He either has THAT disorder or he dreams he is Florence Griffith -Joyner and is in the Olympics every night .

I asked him if that's what he dreams about, but he looked at me like I had 2 heads, so I don't guess THAT is it .


Yep, I'm in Ohio -- not even sure how far Toledo IS from here. I've never been there .


I'm thinking it's northwest of us, but that's just a guess -- I'm not real great with geography, can you tell ?


Me and Sam spent 2 hours once arguing about where AUSTRALIA is on the map. I insisted it is right below China on the globe ,but he says it isn't .

I'm stickin' to my story, though. I never admit to him that he MIGHT be right. Makes him big-headed .

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PS- if Phil has an extended stay here and he has a hankerin' for some good home-made straight from the can Spaghettios, send him on down .


I'll put out an extra bowl for him . :D


( Heck, I'll even go down to IGA and get a box of HoHo's for a special dessert . )

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Yea, I know what you mean -- I swear Sam has that Restless Leg Syndrome. He cannot hold his legs still when he sleeps.

Drives me BATTY .


He either has THAT disorder or he dreams he is Florence Griffith -Joyner and is in the Olympics every night .

I asked him if that's what he dreams about, but he looked at me like I had 2 heads, so I don't guess THAT is it .


Yep, I'm in Ohio -- not even sure how far Toledo IS from here. I've never been there .


I'm thinking it's northwest of us, but that's just a guess -- I'm not real great with geography, can you tell ?


Me and Sam spent 2 hours once arguing about where AUSTRALIA is on the map. I insisted it is right below China on the globe ,but he says it isn't .

I'm stickin' to my story, though. I never admit to him that he MIGHT be right. Makes him big-headed .

Phil has that restless leg thing at times, plus he snores off and on, and has nightmares at times (PTS from his days in law enforcement) so his nights are nearly always rough ones.

I think Toledo is just over the Michigan state line from what Phil told me.

...and you're right...we have to stick to our guns with our menfolk sometimes or they do get swelled heads:lol


Have a good day, and I'll be checking in later on:hug

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PS- if Phil has an extended stay here and he has a hankerin' for some good home-made straight from the can Spaghettios, send him on down .


I'll put out an extra bowl for him . :D


( Heck, I'll even go down to IGA and get a box of HoHo's for a special dessert . )

He LOVES Ho-Ho's:D:lol....he's a terrible chocoholic!

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Good morning everyone. Julie, you sound in rare form today.


I still am not happy with how my cardigan sleeves are coming out. At least they fit now, though. They look kind of wonky where the rounds are joined. I don't know what to do about them either, so I guess I'll just stick the whole thing back in the basket and forget about it for a few days.

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Sam has come home before and seen ME with a Payday wrapper stuck to my face, so I know how humiliated your doggie must feel to get "caught " .


:lol :lol :lol That was a great visual. :day



Wendy-- too much CHATTING ??? Tab and Krystal must be rubbing off on you .


Somehow I feel that is an insult. :think Let's take this outside.:box





I only speak when I have something of great WISDOM to say . :yes


I only have on thing to say to this.....:ha

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Good morning ladies :flower


Cheerios - Welcome to the group :hug Can't wait to see your graph ghan :yes


Judy - If you end up shoving poor Phil outta the car at the airport at least slow down :lol Have a good time at the stores. :hug


Cindy - I don't have much luck with wearables myself. What's your cardi doing that it's going wonky? Maybe with a group effort we can figure it out :D


April - I'm glad you got your ripple issue worked out. I'm with the others...you'd've never finished it or if you did it would've made you miserable.


Julie - What a gracious hostess you are offering up Spaghettios to Phil :hug Just remember to wash the Payday residue off your face first. You wanna make a good impression :heehee


Tabby - Morning doll :hug


I'm gonna start another ME project today! I got all that suede yarn at Michaels the other week and I'm gonna make me a purse today! At least up to the handles. The handles I have my eyes on are $25! I'll have to see how nice the purse comes out first :lol You know, this making things for ourselves could become quite addictive quite quickly :hook

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Judy, I know how you feel sleeping with someone with restless legs. Rich was a truck driver when we met...every sleep with someone shifting gears all night?

I have the coupons in hand, just have to get my mojo up to go shopping again. It's bad enough I MUST get to CVS asap, forgot to pick up my prescription last night that I need for today, and I'm out of listerine, can't wake up with dragon breath.


SarahJane is OUT as far as Christmas goes. This morning she got into a box of tissues AND unrolled a ball of crochet cotton. She is seriously about to get traded in for a CAT...I met the sweetest one, but she doesn't like barking dogs; and Mom says only ONE critter is allowed here, besides me.

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No no no....me and alcohol just don't get along. Big Daddy used to say at least I was a cheap date. Half a drink and I'm ready for a good long nap....after I've told everyone in earshot that I love them :blush


:rofl You sound like me. Except I just go straight to the sleeping part, no lovey-dovey stuff for me! LOL!




He either has THAT disorder or he dreams he is Florence Griffith -Joyner and is in the Olympics every night .

I asked him if that's what he dreams about, but he looked at me like I had 2 heads, so I don't guess THAT is it .


I have this image of Sam with long fingernails and a lycra track suit. Gotta tell ya, it's PRICELESS!!! :lol


Morning, everyone!

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Cindy - I don't have much luck with wearables myself. What's your cardi doing that it's going wonky? Maybe with a group effort we can figure it out :D




The arms are made in rounds of HDC and each is joined with a slip stitch. Where the rounds join they look all lumpy.

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The arms are made in rounds of HDC and each is joined with a slip stitch. Where the rounds join they look all lumpy.



Have you tried joining in the ch st just before where you normally would? I've found when working in rounds that helps. Straight pieces I crochet loose but in the round for some reason I get a little tight and falling back one helps sometimes :yes

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